/** * Disable console output unless DEBUG mode is enabled. * Add * 'debug' => true, * To the definition of $CONFIG in config/config.php to enable debug mode. * The undefined checks fix the broken ie8 console */ /* global oc_isadmin */ var oc_debug; var oc_webroot; var oc_current_user = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].getAttribute('data-user'); var oc_requesttoken = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].getAttribute('data-requesttoken'); window.oc_config = window.oc_config || {}; if (typeof oc_webroot === "undefined") { oc_webroot = location.pathname; var pos = oc_webroot.indexOf('/index.php/'); if (pos !== -1) { oc_webroot = oc_webroot.substr(0, pos); } else { oc_webroot = oc_webroot.substr(0, oc_webroot.lastIndexOf('/')); } } if (typeof console === "undefined" || typeof console.log === "undefined") { if (!window.console) { window.console = {}; } var noOp = function() { }; var methods = ['log', 'debug', 'warn', 'info', 'error', 'assert', 'time', 'timeEnd']; for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { console[methods[i]] = noOp; } } /** * Sanitizes a HTML string by replacing all potential dangerous characters with HTML entities * @param {string} s String to sanitize * @return {string} Sanitized string */ function escapeHTML(s) { return s.toString().split('&').join('&').split('<').join('<').split('>').join('>').split('"').join('"').split('\'').join('''); } /** * Get the path to download a file * @param {string} file The filename * @param {string} dir The directory the file is in - e.g. $('#dir').val() * @return {string} Path to download the file * @deprecated use Files.getDownloadURL() instead */ function fileDownloadPath(dir, file) { return OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'download.php')+'?files='+encodeURIComponent(file)+'&dir='+encodeURIComponent(dir); } /** @namespace */ var OCP = {}, OC = { PERMISSION_NONE:0, PERMISSION_CREATE:4, PERMISSION_READ:1, PERMISSION_UPDATE:2, PERMISSION_DELETE:8, PERMISSION_SHARE:16, PERMISSION_ALL:31, TAG_FAVORITE: '_$!!$_', /* jshint camelcase: false */ /** * Relative path to Nextcloud root. * For example: "/nextcloud" * * @type string * * @deprecated since 8.2, use OC.getRootPath() instead * @see OC#getRootPath */ webroot:oc_webroot, /** * Capabilities * * @type array */ _capabilities: window.oc_capabilities || null, appswebroots:(typeof oc_appswebroots !== 'undefined') ? oc_appswebroots:false, /** * Currently logged in user or null if none * * @type String * @deprecated use {@link OC.getCurrentUser} instead */ currentUser:(typeof oc_current_user!=='undefined')?oc_current_user:false, config: window.oc_config, appConfig: window.oc_appconfig || {}, theme: window.oc_defaults || {}, coreApps:['', 'admin','log','core/search','settings','core','3rdparty'], requestToken: oc_requesttoken, menuSpeed: 50, /** * Get an absolute url to a file in an app * @param {string} app the id of the app the file belongs to * @param {string} file the file path relative to the app folder * @return {string} Absolute URL to a file */ linkTo:function(app,file){ return OC.filePath(app,'',file); }, /** * Creates a relative url for remote use * @param {string} service id * @return {string} the url */ linkToRemoteBase:function(service) { return OC.webroot + '/remote.php/' + service; }, /** * @brief Creates an absolute url for remote use * @param {string} service id * @return {string} the url */ linkToRemote:function(service) { return window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + OC.linkToRemoteBase(service); }, /** * Gets the base path for the given OCS API service. * @param {string} service name * @param {int} version OCS API version * @return {string} OCS API base path */ linkToOCS: function(service, version) { version = (version !== 2) ? 1 : 2; return window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + OC.webroot + '/ocs/v' + version + '.php/' + service + '/'; }, /** * Generates the absolute url for the given relative url, which can contain parameters. * Parameters will be URL encoded automatically. * @param {string} url * @param [params] params * @param [options] options * @param {bool} [options.escape=true] enable/disable auto escape of placeholders (by default enabled) * @return {string} Absolute URL for the given relative URL */ generateUrl: function(url, params, options) { var defaultOptions = { escape: true }, allOptions = options || {}; _.defaults(allOptions, defaultOptions); var _build = function (text, vars) { vars = vars || []; return text.replace(/{([^{}]*)}/g, function (a, b) { var r = (vars[b]); if(allOptions.escape) { return (typeof r === 'string' || typeof r === 'number') ? encodeURIComponent(r) : encodeURIComponent(a); } else { return (typeof r === 'string' || typeof r === 'number') ? r : a; } } ); }; if (url.charAt(0) !== '/') { url = '/' + url; } if(oc_config.modRewriteWorking == true) { return OC.webroot + _build(url, params); } return OC.webroot + '/index.php' + _build(url, params); }, /** * Get the absolute url for a file in an app * @param {string} app the id of the app * @param {string} type the type of the file to link to (e.g. css,img,ajax.template) * @param {string} file the filename * @return {string} Absolute URL for a file in an app */ filePath:function(app,type,file){ var isCore=OC.coreApps.indexOf(app)!==-1, link=OC.webroot; if(file.substring(file.length-3) === 'php' && !isCore){ link+='/index.php/apps/' + app; if (file != 'index.php') { link+='/'; if(type){ link+=encodeURI(type + '/'); } link+= file; } }else if(file.substring(file.length-3) !== 'php' && !isCore){ link=OC.appswebroots[app]; if(type){ link+= '/'+type+'/'; } if(link.substring(link.length-1) !== '/'){ link+='/'; } link+=file; }else{ if ((app == 'settings' || app == 'core' || app == 'search') && type == 'ajax') { link+='/index.php/'; } else { link+='/'; } if(!isCore){ link+='apps/'; } if (app !== '') { app+='/'; link+=app; } if(type){ link+=type+'/'; } link+=file; } return link; }, /** * Check if a user file is allowed to be handled. * @param {string} file to check */ fileIsBlacklisted: function(file) { return !!(file.match(oc_config.blacklist_files_regex)); }, /** * Redirect to the target URL, can also be used for downloads. * @param {string} targetURL URL to redirect to */ redirect: function(targetURL) { window.location = targetURL; }, /** * Reloads the current page */ reload: function() { window.location.reload(); }, /** * Protocol that is used to access this Nextcloud instance * @return {string} Used protocol */ getProtocol: function() { return window.location.protocol.split(':')[0]; }, /** * Returns the host used to access this Nextcloud instance * Host is sometimes the same as the hostname but now always. * * Examples: * http://example.com => example.com * https://example.com => example.com * http://example.com:8080 => example.com:8080 * * @return {string} host * * @since 8.2 */ getHost: function() { return window.location.host; }, /** * Returns the hostname used to access this Nextcloud instance * The hostname is always stripped of the port * * @return {string} hostname * @since 9.0 */ getHostName: function() { return window.location.hostname; }, /** * Returns the port number used to access this Nextcloud instance * * @return {int} port number * * @since 8.2 */ getPort: function() { return window.location.port; }, /** * Returns the web root path where this Nextcloud instance * is accessible, with a leading slash. * For example "/nextcloud". * * @return {string} web root path * * @since 8.2 */ getRootPath: function() { return OC.webroot; }, /** * Returns the capabilities * * @return {array} capabilities * * @since 14.0 */ getCapabilities: function() { return OC._capabilities; }, /** * Returns the currently logged in user or null if there is no logged in * user (public page mode) * * @return {OC.CurrentUser} user spec * @since 9.0.0 */ getCurrentUser: function() { if (_.isUndefined(this._currentUserDisplayName)) { this._currentUserDisplayName = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].getAttribute('data-user-displayname'); } return { uid: this.currentUser, displayName: this._currentUserDisplayName }; }, /** * get the absolute path to an image file * if no extension is given for the image, it will automatically decide * between .png and .svg based on what the browser supports * @param {string} app the app id to which the image belongs * @param {string} file the name of the image file * @return {string} */ imagePath:function(app,file){ if(file.indexOf('.')