/* * Copyright (c) 2014 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ (function() { OC.Update = { _started : false, /** * Start the upgrade process. * * @param $el progress list element */ start: function($el, options) { if (this._started) { return; } var hasWarnings = false; this.$el = $el; this._started = true; $(window).on('beforeunload.inprogress', function () { return t('core', 'The upgrade is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments.'); }); this.addMessage(t( 'core', 'Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while.', { productName: options.productName || 'ownCloud', version: options.version }), 'bold' ).append('
'); // FIXME: these should be ul/li with CSS paddings! var updateEventSource = new OC.EventSource(OC.webroot+'/core/ajax/update.php'); updateEventSource.listen('success', function(message) { $('').append(message).append('
').appendTo($el); }); updateEventSource.listen('notice', function(message) { $('').addClass('error').append(message).append('
').appendTo($el); hasWarnings = true; }); updateEventSource.listen('error', function(message) { message = message || t('core', 'An error occurred.'); $(window).off('beforeunload.inprogress'); $('').addClass('error').append(message).append('
').appendTo($el); message = t('core', 'Please reload the page.'); $('').addClass('error').append(''+message+'
').appendTo($el); updateEventSource.close(); }); updateEventSource.listen('failure', function(message) { $(window).off('beforeunload.inprogress'); $('').addClass('error').append(message).append('
').appendTo($el); var span = $('') .addClass('bold'); if(message === 'Exception: Updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported.') { span.append(t('core', 'The update was unsuccessful. For more information check our forum post covering this issue.', {'url': 'https://forum.owncloud.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=32087'})); } else { span.append(t('core', 'The update was unsuccessful. ' + 'Please report this issue to the ' + 'ownCloud community.')); } span.appendTo($el); }); updateEventSource.listen('done', function() { $(window).off('beforeunload.inprogress'); if (hasWarnings) { $('').addClass('bold') .append('
') .append(t('core', 'The update was successful. There were warnings.')) .appendTo($el); var message = t('core', 'Please reload the page.'); $('').append('
').appendTo($el); } else { // FIXME: use product name $('').addClass('bold') .append('
') .append(t('core', 'The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now.')) .appendTo($el); setTimeout(function () { OC.redirect(OC.webroot + '/'); }, 3000); } }); }, addMessage: function(message, className) { var $span = $(''); $span.addClass(className).append(message).append('
').appendTo(this.$el); return $span; } }; })(); $(document).ready(function() { $('.updateButton').on('click', function() { var $updateEl = $('.update'); var $progressEl = $('.updateProgress'); $progressEl.removeClass('hidden'); $('.updateOverview').addClass('hidden'); OC.Update.start($progressEl, { productName: $updateEl.attr('data-productname'), version: $updateEl.attr('data-version'), }); return false; }); });