* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ /** * Prints an XSS escaped string * @param string $string the string which will be escaped and printed */ function p($string) { print(OC_Util::sanitizeHTML($string)); } /** * Prints an unescaped string * @param string $string the string which will be printed as it is */ function print_unescaped($string) { print($string); } /** * @brief make OC_Helper::linkTo available as a simple function * @param string $app app * @param string $file file * @param array $args array with param=>value, will be appended to the returned url * @return string link to the file * * For further information have a look at OC_Helper::linkTo */ function link_to( $app, $file, $args = array() ) { return OC_Helper::linkTo( $app, $file, $args ); } /** * @brief make OC_Helper::imagePath available as a simple function * @param string $app app * @param string $image image * @return string link to the image * * For further information have a look at OC_Helper::imagePath */ function image_path( $app, $image ) { return OC_Helper::imagePath( $app, $image ); } /** * @brief make OC_Helper::mimetypeIcon available as a simple function * @param string $mimetype mimetype * @return string link to the image * * For further information have a look at OC_Helper::mimetypeIcon */ function mimetype_icon( $mimetype ) { return OC_Helper::mimetypeIcon( $mimetype ); } /** * @brief make OC_Helper::humanFileSize available as a simple function * @param int $bytes size in bytes * @return string size as string * * For further information have a look at OC_Helper::humanFileSize */ function human_file_size( $bytes ) { return OC_Helper::humanFileSize( $bytes ); } function relative_modified_date($timestamp) { $l=OC_L10N::get('lib'); $timediff = time() - $timestamp; $diffminutes = round($timediff/60); $diffhours = round($diffminutes/60); $diffdays = round($diffhours/24); $diffmonths = round($diffdays/31); if($timediff < 60) { return $l->t('seconds ago'); } else if($timediff < 120) { return $l->t('1 minute ago'); } else if($timediff < 3600) { return $l->t('%d minutes ago', $diffminutes); } else if($timediff < 7200) { return $l->t('1 hour ago'); } else if($timediff < 86400) { return $l->t('%d hours ago', $diffhours); } else if((date('G')-$diffhours) > 0) { return $l->t('today'); } else if((date('G')-$diffhours) > -24) { return $l->t('yesterday'); } else if($timediff < 2678400) { return $l->t('%d days ago', $diffdays); } else if($timediff < 5184000) { return $l->t('last month'); } else if((date('n')-$diffmonths) > 0) { return $l->t('%d months ago', $diffmonths); } else if($timediff < 63113852) { return $l->t('last year'); } else { return $l->t('years ago'); } } function html_select_options($options, $selected, $params=array()) { if (!is_array($selected)) { $selected=array($selected); } if (isset($params['combine']) && $params['combine']) { $options = array_combine($options, $options); } $value_name = $label_name = false; if (isset($params['value'])) { $value_name = $params['value']; } if (isset($params['label'])) { $label_name = $params['label']; } $html = ''; foreach($options as $value => $label) { if ($value_name && is_array($label)) { $value = $label[$value_name]; } if ($label_name && is_array($label)) { $label = $label[$label_name]; } $select = in_array($value, $selected) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $html .= ''."\n"; } return $html; }