/* * Copyright (c) 2015 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ (function() { var TEMPLATE = '
' + '
' + '


' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{#if hasSize}}{{size}}, {{/if}}{{date}}' + '
' + '
'; /** * @class OCA.Files.MainFileInfoDetailView * @classdesc * * Displays main details about a file * */ var MainFileInfoDetailView = OCA.Files.DetailFileInfoView.extend( /** @lends OCA.Files.MainFileInfoDetailView.prototype */ { className: 'mainFileInfoView', /** * Associated file list instance, for file actions * * @type {OCA.Files.FileList} */ _fileList: null, /** * File actions * * @type {OCA.Files.FileActions} */ _fileActions: null, events: { 'click a.action-favorite': '_onClickFavorite', 'click a.action-default': '_onClickDefaultAction' }, template: function(data) { if (!this._template) { this._template = Handlebars.compile(TEMPLATE); } return this._template(data); }, initialize: function(options) { options = options || {}; this._fileList = options.fileList; this._fileActions = options.fileActions; if (!this._fileList) { throw 'Missing requird parameter "fileList"'; } if (!this._fileActions) { throw 'Missing requird parameter "fileActions"'; } }, _onClickFavorite: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this._fileActions.triggerAction('Favorite', this.model, this._fileList); }, _onClickDefaultAction: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this._fileActions.triggerAction(null, this.model, this._fileList); }, _onModelChanged: function() { // simply re-render this.render(); }, setFileInfo: function(fileInfo) { if (this.model) { this.model.off('change', this._onModelChanged, this); } this.model = fileInfo; if (this.model) { this.model.on('change', this._onModelChanged, this); } this.render(); }, /** * Renders this details view */ render: function() { if (this.model) { var isFavorite = (this.model.get('tags') || []).indexOf(OC.TAG_FAVORITE) >= 0; this.$el.html(this.template({ type: this.model.isImage()? 'image': '', nameLabel: t('files', 'Name'), name: this.model.get('displayName') || this.model.get('name'), pathLabel: t('files', 'Path'), path: this.model.get('path'), hasSize: this.model.has('size'), sizeLabel: t('files', 'Size'), size: OC.Util.humanFileSize(this.model.get('size'), true), altSize: n('files', '%n byte', '%n bytes', this.model.get('size')), dateLabel: t('files', 'Modified'), altDate: OC.Util.formatDate(this.model.get('mtime')), date: OC.Util.relativeModifiedDate(this.model.get('mtime')), starAltText: isFavorite ? t('files', 'Favorited') : t('files', 'Favorite'), starIcon: OC.imagePath('core', isFavorite ? 'actions/starred' : 'actions/star') })); // TODO: we really need OC.Previews var $iconDiv = this.$el.find('.thumbnail'); $iconDiv.addClass('icon-loading'); $container = this.$el.find('.thumbnailContainer'); if (!this.model.isDirectory()) { this._fileList.lazyLoadPreview({ path: this.model.getFullPath(), mime: this.model.get('mimetype'), etag: this.model.get('etag'), y: this.model.isImage() ? 250: 75, x: this.model.isImage() ? 99999 /* only limit on y */ : 75, a: this.model.isImage() ? 1 : null, callback: function(previewUrl, img) { $iconDiv.previewImg = previewUrl; if (img) { $iconDiv.removeClass('icon-loading'); if(img.height > img.width) { $container.addClass('portrait'); } } if (this.model.isImage() && img) { $iconDiv.parent().addClass('image'); var targetHeight = img.height / window.devicePixelRatio; if (targetHeight <= 75) { $container.removeClass('image'); // small enough to fit in normaly targetHeight = 75; } } else { targetHeight = 75; } // only set background when we have an actual preview // when we dont have a preview we show the mime icon in the error handler if (img) { $iconDiv.css({ 'background-image': 'url("' + previewUrl + '")', 'height': targetHeight }); } }.bind(this), error: function() { $iconDiv.removeClass('icon-loading'); this.$el.find('.thumbnailContainer').removeClass('image'); //fall back to regular view $iconDiv.css({ 'background-image': 'url("' + $iconDiv.previewImg + '")' }); }.bind(this) }); } else { // TODO: special icons / shared / external $iconDiv.css('background-image', 'url("' + OC.MimeType.getIconUrl('dir') + '")'); } this.$el.find('[title]').tooltip({placement: 'bottom'}); } else { this.$el.empty(); } this.delegateEvents(); } }); OCA.Files.MainFileInfoDetailView = MainFileInfoDetailView; })();