/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Vincent Petry * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ describe('OCA.Sharing.Util tests', function() { var fileList; var testFiles; function getImageUrl($el) { // might be slightly different cross-browser var url = $el.css('background-image'); var r = url.match(/url\(['"]?([^'")]*)['"]?\)/); if (!r) { return url; } return r[1]; } beforeEach(function() { var $content = $('
'); $('#testArea').append($content); // dummy file list var $div = $( '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
'); $('#content').append($div); var fileActions = new OCA.Files.FileActions(); fileList = new OCA.Files.FileList( $div, { fileActions : fileActions } ); OCA.Sharing.Util.attach(fileList); testFiles = [{ id: 1, type: 'file', name: 'One.txt', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL, etag: 'abc', shareOwner: 'User One', isShareMountPoint: false, shareTypes: [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER] }]; }); afterEach(function() { delete OCA.Sharing.sharesLoaded; delete OC.Share.droppedDown; fileList.destroy(); fileList = null; }); describe('Sharing data in table row', function() { // TODO: test data-permissions, data-share-owner, etc }); describe('Share action icon', function() { it('do not shows share text when not shared', function() { var $action, $tr; OC.Share.statuses = {}; fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'dir', name: 'One', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'httpd/unix-directory', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL, etag: 'abc', shareTypes: [] }]); $tr = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr:first'); $action = $tr.find('.action-share'); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-shared')).toEqual(true); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-public')).toEqual(false); expect(OC.basename(getImageUrl($tr.find('.filename .thumbnail')))).toEqual('folder.svg'); }); it('shows simple share text with share icon', function() { var $action, $tr; fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'dir', name: 'One', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL, etag: 'abc', shareTypes: [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER] }]); $tr = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr:first'); $action = $tr.find('.action-share'); expect($action.find('>span').text().trim()).toEqual('Shared'); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-shared')).toEqual(true); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-public')).toEqual(false); expect(OC.basename(getImageUrl($tr.find('.filename .thumbnail')))).toEqual('folder-shared.svg'); }); it('shows simple share text with public icon when shared with link', function() { var $action, $tr; OC.Share.statuses = {1: {link: true, path: '/subdir'}}; fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'dir', name: 'One', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL, etag: 'abc', shareTypes: [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK] }]); $tr = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr:first'); $action = $tr.find('.action-share'); expect($action.find('>span').text().trim()).toEqual('Shared'); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-shared')).toEqual(false); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-public')).toEqual(true); expect(OC.basename(getImageUrl($tr.find('.filename .thumbnail')))).toEqual('folder-public.svg'); }); it('shows owner name when owner is available', function() { var $action, $tr; fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'dir', name: 'One.txt', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL, shareOwner: 'User One', etag: 'abc', shareTypes: [] }]); $tr = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr:first'); $action = $tr.find('.action-share'); expect($action.find('>span').text().trim()).toEqual('User One'); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-shared')).toEqual(true); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-public')).toEqual(false); expect(OC.basename(getImageUrl($tr.find('.filename .thumbnail')))).toEqual('folder-shared.svg'); }); it('shows recipients when recipients are available', function() { var $action, $tr; fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'dir', name: 'One.txt', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL, recipientsDisplayName: 'User One, User Two', etag: 'abc', shareTypes: [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER] }]); $tr = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr:first'); $action = $tr.find('.action-share'); expect($action.find('>span').text().trim()).toEqual('Shared with User One, User Two'); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-shared')).toEqual(true); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-public')).toEqual(false); expect(OC.basename(getImageUrl($tr.find('.filename .thumbnail')))).toEqual('folder-shared.svg'); }); it('shows share action when shared with user who has no share permission', function() { var $action, $tr; fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'dir', name: 'One', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_CREATE, etag: 'abc', shareOwner: 'User One' }]); $tr = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr:first'); expect($tr.find('.action-share').length).toEqual(1); }); it('do not show share action when share exists but neither permission nor owner is available', function() { var $action, $tr; fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'dir', name: 'One', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_CREATE, etag: 'abc' }]); $tr = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr:first'); expect($tr.find('.action-share').length).toEqual(0); }); }); describe('Share action', function() { var shareTab; function makeDummyShareItem(displayName) { return { share_with_displayname: displayName }; } beforeEach(function() { // make it look like not the "All files" list fileList.id = 'test'; shareTab = fileList._detailsView._tabViews[0]; }); afterEach(function() { shareTab = null; }); it('clicking share action opens sidebar and share tab', function() { var showDetailsViewStub = sinon.stub(fileList, 'showDetailsView'); fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'file', name: 'One.txt', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL, etag: 'abc' }]); var $tr = fileList.