==-1){//if no extension is given, use svg file+='.svg'; } return OC.filePath(app,'img',file); }, /** * URI-Encodes a file path but keep the path slashes. * * @param path path * @return encoded path */ encodePath: function(path) { if (!path) { return path; } var parts = path.split('/'); var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { result.push(encodeURIComponent(parts[i])); } return result.join('/'); }, /** * Load a script for the server and load it. If the script is already loaded, * the event handler will be called directly * @param {string} app the app id to which the script belongs * @param {string} script the filename of the script * @param ready event handler to be called when the script is loaded */ addScript:function(app,script,ready){ var deferred, path=OC.filePath(app,'js',script+'.js'); if(!OC.addScript.loaded[path]) { deferred = jQuery.ajax({ url: path, cache: true, success: function (content) { window.eval(content); if(ready) { ready(); } } }); OC.addScript.loaded[path] = deferred; } else { if (ready) { ready(); } } return OC.addScript.loaded[path]; }, /** * Loads a CSS file * @param {string} app the app id to which the css style belongs * @param {string} style the filename of the css file */ addStyle:function(app,style){ var path=OC.filePath(app,'css',style+'.css'); if(OC.addStyle.loaded.indexOf(path)===-1){ OC.addStyle.loaded.push(path); if (document.createStyleSheet) { document.createStyleSheet(path); } else { style=$(''); $('head').append(style); } } }, /** * Loads translations for the given app asynchronously. * * @param {String} app app name * @param {Function} callback callback to call after loading * @return {Promise} */ addTranslations: function(app, callback) { return OC.L10N.load(app, callback); }, /** * Returns the base name of the given path. * For example for "/abc/somefile.txt" it will return "somefile.txt" * * @param {String} path * @return {String} base name */ basename: function(path) { return path.replace(/\\/g,'/').replace( /.*\//, '' ); }, /** * Returns the dir name of the given path. * For example for "/abc/somefile.txt" it will return "/abc" * * @param {String} path * @return {String} dir name */ dirname: function(path) { return path.replace(/\\/g,'/').replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, ''); }, /** * Returns whether the given paths are the same, without * leading, trailing or doubled slashes and also removing * the dot sections. * * @param {String} path1 first path * @param {String} path2 second path * @return {bool} true if the paths are the same * * @since 9.0 */ isSamePath: function(path1, path2) { var filterDot = function(p) { return p !== '.'; }; var pathSections1 = _.filter((path1 || '').split('/'), filterDot); var pathSections2 = _.filter((path2 || '').split('/'), filterDot); path1 = OC.joinPaths.apply(OC, pathSections1); path2 = OC.joinPaths.apply(OC, pathSections2); return path1 === path2; }, /** * Join path sections * * @param {...String} path sections * * @return {String} joined path, any leading or trailing slash * will be kept * * @since 8.2 */ joinPaths: function() { if (arguments.length < 1) { return ''; } var path = ''; // convert to array var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // discard empty arguments args = _.filter(args, function(arg) { return arg.length > 0; }); if (args.length < 1) { return ''; } var lastArg = args[args.length - 1]; var leadingSlash = args[0].charAt(0) === '/'; var trailingSlash = lastArg.charAt(lastArg.length - 1) === '/'; var sections = []; var i; for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { sections = sections.concat(args[i].split('/')); } var first = !leadingSlash; for (i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { if (sections[i] !== '') { if (first) { first = false; } else { path += '/'; } path += sections[i]; } } if (trailingSlash) { // add it back path += '/'; } return path; }, /** * Do a search query and display the results * @param {string} query the search query */ search: function (query) { OC.Search.search(query, null, 0, 30); }, /** * Dialog helper for jquery dialogs. * * @namespace OC.dialogs */ dialogs:OCdialogs, /** * Parses a URL query string into a JS map * @param {string} queryString query string in the format param1=1234¶m2=abcde¶m3=xyz * @return {Object.} map containing key/values matching the URL parameters */ parseQueryString:function(queryString){ var parts, pos, components, result = {}, key, value; if (!queryString){ return null; } pos = queryString.indexOf('?'); if (pos >= 0){ queryString = queryString.substr(pos + 1); } parts = queryString.replace(/\+/g, '%20').split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++){ // split on first equal sign var part = parts[i]; pos = part.indexOf('='); if (pos >= 0) { components = [ part.substr(0, pos), part.substr(pos + 1) ]; } else { // key only components = [part]; } if (!components.length){ continue; } key = decodeURIComponent(components[0]); if (!key){ continue; } // if equal sign was there, return string if (components.length > 1) { result[key] = decodeURIComponent(components[1]); } // no equal sign => null value else { result[key] = null; } } return result; }, /** * Builds a URL query from a JS map. * @param {Object.} params map containing key/values matching the URL parameters * @return {string} String containing a URL query (without question) mark */ buildQueryString: function(params) { if (!params) { return ''; } return $.map(params, function(value, key) { var s = encodeURIComponent(key); if (value !== null && typeof(value) !== 'undefined') { s += '=' + encodeURIComponent(value); } return s; }).join('&'); }, /** * Opens a popup with the setting for an app. * @param {string} appid The ID of the app e.g. 'calendar', 'contacts' or 'files'. * @param {boolean|string} loadJS If true 'js/settings.js' is loaded. If it's a string * it will attempt to load a script by that name in the 'js' directory. * @param {boolean} [cache] If true the javascript file won't be forced refreshed. Defaults to true. * @param {string} [scriptName] The name of the PHP file to load. Defaults to 'settings.php' in * the root of the app directory hierarchy. */ appSettings:function(args) { if(typeof args === 'undefined' || typeof args.appid === 'undefined') { throw { name: 'MissingParameter', message: 'The parameter appid is missing' }; } var props = {scriptName:'settings.php', cache:true}; $.extend(props, args); var settings = $('#appsettings'); if(settings.length === 0) { throw { name: 'MissingDOMElement', message: 'There has be be an element with id "appsettings" for the popup to show.' }; } var popup = $('#appsettings_popup'); if(popup.length === 0) { $('body').prepend(''); popup = $('#appsettings_popup'); popup.addClass(settings.hasClass('topright') ? 'topright' : 'bottomleft'); } if(popup.is(':visible')) { popup.hide().remove(); } else { var arrowclass = settings.hasClass('topright') ? 'up' : 'left'; var jqxhr = $.get(OC.filePath(props.appid, '', props.scriptName), function(data) { popup.html(data).ready(function() { popup.prepend('

