Dropbox-php =========== This PHP library allows you to easily integrate dropbox with PHP. The following PHP extension is required: * json The library makes use of OAuth. At the moment you can use either of these libraries: [PHP OAuth extension](http://pecl.php.net/package/oauth) [PEAR's HTTP_OAUTH package](http://pear.php.net/package/http_oauth) The extension is recommended, but if you can't install php extensions you should go for the pear package. Installing ---------- pear channel-discover pear.dropbox-php.com pear install dropbox-php/Dropbox-alpha Documentation ------------- Check out the [documentation](http://www.dropbox-php.com/docs). Questions? ---------- [Dropbox-php Mailing list](http://groups.google.com/group/dropbox-php) [Official Dropbox developer forum](http://forums.dropbox.com/forum.php?id=5)