$el.find('tr:first'); $tr.find('.action-share').click(); expect(showDetailsViewStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true); expect(showDetailsViewStub.getCall(0).args[0]).toEqual('One.txt'); expect(showDetailsViewStub.getCall(0).args[1]).toEqual('shareTabView'); showDetailsViewStub.restore(); }); it('adds share icon after sharing a non-shared file', function() { var $action, $tr; OC.Share.statuses = {}; fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'file', name: 'One.txt', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL, etag: 'abc' }]); $action = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr:first .action-share'); $tr = fileList.$el.find('tr:first'); $tr.find('.action-share').click(); // simulate updating shares shareTab._dialog.model.set({ shares: [ {share_with_displayname: 'User One'}, {share_with_displayname: 'User Two'}, {share_with_displayname: 'Group One'}, {share_with_displayname: 'Group Two'} ] }); expect($tr.attr('data-share-recipients')).toEqual('Group One, Group Two, User One, User Two'); expect($action.find('>span').text().trim()).toEqual('Shared with Group One, Group Two, User One, User Two'); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-shared')).toEqual(true); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-public')).toEqual(false); }); it('updates share icon after updating shares of a file', function() { var $action, $tr; OC.Share.statuses = {1: {link: false, path: '/subdir'}}; fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'file', name: 'One.txt', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL, etag: 'abc' }]); $action = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr:first .action-share'); $tr = fileList.$el.find('tr:first'); $tr.find('.action-share').click(); // simulate updating shares shareTab._dialog.model.set({ shares: [ {share_with_displayname: 'User One'}, {share_with_displayname: 'User Two'}, {share_with_displayname: 'User Three'} ] }); expect($tr.attr('data-share-recipients')).toEqual('User One, User Three, User Two'); expect($action.find('>span').text().trim()).toEqual('Shared with User One, User Three, User Two'); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-shared')).toEqual(true); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-public')).toEqual(false); }); it('removes share icon after removing all shares from a file', function() { var $action, $tr; OC.Share.statuses = {1: {link: false, path: '/subdir'}}; fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'file', name: 'One.txt', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL, etag: 'abc', recipients: 'User One, User Two' }]); $action = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr:first .action-share'); $tr = fileList.$el.find('tr:first'); $tr.find('.action-share').click(); // simulate updating shares shareTab._dialog.model.set({ shares: [] }); expect($tr.attr('data-share-recipients')).not.toBeDefined(); }); it('keep share text after updating reshare', function() { var $action, $tr; OC.Share.statuses = {1: {link: false, path: '/subdir'}}; fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'file', name: 'One.txt', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL, etag: 'abc', shareOwner: 'User One' }]); $action = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr:first .action-share'); $tr = fileList.$el.find('tr:first'); $tr.find('.action-share').click(); // simulate updating shares shareTab._dialog.model.set({ shares: [{share_with_displayname: 'User Two'}] }); expect($tr.attr('data-share-recipients')).toEqual('User Two'); expect($action.find('>span').text().trim()).toEqual('User One'); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-shared')).toEqual(true); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-public')).toEqual(false); }); it('keep share text after unsharing reshare', function() { var $action, $tr; OC.Share.statuses = {1: {link: false, path: '/subdir'}}; fileList.setFiles([{ id: 1, type: 'file', name: 'One.txt', path: '/subdir', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 12, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL, etag: 'abc', shareOwner: 'User One', recipients: 'User Two' }]); $action = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr:first .action-share'); $tr = fileList.$el.find('tr:first'); $tr.find('.action-share').click(); // simulate updating shares shareTab._dialog.model.set({ shares: [] }); expect($tr.attr('data-share-recipients')).not.toBeDefined(); expect($action.find('>span').text().trim()).toEqual('User One'); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-shared')).toEqual(true); expect($action.find('.icon').hasClass('icon-public')).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('formatRecipients', function() { it('returns a single recipient when one passed', function() { expect(OCA.Sharing.Util.formatRecipients(['User one'])) .toEqual('User one'); }); it('returns two recipients when two passed', function() { expect(OCA.Sharing.Util.formatRecipients(['User one', 'User two'])) .toEqual('User one, User two'); }); it('returns four recipients with plus when five passed', function() { var recipients = [ 'User one', 'User two', 'User three', 'User four', 'User five' ]; expect(OCA.Sharing.Util.formatRecipients(recipients)) .toEqual('User four, User one, User three, User two, +1'); }); it('returns four recipients with plus when ten passed', function() { var recipients = [ 'User one', 'User two', 'User three', 'User four', 'User five', 'User six', 'User seven', 'User eight', 'User nine', 'User ten' ]; expect(OCA.Sharing.Util.formatRecipients(recipients)) .toEqual('User four, User one, User three, User two, +6'); }); it('returns four recipients with plus when four passed with counter', function() { var recipients = [ 'User one', 'User two', 'User three', 'User four' ]; expect(OCA.Sharing.Util.formatRecipients(recipients, 10)) .toEqual('User four, User one, User three, User two, +6'); }); }); describe('Excluded lists', function() { function createListThenAttach(listId) { var fileActions = new OCA.Files.FileActions(); fileList.destroy(); fileList = new OCA.Files.FileList( $('#listContainer'), { id: listId, fileActions: fileActions } ); OCA.Sharing.Util.attach(fileList); fileList.setFiles(testFiles); return fileList; } it('does not attach to trashbin or public file lists', function() { createListThenAttach('trashbin'); expect($('.action-share').length).toEqual(0); expect($('[data-share-recipient]').length).toEqual(0); createListThenAttach('files.public'); expect($('.action-share').length).toEqual(0); expect($('[data-share-recipient]').length).toEqual(0); }); }); });