'+t('core', 'Settings')+'

').show(); popup.find('.close').bind('click', function() { popup.remove(); }); if(typeof props.loadJS !== 'undefined') { var scriptname; if(props.loadJS === true) { scriptname = 'settings.js'; } else if(typeof props.loadJS === 'string') { scriptname = props.loadJS; } else { throw { name: 'InvalidParameter', message: 'The "loadJS" parameter must be either boolean or a string.' }; } if(props.cache) { $.ajaxSetup({cache: true}); } $.getScript(OC.filePath(props.appid, 'js', scriptname)) .fail(function(jqxhr, settings, e) { throw e; }); } }).show(); }, 'html'); } }, /** * For menu toggling * @todo Write documentation * * @param {jQuery} $toggle * @param {jQuery} $menuEl * @param {function|undefined} toggle callback invoked everytime the menu is opened * @returns {undefined} */ registerMenu: function($toggle, $menuEl, toggle) { console.trace(); var self = this; $menuEl.addClass('menu'); $toggle.on('click.menu', function(event) { // prevent the link event (append anchor to URL) event.preventDefault(); if ($menuEl.is(OC._currentMenu)) { self.hideMenus(); return; } // another menu was open? else if (OC._currentMenu) { // close it self.hideMenus(); } $(event.currentTarget).addClass('openedMenu'); $menuEl.slideToggle(OC.menuSpeed, toggle); OC._currentMenu = $menuEl; OC._currentMenuToggle = $toggle; }); }, /** * @todo Write documentation */ unregisterMenu: function($toggle, $menuEl) { // close menu if opened if ($menuEl.is(OC._currentMenu)) { this.hideMenus(); } $toggle.off('click.menu').removeClass('menutoggle'); $menuEl.removeClass('menu'); }, /** * Hides any open menus * * @param {Function} complete callback when the hiding animation is done */ hideMenus: function(complete) { if (OC._currentMenu) { var lastMenu = OC._currentMenu; OC._currentMenu.trigger(new $.Event('beforeHide')); OC._currentMenu.slideUp(OC.menuSpeed, function() { lastMenu.trigger(new $.Event('afterHide')); if (complete) { complete.apply(this, arguments); } }); } $('.openedMenu').removeClass('openedMenu'); OC._currentMenu = null; OC._currentMenuToggle = null; }, /** * Shows a given element as menu * * @param {Object} [$toggle=null] menu toggle * @param {Object} $menuEl menu element * @param {Function} complete callback when the showing animation is done */ showMenu: function($toggle, $menuEl, complete) { if ($menuEl.is(OC._currentMenu)) { return; } this.hideMenus(); OC._currentMenu = $menuEl; OC._currentMenuToggle = $toggle; $menuEl.trigger(new $.Event('beforeShow')); $menuEl.show(); $menuEl.trigger(new $.Event('afterShow')); // no animation if (_.isFunction(complete)) { complete(); } }, /** * Wrapper for matchMedia * * This is makes it possible for unit tests to * stub matchMedia (which doesn't work in PhantomJS) * @private */ _matchMedia: function(media) { if (window.matchMedia) { return window.matchMedia(media); } return false; }, /** * Returns the user's locale * * @return {String} locale string */ getLocale: function() { return $('html').prop('lang'); }, /** * Returns whether the current user is an administrator * * @return {bool} true if the user is an admin, false otherwise * @since 9.0.0 */ isUserAdmin: function() { return oc_isadmin; }, /** * Warn users that the connection to the server was lost temporarily * * This function is throttled to prevent stacked notfications. * After 7sec the first notification is gone, then we can show another one * if necessary. */ _ajaxConnectionLostHandler: _.throttle(function() { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('core', 'Connection to server lost')); }, 7 * 1000, {trailing: false}), /** * Process ajax error, redirects to main page * if an error/auth error status was returned. */ _processAjaxError: function(xhr) { var self = this; // purposefully aborted request ? // this._userIsNavigatingAway needed to distinguish ajax calls cancelled by navigating away // from calls cancelled by failed cross-domain ajax due to SSO redirect if (xhr.status === 0 && (xhr.statusText === 'abort' || xhr.statusText === 'timeout' || self._reloadCalled)) { return; } if (_.contains([302, 303, 307, 401], xhr.status) && OC.currentUser) { // sometimes "beforeunload" happens later, so need to defer the reload a bit setTimeout(function() { if (!self._userIsNavigatingAway && !self._reloadCalled) { var timer = 0; var seconds = 5; var interval = setInterval( function() { OC.Notification.showUpdate(n('core', 'Problem loading page, reloading in %n second', 'Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds', seconds - timer)); if (timer >= seconds) { clearInterval(interval); OC.reload(); } timer++; }, 1000 // 1 second interval ); // only call reload once self._reloadCalled = true; } }, 100); } else if(xhr.status === 0) { // Connection lost (e.g. WiFi disconnected or server is down) setTimeout(function() { if (!self._userIsNavigatingAway && !self._reloadCalled) { self._ajaxConnectionLostHandler(); } }, 100); } }, /** * Registers XmlHttpRequest object for global error processing. * * This means that if this XHR object returns 401 or session timeout errors, * the current page will automatically be reloaded. * * @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr */ registerXHRForErrorProcessing: function(xhr) { var loadCallback = function() { if (xhr.readyState !== 4) { return; } if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304) { return; } // fire jquery global ajax error handler $(document).trigger(new $.Event('ajaxError'), xhr); }; var errorCallback = function() { // fire jquery global ajax error handler $(document).trigger(new $.Event('ajaxError'), xhr); }; if (xhr.addEventListener) { xhr.addEventListener('load', loadCallback); xhr.addEventListener('error', errorCallback); } } }; /** * Current user attributes * * @typedef {Object} OC.CurrentUser * * @property {String} uid user id * @property {String} displayName display name */ /** * @namespace OC.Plugins */ OC.Plugins = { /** * @type Array. */ _plugins: {}, /** * Register plugin * * @param {String} targetName app name / class name to hook into * @param {OC.Plugin} plugin */ register: function(targetName, plugin) { var plugins = this._plugins[targetName]; if (!plugins) { plugins = this._plugins[targetName] = []; } plugins.push(plugin); }, /** * Returns all plugin registered to the given target * name / app name / class name. * * @param {String} targetName app name / class name to hook into * @return {Array.