. * */ namespace NextcloudServerControl { class SocketException extends \Exception { public function __construct($message) { parent::__construct($message); } } /** * Common class for communication between client and server. * * Clients and server communicate through messages: a client sends a request and * the server answers with a response. Requests and responses all have the same * common structure composed by a mandatory header and optional data. The header * contains a code that identifies the type of request or response followed by * the length of the data (which can be 0). The data is a free form string that * depends on each request and response type. * * The Messenger abstracts all that and provides two public methods: readMessage * and writeMessage. For each connection a client first writes the request * message and then reads the response message, while the server first reads the * request message and then writes the response message. If the client needs to * send another request it must connect again to the server. * * The Messenger class in the server must be kept in sync with the Messenger * class in the client. Due to the size of the code and its current use it was * more practical, at least for the time being, to keep two copies of the code * than creating a library that had to be downloaded and included in the client * and in the server. */ class Messenger { /** * Reset the Nextcloud server. * * -Request data: empty * -OK response data: empty. * -Failed response data: error information. */ const CODE_REQUEST_RESET = 0; const CODE_RESPONSE_OK = 0; const CODE_RESPONSE_FAILED = 1; const HEADER_LENGTH = 5; /** * Reads a message from the given socket. * * The message is returned as an indexed array with keys "code" and "data". * * @param resource $socket the socket to read the message from. * @return array the message read. * @throws SocketException if an error occurs while reading the socket. */ public static function readMessage($socket) { $header = self::readSocket($socket, self::HEADER_LENGTH); $header = unpack("Ccode/VdataLength", $header); $data = self::readSocket($socket, $header["dataLength"]); return [ "code" => $header["code"], "data" => $data ]; } /** * Reads content from the given socket. * * It blocks until the specified number of bytes were read. * * @param resource $socket the socket to read the message from. * @param int $length the number of bytes to read. * @return string the content read. * @throws SocketException if an error occurs while reading the socket. */ private static function readSocket($socket, $length) { if ($socket == null) { throw new SocketException("Null socket can not be read from"); } $pendingLength = $length; $content = ""; while ($pendingLength > 0) { $readContent = socket_read($socket, $pendingLength); if ($readContent === "") { throw new SocketException("Socket could not be read: $pendingLength bytes are pending, but there is no more data to read"); } else if ($readContent == false) { throw new SocketException("Socket could not be read: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error())); } $pendingLength -= strlen($readContent); $content = $content . $readContent; } return $content; } /** * Writes a message to the given socket. * * @param resource $socket the socket to write the message to. * @param int $code the message code. * @param string $data the message data, if any. * @throws SocketException if an error occurs while reading the socket. */ public static function writeMessage($socket, $code, $data = "") { if ($socket == null) { throw new SocketException("Null socket can not be written to"); } $header = pack("CV", $code, strlen($data)); $message = $header . $data; $pendingLength = strlen($message); while ($pendingLength > 0) { $sent = socket_write($socket, $message, $pendingLength); if ($sent !== 0 && $sent == false) { throw new SocketException("Message ($message) could not be written: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error())); } $pendingLength -= $sent; $message = substr($message, $sent); } } } } namespace { use NextcloudServerControl\Messenger; use NextcloudServerControl\SocketException; /** * Helper to manage the Nextcloud test server running in a Drone service. * * The NextcloudTestServerDroneHelper controls a Nextcloud test server running * in a Drone service. The "setUp" method resets the Nextcloud server to its * initial state; nothing needs to be done in the "cleanUp" method. To be able * to control the remote Nextcloud server the Drone service must provide the * Nextcloud server control server; the port in which the server listens on can * be set with the $nextcloudTestServerControlPort parameter of the constructor. * * Drone services are available at "", so the Nextcloud server is * expected to see "" as a trusted domain (which would be the case if * it was installed by running "occ maintenance:install"). Note, however, that * the Nextcloud server does not listen on port "80" but on port "8000" due to * internal issues of the Nextcloud server control. In any case, the base URL to * access the Nextcloud server can be got from "getBaseUrl". */ class NextcloudTestServerDroneHelper implements NextcloudTestServerHelper { /** * @var int */ private $nextcloudTestServerControlPort; /** * Creates a new NextcloudTestServerDroneHelper. * * @param int $nextcloudTestServerControlPort the port in which the * Nextcloud server control is listening. */ public function __construct($nextcloudTestServerControlPort) { $this->nextcloudTestServerControlPort = $nextcloudTestServerControlPort; } /** * Sets up the Nextcloud test server. * * It resets the Nextcloud test server through the control system provided * by its Drone service and waits for the Nextcloud test server to be * started again; if the server can not be reset or if it does not start * again after some time an exception is thrown (as it is just a warning for * the test runner and nothing to be explicitly catched a plain base * Exception is used). * * @throws \Exception if the Nextcloud test server in the Drone service can * not be reset or started again. */ public function setUp() { $resetNextcloudServerCallback = function($socket) { Messenger::writeMessage($socket, Messenger::CODE_REQUEST_RESET); $response = Messenger::readMessage($socket); if ($response["code"] == Messenger::CODE_RESPONSE_FAILED) { throw new Exception("Request to reset Nextcloud server failed: " . $response["data"]); } }; $this->sendRequestAndHandleResponse($resetNextcloudServerCallback); $timeout = 60; if (!Utils::waitForServer($this->getBaseUrl(), $timeout)) { throw new Exception("Nextcloud test server could not be started"); } } /** * Cleans up the Nextcloud test server. * * Nothing needs to be done when using the Drone service. */ public function cleanUp() { } /** * Returns the base URL of the Nextcloud test server. * * @return string the base URL of the Nextcloud test server. */ public function getBaseUrl() { return ""; } /** * Executes the given callback to communicate with the Nextcloud test server * control. * * A socket is created with the Nextcloud test server control and passed to * the callback to send the request and handle its response. * * @param \Closure $nextcloudServerControlCallback the callback to call with * the communication socket. * @throws \Exception if any socket-related operation fails. */ private function sendRequestAndHandleResponse($nextcloudServerControlCallback) { $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if ($socket === false) { throw new Exception("Request socket to reset Nextcloud server could not be created: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error())); } try { if (socket_connect($socket, "", $this->nextcloudTestServerControlPort) === false) { throw new Exception("Request socket to reset Nextcloud server could not be connected: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error())); } $nextcloudServerControlCallback($socket); } catch (SocketException $exception) { throw new Exception("Request socket to reset Nextcloud server failed: " . $exception->getMessage()); } finally { socket_close($socket); } } } }