PHPUnit Regression testing framework for unit tests. PHPUnit is a regression testing framework used by the developer who implements unit tests in PHP. This is the version to be used with PHP 4. sebastian Sebastian Bergmann lead 1.2.3 2005-05-14 PHP License stable Fixed bug #4342. 1.2.2 2005-01-31 stable * Fixed bug #3332. 1.2.1 2005-01-28 stable * Relaxed PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotNull() and PHPUnit_Assert::assertNull() to work on non-objects. * Fixed an issue in PHPUnit_GUI_SetupDecorator related to Windows' directory separators. (Patch by Lorenzo Alberton <>) 1.2.0 2005-01-19 stable + Added Gtk-based frontend. (Patch by Scott Mattocks <>) + Re-Added PHPUnit_Assert::assertSame() and PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotSame() to make the PEAR QA team happy. These methods only work with PHP >= 5.0.0. * PHPUnit_Assert::assertSame(), PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotSame(), PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotNull(), and PHPUnit_Assert::assertNull() are now stricter than before and only work on objects. This was always the documented behaviour. * Fixed a bug in the PHPUnit_GUI_SetupDecorator::_getFiles() method. (Patch by Michael Schmidt <>) * Fixed bug #3127: PHPUnit_GUI_HTML and $_REQUEST. (Patch by 1.1.1 2004-11-05 stable * Fixed bug #2701. 1.1.0 2004-09-29 stable + Added PHPUnit_Skeleton class for creating a PHPUnit_TestCase skeleton file. (Patch by Scott Mattocks <>) + Added PHPUnit_Assert::assertContains() and PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotContains() methods to assert that an array contains (or not contains) a given value or that a string contains (or not contains) a given substring. + Added PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotRegexp() to assert that a string does not match a given regular expression. - Removed PHPUnit_Assert::assertSame() and PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotSame() since these assertion methods do not work with PHP 4. 1.0.2 2004-09-21 stable * Added/fixed phpDocumentor code documentation. 1.0.1 2004-04-17 stable * Fixed a bug that let the HTML GUI fail for expected and/or actual results with newline characters. (Patch by Thiemo Maettig <>) * Fixed bug #1169. 1.0.0 2004-03-15 stable * No functional changes since PHPUnit-0.6.2. 0.6.2 2003-06-21 * Fixed PHPUnit_Assert::assertType(). 0.6.1 2003-05-15 + Added assertType() assertion method. * Fixed parse error in GUI/HTML.php that occured with PHP 5. * Fixed a layout issue in the HTML GUI. 0.6 2003-04-25 * Fixed bug that caused the constructor detection in PHPUnit_TestSuite to fail with upper-case class names. * Fixed bug with multiple assertions per Test Case. * call_user_func() was called with a copy instead of a reference in PHPUnit_TestCase::runTest(). * Assertion methods append the generated actual/expected message to a user-defined message, rather than overwriting it. * Constructors are now excluded from automatic TestCase creation in TestSuite::addTestSuite(). (Patch by Wolfram Kriesing <>.) * serialize() was called twice in PHPUnit_Assert::assertEquals(). 0.5 2003-03-26 + Added new HTML GUI. (Patch by Wolfram Kriesing <>.) + Added "loosely typed" mode to assertEquals() that can be turned on/off using setLooselyTyped(). When activated, array elements are cast to strings before comparison. * Allow multiple assertions per Test Case. * Use call_user_func() instead of $object->$method(). 0.4 2002-09-25 + Added PHPUnit_Assert::assertFalse() and PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotSame(). JUnit introduced those two convenience methods in the JUnit 3.8 release. * Fixed directory structure. 0.3 2002-07-12 * Added PHPUnit_TestDecorator and PHPUnit_RepeatedTest. * Implemented PHPUnit_TestResult::addListener() and PHPUnit_TestResult::removeListener(). * Added object support to PHPUnit_Assert::assertEquals(). * Implemented PHPUnit_Assert::assertSame() using Zend Engine 2 object handles. 0.2 2002-07-11 * Added Array support to PHPUnit_Assert::equals(). (Patch by Wolfram Kriesing <>) * Added PHPUnit_Assert::assertRegExp(). (Patch by M@rms <>) 0.1 2002-04-06 First release.