} array of plugins */ getPlugins: function(targetName) { return this._plugins[targetName] || []; }, /** * Call attach() on all plugins registered to the given target name. * * @param {String} targetName app name / class name * @param {Object} object to be extended * @param {Object} [options] options */ attach: function(targetName, targetObject, options) { var plugins = this.getPlugins(targetName); for (var i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { if (plugins[i].attach) { plugins[i].attach(targetObject, options); } } }, /** * Call detach() on all plugins registered to the given target name. * * @param {String} targetName app name / class name * @param {Object} object to be extended * @param {Object} [options] options */ detach: function(targetName, targetObject, options) { var plugins = this.getPlugins(targetName); for (var i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { if (plugins[i].detach) { plugins[i].detach(targetObject, options); } } }, /** * Plugin * * @todo make this a real class in the future * @typedef {Object} OC.Plugin * * @property {String} name plugin name * @property {Function} attach function that will be called when the * plugin is attached * @property {Function} [detach] function that will be called when the * plugin is detached */ }; /** * @namespace OC.search */ OC.search.customResults = {}; /** * @deprecated use get/setFormatter() instead */ OC.search.resultTypes = {}; OC.addStyle.loaded=[]; OC.addScript.loaded=[]; /** * A little class to manage a status field for a "saving" process. * It can be used to display a starting message (e.g. "Saving...") and then * replace it with a green success message or a red error message. * * @namespace OC.msg */ OC.msg = { /** * Displayes a "Saving..." message in the given message placeholder * * @param {Object} selector Placeholder to display the message in */ startSaving: function(selector) { this.startAction(selector, t('core', 'Saving...')); }, /** * Displayes a custom message in the given message placeholder * * @param {Object} selector Placeholder to display the message in * @param {string} message Plain text message to display (no HTML allowed) */ startAction: function(selector, message) { $(selector).text(message) .removeClass('success') .removeClass('error') .stop(true, true) .show(); }, /** * Displayes an success/error message in the given selector * * @param {Object} selector Placeholder to display the message in * @param {Object} response Response of the server * @param {Object} response.data Data of the servers response * @param {string} response.data.message Plain text message to display (no HTML allowed) * @param {string} response.status is being used to decide whether the message * is displayed as an error/success */ finishedSaving: function(selector, response) { this.finishedAction(selector, response); }, /** * Displayes an success/error message in the given selector * * @param {Object} selector Placeholder to display the message in * @param {Object} response Response of the server * @param {Object} response.data Data of the servers response * @param {string} response.data.message Plain text message to display (no HTML allowed) * @param {string} response.status is being used to decide whether the message * is displayed as an error/success */ finishedAction: function(selector, response) { if (response.status === "success") { this.finishedSuccess(selector, response.data.message); } else { this.finishedError(selector, response.data.message); } }, /** * Displayes an success message in the given selector * * @param {Object} selector Placeholder to display the message in * @param {string} message Plain text success message to display (no HTML allowed) */ finishedSuccess: function(selector, message) { $(selector).text(message) .addClass('success') .removeClass('error') .stop(true, true) .delay(3000) .fadeOut(900) .show(); }, /** * Displayes an error message in the given selector * * @param {Object} selector Placeholder to display the message in * @param {string} message Plain text error message to display (no HTML allowed) */ finishedError: function(selector, message) { $(selector).text(message) .addClass('error') .removeClass('success') .show(); } }; /** * @todo Write documentation * @namespace */ OC.Notification={ queuedNotifications: [], getDefaultNotificationFunction: null, /** * @type Array. array of notification timers */ notificationTimers: [], /** * @param callback * @todo Write documentation */ setDefault: function(callback) { OC.Notification.getDefaultNotificationFunction = callback; }, /** * Hides a notification. * * If a row is given, only hide that one. * If no row is given, hide all notifications. * * @param {jQuery} [$row] notification row * @param {Function} [callback] callback */ hide: function($row, callback) { var self = this; var $notification = $('#notification'); if (_.isFunction($row)) { // first arg is the callback callback = $row; $row = undefined; } if (!$row) { console.warn('Missing argument $row in OC.Notification.hide() call, caller needs to be adjusted to only dismiss its own notification'); // assume that the row to be hidden is the first one $row = $notification.find('.row:first'); } if ($row && $notification.find('.row').length > 1) { // remove the row directly $row.remove(); if (callback) { callback.call(); } return; } _.defer(function() { // fade out is supposed to only fade when there is a single row // however, some code might call hide() and show() directly after, // which results in more than one element // in this case, simply delete that one element that was supposed to // fade out // // FIXME: remove once all callers are adjusted to only hide their own notifications if ($notification.find('.row').length > 1) { $row.remove(); return; } // else, fade out whatever was present $notification.fadeOut('400', function(){ if (self.isHidden()) { if (self.getDefaultNotificationFunction) { self.getDefaultNotificationFunction.call(); } } if (callback) { callback.call(); } $notification.empty(); }); }); }, /** * Shows a notification as HTML without being sanitized before. * If you pass unsanitized user input this may lead to a XSS vulnerability. * Consider using show() instead of showHTML() * * @param {string} html Message to display * @param {Object} [options] options * @param {string} [options.type] notification type * @param {int} [options.timeout=0] timeout value, defaults to 0 (permanent) * @return {jQuery} jQuery element for notification row */ showHtml: function(html, options) { options = options || {}; _.defaults(options, { timeout: 0 }); var self = this; var $notification = $('#notification'); if (this.isHidden()) { $notification.fadeIn().css('display','inline-block'); } var $row = $('
'); if (options.type) { $row.addClass('type-' + options.type); } if (options.type === 'error') { // add a close button var $closeButton = $(''); $closeButton.attr('alt', t('core', 'Dismiss')); $row.append($closeButton); $closeButton.one('click', function() { self.hide($row); return false; }); $row.addClass('closeable'); } $row.prepend(html); $notification.append($row); if(options.timeout > 0) { // register timeout to vanish notification this.notificationTimers.push(setTimeout(function() { self.hide($row); }, (options.timeout * 1000))); } return $row; }, /** * Shows a sanitized notification * * @param {string} text Message to display * @param {Object} [options] options * @param {string} [options.type] notification type * @param {int} [options.timeout=0] timeout value, defaults to 0 (permanent) * @return {jQuery} jQuery element for notification row */ show: function(text, options) { return this.showHtml($('
').text(text).html(), options); }, /** * Updates (replaces) a sanitized notification. * * @param {string} text Message to display * @return {jQuery} JQuery element for notificaiton row */ showUpdate: function(text) { var $notification = $('#notification'); // sanitise var $html = $('
