/** * Copyright (c) 2011, Robin Appelman * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ /** * Post the email address change to the server. */ function changeEmailAddress(){ var emailInfo = $('#email'); if (emailInfo.val() === emailInfo.defaultValue){ return; } emailInfo.defaultValue = emailInfo.val(); OC.msg.startSaving('#lostpassword .msg'); var post = $( "#lostpassword" ).serialize(); $.post( 'ajax/lostpassword.php', post, function(data){ OC.msg.finishedSaving('#lostpassword .msg', data); }); } /** * Post the display name change to the server. */ function changeDisplayName(){ if ($('#displayName').val() !== '' ) { OC.msg.startSaving('#displaynameform .msg'); // Serialize the data var post = $( "#displaynameform" ).serialize(); // Ajax foo $.post( 'ajax/changedisplayname.php', post, function(data){ if( data.status === "success" ){ $('#oldDisplayName').text($('#displayName').val()); // update displayName on the top right expand button $('#expandDisplayName').text($('#displayName').val()); } else{ $('#newdisplayname').val(data.data.displayName); } OC.msg.finishedSaving('#displaynameform .msg', data); }); return false; } } function selectAvatar (path) { $.post(OC.router_base_url+'/avatar/', {path: path}, avatarResponseHandler); } function updateAvatar () { $avatarimg = $('#avatar img'); $avatarimg.attr('src', $avatarimg.attr('src') + '#'); } function showAvatarCropper() { var $dlg = $('
'); $('body').append($dlg); $('#cropperbox').ocdialog({ width: '600px', height: '600px', buttons: [{ text: t('settings', 'Crop'), click: sendCropData, defaultButton: true }] }); var cropper = new Image(); $(cropper).load(function() { $(this).attr('id', 'cropper'); $('#cropperbox').html(this); $(this).Jcrop({ onChange: saveCoords, onSelect: saveCoords, aspectRatio: 1 }); }).attr('src', OC.router_base_url+'/avatartmp/512'); } function sendCropData() { $('#cropperbox').ocdialog('close'); var cropperdata = $('#cropper').data(); var data = { x: cropperdata.x, y: cropperdata.y, w: cropperdata.w, h: cropperdata.h }; $.post(OC.router_base_url+'/avatar/cropped', {crop: data}, avatarResponseHandler); } function saveCoords(c) { $('#cropper').data(c); } function avatarResponseHandler(data) { $warning = $('#avatar .warning'); $warning.hide(); if (data.status === "success") { updateAvatar(); } else if (data.data.message === "notsquare") { showAvatarCropper(); } else { $warning.show(); $warning.text(data.data.message); } } $(document).ready(function(){ $("#passwordbutton").click( function(){ if ($('#pass1').val() !== '' && $('#pass2').val() !== '') { // Serialize the data var post = $( "#passwordform" ).serialize(); $('#passwordchanged').hide(); $('#passworderror').hide(); // Ajax foo $.post( 'ajax/changepassword.php', post, function(data){ if( data.status === "success" ){ $('#pass1').val(''); $('#pass2').val(''); $('#passwordchanged').show(); } else{ $('#passworderror').html( data.data.message ); $('#passworderror').show(); } }); return false; } else { $('#passwordchanged').hide(); $('#passworderror').show(); return false; } }); $('#displayName').keyup(function(){ if ($('#displayName').val() !== '' ){ if(typeof timeout !== 'undefined'){ clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout('changeDisplayName()',1000); } }); $('#email').keyup(function(){ if ($('#email').val() !== '' ){ if(typeof timeout !== 'undefined'){ clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout('changeEmailAddress()',1000); } }); $("#languageinput").chosen(); // Show only the not selectable optgroup // Choosen only shows optgroup-labels if there are options in the optgroup $(".languagedivider").remove(); $("#languageinput").change( function(){ // Serialize the data var post = $( "#languageinput" ).serialize(); // Ajax foo $.post( 'ajax/setlanguage.php', post, function(data){ if( data.status === "success" ){ location.reload(); } else{ $('#passworderror').html( data.data.message ); } }); return false; }); $('button:button[name="submitDecryptAll"]').click(function() { var privateKeyPassword = $('#decryptAll input:password[id="privateKeyPassword"]').val(); OC.Encryption.decryptAll(privateKeyPassword); }); $('#decryptAll input:password[name="privateKeyPassword"]').keyup(function(event) { var privateKeyPassword = $('#decryptAll input:password[id="privateKeyPassword"]').val(); if (privateKeyPassword !== '' ) { $('#decryptAll button:button[name="submitDecryptAll"]').removeAttr("disabled"); if(event.which === 13) { OC.Encryption.decryptAll(privateKeyPassword); } } else { $('#decryptAll button:button[name="submitDecryptAll"]').attr("disabled", "true"); } }); $('#uploadavatar').click(function(){ alert('To be done'); updateAvatar(); }); var uploadparms = { done: function(e, data) { avatarResponseHandler(data.result); } }; $('#uploadavatarbutton').click(function(){ $('#uploadavatar').click(); }); $('#uploadavatar').fileupload(uploadparms); $('#selectavatar').click(function(){ OC.dialogs.filepicker(t('settings', "Select an avatar"), selectAvatar, false, "image"); }); $('#removeavatar').click(function(){ $.ajax({ type: 'DELETE', url: OC.router_base_url+'/avatar/', success: function(msg) { updateAvatar(); } }); }); } ); OC.Encryption = { decryptAll: function(password) { OC.Encryption.msg.startDecrypting('#decryptAll .msg'); $.post('ajax/decryptall.php', {password:password}, function(data) { if (data.status === "error") { OC.Encryption.msg.finishedDecrypting('#decryptAll .msg', data); } else { OC.Encryption.msg.finishedDecrypting('#decryptAll .msg', data); } } ); } } OC.Encryption.msg={ startDecrypting:function(selector){ $(selector) .html( t('files_encryption', 'Decrypting files... Please wait, this can take some time.') ) .removeClass('success') .removeClass('error') .stop(true, true) .show(); }, finishedDecrypting:function(selector, data){ if( data.status === "success" ){ $(selector).html( data.data.message ) .addClass('success') .stop(true, true) .delay(3000) .fadeOut(900); }else{ $(selector).html( data.data.message ).addClass('error'); } } }; OC.msg={ startSaving:function(selector){ $(selector) .html( t('settings', 'Saving...') ) .removeClass('success') .removeClass('error') .stop(true, true) .show(); }, finishedSaving:function(selector, data){ if( data.status === "success" ){ $(selector).html( data.data.message ) .addClass('success') .stop(true, true) .delay(3000) .fadeOut(900); }else{ $(selector).html( data.data.message ).addClass('error'); } } };