').text(text).html(); // new notification if (text && $notification.find('.row').length == 0) { return this.showHtml($html); } var $row = $('
').prepend($html); // just update html in notification $notification.html($row); return $row; }, /** * Shows a notification that disappears after x seconds, default is * 7 seconds * * @param {string} text Message to show * @param {array} [options] options array * @param {int} [options.timeout=7] timeout in seconds, if this is 0 it will show the message permanently * @param {boolean} [options.isHTML=false] an indicator for HTML notifications (true) or text (false) * @param {string} [options.type] notification type */ showTemporary: function(text, options) { var defaults = { isHTML: false, timeout: 7 }; options = options || {}; // merge defaults with passed in options _.defaults(options, defaults); var $row; if(options.isHTML) { $row = this.showHtml(text, options); } else { $row = this.show(text, options); } return $row; }, /** * Returns whether a notification is hidden. * @return {boolean} */ isHidden: function() { return !$("#notification").find('.row').length; } }; /** * Initializes core */ function initCore() { /** * Disable automatic evaluation of responses for $.ajax() functions (and its * higher-level alternatives like $.get() and $.post()). * * If a response to a $.ajax() request returns a content type of "application/javascript" * JQuery would previously execute the response body. This is a pretty unexpected * behaviour and can result in a bypass of our Content-Security-Policy as well as * multiple unexpected XSS vectors. */ $.ajaxSetup({ contents: { script: false } }); /** * Disable execution of eval in jQuery. We do require an allowed eval CSP * configuration at the moment for handlebars et al. But for jQuery there is * not much of a reason to execute JavaScript directly via eval. * * This thus mitigates some unexpected XSS vectors. */ jQuery.globalEval = function(){}; /** * Set users locale to moment.js as soon as possible */ moment.locale(OC.getLocale()); var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent; var msie = userAgent.indexOf('MSIE '); var trident = userAgent.indexOf('Trident/'); var edge = userAgent.indexOf('Edge/'); if (msie > 0 || trident > 0) { // (IE 10 or older) || IE 11 $('html').addClass('ie'); } else if (edge > 0) { // for edge $('html').addClass('edge'); } $(window).on('unload.main', function() { OC._unloadCalled = true; }); $(window).on('beforeunload.main', function() { // super-trick thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/a/4651049 // in case another handler displays a confirmation dialog (ex: navigating away // during an upload), there are two possible outcomes: user clicked "ok" or // "cancel" // first timeout handler is called after unload dialog is closed setTimeout(function() { OC._userIsNavigatingAway = true; // second timeout event is only called if user cancelled (Chrome), // but in other browsers it might still be triggered, so need to // set a higher delay... setTimeout(function() { if (!OC._unloadCalled) { OC._userIsNavigatingAway = false; } }, 10000); },1); }); $(document).on('ajaxError.main', function( event, request, settings ) { if (settings && settings.allowAuthErrors) { return; } OC._processAjaxError(request); }); /** * Calls the server periodically to ensure that session doesn't * time out */ function initSessionHeartBeat(){ // max interval in seconds set to 24 hours var maxInterval = 24 * 3600; // interval in seconds var interval = 900; if (oc_config.session_lifetime) { interval = Math.floor(oc_config.session_lifetime / 2); } // minimum one minute if (interval < 60) { interval = 60; } if (interval > maxInterval) { interval = maxInterval; } var url = OC.generateUrl('/heartbeat'); var heartBeatTimeout = null; var heartBeat = function() { clearInterval(heartBeatTimeout); heartBeatTimeout = setInterval(function() { $.post(url); }, interval * 1000); }; $(document).ajaxComplete(heartBeat); heartBeat(); } // session heartbeat (defaults to enabled) if (typeof(oc_config.session_keepalive) === 'undefined' || !!oc_config.session_keepalive) { initSessionHeartBeat(); } OC.registerMenu($('#expand'), $('#expanddiv')); // toggle for menus $(document).on('mouseup.closemenus', function(event) { var $el = $(event.target); if ($el.closest('.menu').length || $el.closest('.menutoggle').length) { // don't close when clicking on the menu directly or a menu toggle return false; } OC.hideMenus(); }); /** * Set up the main menu toggle to react to media query changes. * If the screen is small enough, the main menu becomes a toggle. * If the screen is bigger, the main menu is not a toggle any more. */ function setupMainMenu() { // init the more-apps menu OC.registerMenu($('#more-apps'), $('#navigation')); // toggle the navigation var $toggle = $('#header .header-appname-container'); var $navigation = $('#navigation'); var $appmenu = $('#appmenu'); // init the menu OC.registerMenu($toggle, $navigation); $toggle.data('oldhref', $toggle.attr('href')); $toggle.attr('href', '#'); $navigation.hide(); // show loading feedback $navigation.delegate('a', 'click', function(event) { var $app = $(event.target); if(!$app.is('a')) { $app = $app.closest('a'); } if(event.which === 1 && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) { $app.addClass('app-loading'); } else { // Close navigation when opening app in // a new tab OC.hideMenus(function(){return false;}); } }); $navigation.delegate('a', 'mouseup', function(event) { if(event.which === 2) { // Close navigation when opening app in // a new tab via middle click OC.hideMenus(function(){return false;}); } }); $appmenu.delegate('a', 'click', function(event) { var $app = $(event.target); if(!$app.is('a')) { $app = $app.closest('a'); } if(event.which === 1 && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) { $app.addClass('app-loading'); } else { // Close navigation when opening app in // a new tab OC.hideMenus(function(){return false;}); } }); } function setupUserMenu() { var $menu = $('#header #settings'); // show loading feedback $menu.delegate('a', 'click', function(event) { var $page = $(event.target); if (!$page.is('a')) { $page = $page.closest('a'); } if(event.which === 1 && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) { $page.find('img').remove(); $page.find('div').remove(); // prevent odd double-clicks $page.prepend($('
').addClass('icon-loading-small')); } else { // Close navigation when opening menu entry in // a new tab OC.hideMenus(function(){return false;}); } }); $menu.delegate('a', 'mouseup', function(event) { if(event.which === 2) { // Close navigation when opening app in // a new tab via middle click OC.hideMenus(function(){return false;}); } }); } function setupContactsMenu() { new OC.ContactsMenu({ el: $('#contactsmenu .menu'), trigger: $('#contactsmenu .menutoggle') }); } setupMainMenu(); setupUserMenu(); setupContactsMenu(); // move triangle of apps dropdown to align with app name triangle // 2 is the additional offset between the triangles if($('#navigation').length) { $('#header #nextcloud + .menutoggle').on('click', function(){ $('#menu-css-helper').remove(); var caretPosition = $('.header-appname + .icon-caret').offset().left - 2; if(caretPosition > 255) { // if the app name is longer than the menu, just put the triangle in the middle return; } else { $('head').append(''); } }); $('#header #appmenu .menutoggle').on('click', function() { $('#appmenu').toggleClass('menu-open'); if($('#appmenu').is(':visible')) { $('#menu-css-helper').remove(); } }); } var resizeMenu = function() { var appList = $('#appmenu li'); var headerWidth = $('.header-left').width() - $('#nextcloud').width(); var usePercentualAppMenuLimit = 0.33; var minAppsDesktop = 8; var availableWidth = headerWidth - $(appList).width(); var isMobile = $(window).width() < 768; if (!isMobile) { availableWidth = headerWidth * usePercentualAppMenuLimit; } var appCount = Math.floor((availableWidth / $(appList).width())); if (isMobile && appCount > minAppsDesktop) { appCount = minAppsDesktop; } if (!isMobile && appCount < minAppsDesktop) { appCount = minAppsDesktop; } // show at least 2 apps in the popover if(appList.length-1-appCount >= 1) { appCount--; } // show at least one icon if(appCount < 1) { appCount = 1; } $('#more-apps a').removeClass('active'); var lastShownApp; for (var k = 0; k < appList.length-1; k++) { var name = $(appList[k]).data('id'); if(k < appCount) { $(appList[k]).removeClass('hidden'); $('#apps li[data-id=' + name + ']').addClass('in-header'); lastShownApp = appList[k]; } else { $(appList[k]).addClass('hidden'); $('#apps li[data-id=' + name + ']').removeClass('in-header'); // move active app to last position if it is active if(appCount > 0 && $(appList[k]).children('a').hasClass('active')) { $(lastShownApp).addClass('hidden'); $('#apps li[data-id=' + $(lastShownApp).data('id') + ']').removeClass('in-header'); $(appList[k]).removeClass('hidden'); $('#apps li[data-id=' + name + ']').addClass('in-header'); } } } // show/hide more apps icon if($('#apps li:not(.in-header)').length === 0) { $('#more-apps').hide(); $('#navigation').hide(); } else { $('#more-apps').show(); } }; $(window).resize(resizeMenu); resizeMenu(); // just add snapper for logged in users if($('#app-navigation').length && !$('html').hasClass('lte9')) { // App sidebar on mobile var snapper = new Snap({ element: document.getElementById('app-content'), disable: 'right', maxPosition: 250, minDragDistance: 100 }); $('#app-content').prepend(''); $('#app-navigation-toggle').click(function(){ if(snapper.state().state == 'left'){ snapper.close(); } else { snapper.open('left'); } }); // close sidebar when switching navigation entry var $appNavigation = $('#app-navigation'); $appNavigation.delegate('a, :button', 'click', function(event) { var $target = $(event.target); // don't hide navigation when changing settings or adding things if($target.is('.app-navigation-noclose') || $target.closest('.app-navigation-noclose').length) { return; } if($target.is('.app-navigation-entry-utils-menu-button') || $target.closest('.app-navigation-entry-utils-menu-button').length) { return; } if($target.is('.add-new') || $target.closest('.add-new').length) { return; } if($target.is('#app-settings') || $target.closest('#app-settings').length) { return; } snapper.close(); }); var navigationBarSlideGestureEnabled = false; var navigationBarSlideGestureAllowed = true; var navigationBarSlideGestureEnablePending = false; OC.allowNavigationBarSlideGesture = function() { navigationBarSlideGestureAllowed = true; if (navigationBarSlideGestureEnablePending) { snapper.enable(); navigationBarSlideGestureEnabled = true; navigationBarSlideGestureEnablePending = false; } }; OC.disallowNavigationBarSlideGesture = function() { navigationBarSlideGestureAllowed = false; if (navigationBarSlideGestureEnabled) { var endCurrentDrag = true; snapper.disable(endCurrentDrag); navigationBarSlideGestureEnabled = false; navigationBarSlideGestureEnablePending = true; } }; var toggleSnapperOnSize = function() { if($(window).width() > 768) { snapper.close(); snapper.disable(); navigationBarSlideGestureEnabled = false; navigationBarSlideGestureEnablePending = false; } else if (navigationBarSlideGestureAllowed) { snapper.enable(); navigationBarSlideGestureEnabled = true; navigationBarSlideGestureEnablePending = false; } else { navigationBarSlideGestureEnablePending = true; } }; $(window).resize(_.debounce(toggleSnapperOnSize, 250)); // initial call toggleSnapperOnSize(); } // Update live timestamps every 30 seconds setInterval(function() { $('.live-relative-timestamp').each(function() { $(this).text(OC.Util.relativeModifiedDate(parseInt($(this).attr('data-timestamp'), 10))); }); }, 30 * 1000); OC.PasswordConfirmation.init(); } OC.PasswordConfirmation = { callback: null, pageLoadTime: null, init: function() { $('.password-confirm-required').on('click', _.bind(this.requirePasswordConfirmation, this)); this.pageLoadTime = moment.now(); }, requiresPasswordConfirmation: function() { var serverTimeDiff = this.pageLoadTime - (nc_pageLoad * 1000); var timeSinceLogin = moment.now() - (serverTimeDiff + (nc_lastLogin * 1000)); // if timeSinceLogin > 30 minutes and user backend allows password confirmation return (backendAllowsPasswordConfirmation && timeSinceLogin > 30 * 60 * 1000); }, /** * @param {function} callback */ requirePasswordConfirmation: function(callback) { var self = this; if (this.requiresPasswordConfirmation()) { OC.dialogs.prompt( t( 'core', 'This action requires you to confirm your password' ), t('core','Authentication required'), function (result, password) { if (result && password !== '') { self._confirmPassword(password); } }, true, t('core','Password'), true ).then(function() { var $dialog = $('.oc-dialog:visible'); $dialog.find('.ui-icon').remove(); var $buttons = $dialog.find('button'); $buttons.eq(0).text(t('core', 'Cancel')); $buttons.eq(1).text(t('core', 'Confirm')); }); } this.callback = callback; }, _confirmPassword: function(password) { var self = this; $.ajax({ url: OC.generateUrl('/login/confirm'), data: { password: password }, type: 'POST', success: function(response) { nc_lastLogin = response.lastLogin; if (_.isFunction(self.callback)) { self.callback(); } }, error: function() { OC.PasswordConfirmation.requirePasswordConfirmation(self.callback); OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('core', 'Failed to authenticate, try again')); } }); } }; $(document).ready(initCore); /** * Filter Jquery selector by attribute value */ $.fn.filterAttr = function(attr_name, attr_value) { return this.filter(function() { return $(this).attr(attr_name) === attr_value; }); }; /** * Returns a human readable file size * @param {number} size Size in bytes * @param {boolean} skipSmallSizes return '< 1 kB' for small files * @return {string} */ function humanFileSize(size, skipSmallSizes) { var humanList = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']; // Calculate Log with base 1024: size = 1024 ** order var order = size > 0 ? Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024)) : 0; // Stay in range of the byte sizes that are defined order = Math.min(humanList.length - 1, order); var readableFormat = humanList[order]; var relativeSize = (size / Math.pow(1024, order)).toFixed(1); if(skipSmallSizes === true && order === 0) { if(relativeSize !== "0.0"){ return '< 1 KB'; } else { return '0 KB'; } } if(order < 2){ relativeSize = parseFloat(relativeSize).toFixed(0); } else if(relativeSize.substr(relativeSize.length-2,2)==='.0'){ relativeSize=relativeSize.substr(0,relativeSize.length-2); } return relativeSize + ' ' + readableFormat; } /** * Format an UNIX timestamp to a human understandable format * @param {number} timestamp UNIX timestamp * @return {string} Human readable format */ function formatDate(timestamp){ return OC.Util.formatDate(timestamp); } // /** * Get the value of a URL parameter * @link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1403888/get-url-parameter-with-jquery * @param {string} name URL parameter * @return {string} */ function getURLParameter(name) { return decodeURIComponent( (new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec( location.search)||[,''])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20') )||''; } /** * Takes an absolute timestamp and return a string with a human-friendly relative date * @param {number} timestamp A Unix timestamp */ function relative_modified_date(timestamp) { /* Were multiplying by 1000 to bring the timestamp back to its original value per https://github.com/owncloud/core/pull/10647#discussion_r16790315 */ return OC.Util.relativeModifiedDate(timestamp * 1000); } /** * Utility functions * @namespace */ OC.Util = { // TODO: remove original functions from global namespace humanFileSize: humanFileSize, /** * Returns a file size in bytes from a humanly readable string * Makes 2kB to 2048. * Inspired by computerFileSize in helper.php * @param {string} string file size in human readable format * @return {number} or null if string could not be parsed * * */ computerFileSize: function (string) { if (typeof string !== 'string') { return null; } var s = string.toLowerCase().trim(); var bytes = null; var bytesArray = { 'b' : 1, 'k' : 1024, 'kb': 1024, 'mb': 1024 * 1024, 'm' : 1024 * 1024, 'gb': 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 'g' : 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 'tb': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 't' : 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 'pb': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 'p' : 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 }; var matches = s.match(/^[\s+]?([0-9]*)(\.([0-9]+))?( +)?([kmgtp]?b?)$/i); if (matches !== null) { bytes = parseFloat(s); if (!isFinite(bytes)) { return null; } } else { return null; } if (matches[5]) { bytes = bytes * bytesArray[matches[5]]; } bytes = Math.round(bytes); return bytes; }, /** * @param timestamp * @param format * @returns {string} timestamp formatted as requested */ formatDate: function (timestamp, format) { format = format || "LLL"; return moment(timestamp).format(format); }, /** * @param timestamp * @returns {string} human readable difference from now */ relativeModifiedDate: function (timestamp) { var diff = moment().diff(moment(timestamp)); if (diff >= 0 && diff < 45000 ) { return t('core', 'seconds ago'); } return moment(timestamp).fromNow(); }, /** * Returns whether the browser supports SVG * @deprecated SVG is always supported (since 9.0) * @return {boolean} true if the browser supports SVG, false otherwise */ hasSVGSupport: function(){ return true; }, /** * If SVG is not supported, replaces the given icon's extension * from ".svg" to ".png". * If SVG is supported, return the image path as is. * @param {string} file image path with svg extension * @deprecated SVG is always supported (since 9.0) * @return {string} fixed image path with png extension if SVG is not supported */ replaceSVGIcon: function(file) { return file; }, /** * Replace SVG images in all elements that have the "svg" class set * with PNG images. * * @param $el root element from which to search, defaults to $('body') * @deprecated SVG is always supported (since 9.0) */ replaceSVG: function($el) {}, /** * Fix image scaling for IE8, since background-size is not supported. * * This scales the image to the element's actual size, the URL is * taken from the "background-image" CSS attribute. * * @deprecated IE8 isn't supported since 9.0 * @param {Object} $el image element */ scaleFixForIE8: function($el) {}, /** * Returns whether this is IE * * @return {bool} true if this is IE, false otherwise */ isIE: function() { return $('html').hasClass('ie'); }, /** * Returns whether this is IE8 * * @deprecated IE8 isn't supported since 9.0 * @return {bool} false (IE8 isn't supported anymore) */ isIE8: function() { return false; }, /** * Returns the width of a generic browser scrollbar * * @return {int} width of scrollbar */ getScrollBarWidth: function() { if (this._scrollBarWidth) { return this._scrollBarWidth; } var inner = document.createElement('p'); inner.style.width = "100%"; inner.style.height = "200px"; var outer = document.createElement('div'); outer.style.position = "absolute"; outer.style.top = "0px"; outer.style.left = "0px"; outer.style.visibility = "hidden"; outer.style.width = "200px"; outer.style.height = "150px"; outer.style.overflow = "hidden"; outer.appendChild (inner); document.body.appendChild (outer); var w1 = inner.offsetWidth; outer.style.overflow = 'scroll'; var w2 = inner.offsetWidth; if(w1 === w2) { w2 = outer.clientWidth; } document.body.removeChild (outer); this._scrollBarWidth = (w1 - w2); return this._scrollBarWidth; }, /** * Remove the time component from a given date * * @param {Date} date date * @return {Date} date with stripped time */ stripTime: function(date) { // FIXME: likely to break when crossing DST // would be better to use a library like momentJS return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); }, _chunkify: function(t) { // Adapted from http://my.opera.com/GreyWyvern/blog/show.dml/1671288 var tz = [], x = 0, y = -1, n = 0, code, c; while (x < t.length) { c = t.charAt(x); // only include the dot in strings var m = ((!n && c === '.') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')); if (m !== n) { // next chunk y++; tz[y] = ''; n = m; } tz[y] += c; x++; } return tz; }, /** * Compare two strings to provide a natural sort * @param a first string to compare * @param b second string to compare * @return -1 if b comes before a, 1 if a comes before b * or 0 if the strings are identical */ naturalSortCompare: function(a, b) { var x; var aa = OC.Util._chunkify(a); var bb = OC.Util._chunkify(b); for (x = 0; aa[x] && bb[x]; x++) { if (aa[x] !== bb[x]) { var aNum = Number(aa[x]), bNum = Number(bb[x]); // note: == is correct here if (aNum == aa[x] && bNum == bb[x]) { return aNum - bNum; } else { // Forcing 'en' locale to match the server-side locale which is // always 'en'. // // Note: This setting isn't supported by all browsers but for the ones // that do there will be more consistency between client-server sorting return aa[x].localeCompare(bb[x], 'en'); } } } return aa.length - bb.length; }, /** * Calls the callback in a given interval until it returns true * @param {function} callback * @param {integer} interval in milliseconds */ waitFor: function(callback, interval) { var internalCallback = function() { if(callback() !== true) { setTimeout(internalCallback, interval); } }; internalCallback(); }, /** * Checks if a cookie with the given name is present and is set to the provided value. * @param {string} name name of the cookie * @param {string} value value of the cookie * @return {boolean} true if the cookie with the given name has the given value */ isCookieSetToValue: function(name, value) { var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i=0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = cookies[i].split('='); if (cookie[0].trim() === name && cookie[1].trim() === value) { return true; } } return false; } }; /** * Utility class for the history API, * includes fallback to using the URL hash when * the browser doesn't support the history API. * * @namespace */ OC.Util.History = { _handlers: [], /** * Push the current URL parameters to the history stack * and change the visible URL. * Note: this includes a workaround for IE8/IE9 that uses * the hash part instead of the search part. * * @param {Object|string} params to append to the URL, can be either a string * or a map * @param {string} [url] URL to be used, otherwise the current URL will be used, * using the params as query string * @param {boolean} [replace=false] whether to replace instead of pushing */ _pushState: function(params, url, replace) { var strParams; if (typeof(params) === 'string') { strParams = params; } else { strParams = OC.buildQueryString(params); } if (window.history.pushState) { url = url || location.pathname + '?' + strParams; // Workaround for bug with SVG and window.history.pushState on Firefox < 51 // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=652991 var isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1; if (isFirefox && parseInt(navigator.userAgent.split('/').pop()) < 51) { var patterns = document.querySelectorAll('[fill^="url(#"], [stroke^="url(#"], [filter^="url(#invert"]'); for (var i = 0, ii = patterns.length, pattern; i < ii; i++) { pattern = patterns[i]; pattern.style.fill = pattern.style.fill; pattern.style.stroke = pattern.style.stroke; pattern.removeAttribute("filter"); pattern.setAttribute("filter", "url(#invert)"); } } if (replace) { window.history.replaceState(params, '', url); } else { window.history.pushState(params, '', url); } } // use URL hash for IE8 else { window.location.hash = '?' + strParams; // inhibit next onhashchange that just added itself // to the event queue this._cancelPop = true; } }, /** * Push the current URL parameters to the history stack * and change the visible URL. * Note: this includes a workaround for IE8/IE9 that uses * the hash part instead of the search part. * * @param {Object|string} params to append to the URL, can be either a string * or a map * @param {string} [url] URL to be used, otherwise the current URL will be used, * using the params as query string */ pushState: function(params, url) { return this._pushState(params, url, false); }, /** * Push the current URL parameters to the history stack * and change the visible URL. * Note: this includes a workaround for IE8/IE9 that uses * the hash part instead of the search part. * * @param {Object|string} params to append to the URL, can be either a string * or a map * @param {string} [url] URL to be used, otherwise the current URL will be used, * using the params as query string */ replaceState: function(params, url) { return this._pushState(params, url, true); }, /** * Add a popstate handler * * @param handler function */ addOnPopStateHandler: function(handler) { this._handlers.push(handler); }, /** * Parse a query string from the hash part of the URL. * (workaround for IE8 / IE9) */ _parseHashQuery: function() { var hash = window.location.hash, pos = hash.indexOf('?'); if (pos >= 0) { return hash.substr(pos + 1); } if (hash.length) { // remove hash sign return hash.substr(1); } return ''; }, _decodeQuery: function(query) { return query.replace(/\+/g, ' '); }, /** * Parse the query/search part of the URL. * Also try and parse it from the URL hash (for IE8) * * @return map of parameters */ parseUrlQuery: function() { var query = this._parseHashQuery(), params; // try and parse from URL hash first if (query) { params = OC.parseQueryString(this._decodeQuery(query)); } // else read from query attributes params = _.extend(params || {}, OC.parseQueryString(this._decodeQuery(location.search))); return params || {}; }, _onPopState: function(e) { if (this._cancelPop) { this._cancelPop = false; return; } var params; if (!this._handlers.length) { return; } params = (e && e.state); if (_.isString(params)) { params = OC.parseQueryString(params); } else if (!params) { params = this.parseUrlQuery() || {}; } for (var i = 0; i < this._handlers.length; i++) { this._handlers[i](params); } } }; // fallback to hashchange when no history support if (window.history.pushState) { window.onpopstate = _.bind(OC.Util.History._onPopState, OC.Util.History); } else { $(window).on('hashchange', _.bind(OC.Util.History._onPopState, OC.Util.History)); } /** * Get a variable by name * @param {string} name * @return {*} */ OC.get=function(name) { var namespaces = name.split("."); var tail = namespaces.pop(); var context=window; for(var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) { context = context[namespaces[i]]; if(!context){ return false; } } return context[tail]; }; /** * Set a variable by name * @param {string} name * @param {*} value */ OC.set=function(name, value) { var namespaces = name.split("."); var tail = namespaces.pop(); var context=window; for(var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) { if(!context[namespaces[i]]){ context[namespaces[i]]={}; } context = context[namespaces[i]]; } context[tail]=value; }; // fix device width on windows phone (function() { if ("-ms-user-select" in document.documentElement.style && navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile\/10\.0/)) { var msViewportStyle = document.createElement("style"); msViewportStyle.appendChild( document.createTextNode("@-ms-viewport{width:auto!important}") ); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(msViewportStyle); } })(); /** * Namespace for apps * @namespace OCA */ window.OCA = {}; /** * select a range in an input field * @link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/499126/jquery-set-cursor-position-in-text-area * @param {type} start * @param {type} end */ jQuery.fn.selectRange = function(start, end) { return this.each(function() { if (this.setSelectionRange) { this.focus(); this.setSelectionRange(start, end); } else if (this.createTextRange) { var range = this.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', end); range.moveStart('character', start); range.select(); } }); }; /** * check if an element exists. * allows you to write if ($('#myid').exists()) to increase readability * @link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31044/is-there-an-exists-function-for-jquery */ jQuery.fn.exists = function(){ return this.length > 0; }; /** * @deprecated use OC.Util.getScrollBarWidth() instead */ function getScrollBarWidth() { return OC.Util.getScrollBarWidth(); } /** * jQuery tipsy shim for the bootstrap tooltip */ jQuery.fn.tipsy = function(argument) { console.warn('Deprecation warning: tipsy is deprecated. Use tooltip instead.'); if(typeof argument === 'object' && argument !== null) { // tipsy defaults var options = { placement: 'bottom', delay: { 'show': 0, 'hide': 0}, trigger: 'hover', html: false, container: 'body' }; if(argument.gravity) { switch(argument.gravity) { case 'n': case 'nw': case 'ne': options.placement='bottom'; break; case 's': case 'sw': case 'se': options.placement='top'; break; case 'w': options.placement='right'; break; case 'e': options.placement='left'; break; } } if(argument.trigger) { options.trigger = argument.trigger; } if(argument.delayIn) { options.delay.show = argument.delayIn; } if(argument.delayOut) { options.delay.hide = argument.delayOut; } if(argument.html) { options.html = true; } if(argument.fallback) { options.title = argument.fallback; } // destroy old tooltip in case the title has changed jQuery.fn.tooltip.call(this, 'destroy'); jQuery.fn.tooltip.call(this, options); } else { this.tooltip(argument); jQuery.fn.tooltip.call(this, argument); } return this; };