/** * Copyright (c) 2014, Raghu Nayyar * Copyright (c) 2014, Arthur Schiwon * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ /* globals escapeHTML, UserList, DeleteHandler */ var $userGroupList, $sortGroupBy; var GroupList; GroupList = { activeGID: '', everyoneGID: '_everyone', filter: '', filterGroups: false, addGroup: function (gid, usercount) { var $li = $userGroupList.find('.isgroup:last-child').clone(); $li .data('gid', gid) .find('.groupname').text(gid); GroupList.setUserCount($li, usercount); $li.appendTo($userGroupList); GroupList.sortGroups(); return $li; }, setUserCount: function (groupLiElement, usercount) { if ($sortGroupBy !== 1) { // If we don't sort by group count we don't display them either return; } var $groupLiElement = $(groupLiElement); if (usercount === undefined || usercount === 0 || usercount < 0) { usercount = ''; $groupLiElement.data('usercount', 0); } else { $groupLiElement.data('usercount', usercount); } $groupLiElement.find('.usercount').text(usercount); }, getUserCount: function ($groupLiElement) { var count = parseInt($groupLiElement.data('usercount'), 10); return isNaN(count) ? 0 : count; }, modGroupCount: function(gid, diff) { var $li = GroupList.getGroupLI(gid); var count = GroupList.getUserCount($li) + diff; GroupList.setUserCount($li, count); }, incEveryoneCount: function() { GroupList.modGroupCount(GroupList.everyoneGID, 1); }, decEveryoneCount: function() { GroupList.modGroupCount(GroupList.everyoneGID, -1); }, incGroupCount: function(gid) { GroupList.modGroupCount(gid, 1); }, decGroupCount: function(gid) { GroupList.modGroupCount(gid, -1); }, getCurrentGID: function () { return GroupList.activeGID; }, sortGroups: function () { var lis = $userGroupList.find('.isgroup').get(); lis.sort(function (a, b) { // "Everyone" always at the top if ($(a).data('gid') === '_everyone') { return -1; } else if ($(b).data('gid') === '_everyone') { return 1; } // "admin" always as second if ($(a).data('gid') === 'admin') { return -1; } else if ($(b).data('gid') === 'admin') { return 1; } if ($sortGroupBy === 1) { // Sort by user count first var $usersGroupA = $(a).data('usercount'), $usersGroupB = $(b).data('usercount'); if ($usersGroupA > 0 && $usersGroupA > $usersGroupB) { return -1; } if ($usersGroupB > 0 && $usersGroupB > $usersGroupA) { return 1; } } // Fallback or sort by group name return UserList.alphanum( $(a).find('a span').text(), $(b).find('a span').text() ); }); var items = []; $.each(lis, function (index, li) { items.push(li); if (items.length === 100) { $userGroupList.append(items); items = []; } }); if (items.length > 0) { $userGroupList.append(items); } }, createGroup: function (groupname) { if (OC.PasswordConfirmation.requiresPasswordConfirmation()) { OC.PasswordConfirmation.requirePasswordConfirmation(_.bind(this.createGroup, this, groupname)); return; } $.post( OC.generateUrl('/settings/users/groups'), { id: groupname }, function (result) { if (result.groupname) { var addedGroup = result.groupname; UserList.availableGroups = $.unique($.merge(UserList.availableGroups, [addedGroup])); GroupList.addGroup(result.groupname); } GroupList.toggleAddGroup(); }).fail(function(result) { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('settings', 'Error creating group: {message}', {message: result.responseJSON.message})); }); }, update: function () { if (GroupList.updating) { return; } GroupList.updating = true; $.get( OC.generateUrl('/settings/users/groups'), { pattern: this.filter, filterGroups: this.filterGroups ? 1 : 0, sortGroups: $sortGroupBy }, function (result) { var lis = []; if (result.status === 'success') { $.each(result.data, function (i, subset) { $.each(subset, function (index, group) { if (GroupList.getGroupLI(group.name).length > 0) { GroupList.setUserCount(GroupList.getGroupLI(group.name).first(), group.usercount); } else { var $li = GroupList.addGroup(group.name, group.usercount); $li.addClass('appear transparent'); lis.push($li); } }); }); if (result.data.length > 0) { GroupList.doSort(); } else { GroupList.noMoreEntries = true; } _.defer(function () { $(lis).each(function () { this.removeClass('transparent'); }); }); } GroupList.updating = false; } ); }, elementBelongsToAddGroup: function (el) { return !(el !== $('#newgroup-form').get(0) && $('#newgroup-form').find($(el)).length === 0); }, hasAddGroupNameText: function () { var name = $('#newgroupname').val(); return $.trim(name) !== ''; }, showDisabledUsers: function () { UserList.empty(); UserList.update('_disabledUsers'); $userGroupList.find('li').removeClass('active'); GroupList.getGroupLI('_disabledUsers').addClass('active'); }, showGroup: function (gid) { GroupList.activeGID = gid; UserList.empty(); UserList.update(gid === '_everyone' ? '' : gid); $userGroupList.find('li').removeClass('active'); if (gid !== undefined) { GroupList.getGroupLI(gid).addClass('active'); } }, isAddGroupButtonVisible: function () { return $('#newgroup-init').is(":visible"); }, toggleAddGroup: function (event) { if (GroupList.isAddGroupButtonVisible()) { if (event) { event.stopPropagation(); } $('#newgroup-entry').addClass('editing'); $('#newgroupname').select(); GroupList.handleAddGroupInput(''); } else { $('#newgroup-entry').removeClass('editing'); $('#newgroupname').val(''); } }, handleAddGroupInput: function (input) { if(input.length) { $('#newgroup-form input[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', null); } else { $('#newgroup-form input[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }, isGroupNameValid: function (groupname) { if ($.trim(groupname) === '') { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('settings', 'Error creating group: {message}', { message: t('settings', 'A valid group name must be provided') })); return false; } return true; }, hide: function (gid) { GroupList.getGroupLI(gid).hide(); }, show: function (gid) { GroupList.getGroupLI(gid).show(); }, remove: function (gid) { GroupList.getGroupLI(gid).remove(); }, empty: function () { $userGroupList.find('.isgroup').filter(function(index, item){ return $(item).data('gid') !== ''; }).remove(); }, initDeleteHandling: function () { //set up handler var GroupDeleteHandler = new DeleteHandler('/settings/users/groups', 'groupname', GroupList.hide, GroupList.remove); //configure undo OC.Notification.hide(); var msg = escapeHTML(t('settings', 'deleted {groupName}', {groupName: '%oid'})) + '' + escapeHTML(t('settings', 'undo')) + ''; GroupDeleteHandler.setNotification(OC.Notification, 'deletegroup', msg, GroupList.show); //when to mark user for delete var deleteAction = function () { if (OC.PasswordConfirmation.requiresPasswordConfirmation()) { OC.PasswordConfirmation.requirePasswordConfirmation(_.bind(deleteAction, this)); return; } // Call function for handling delete/undo GroupDeleteHandler.mark(GroupList.getElementGID(this)); }; $userGroupList.on('click', '.delete', deleteAction); //delete a marked user when leaving the page $(window).on('beforeunload', function () { GroupDeleteHandler.deleteEntry(); }); }, getGroupLI: function (gid) { return $userGroupList.find('li.isgroup').filter(function () { return GroupList.getElementGID(this) === gid; }); }, getElementGID: function (element) { return ($(element).closest('li').data('gid') || '').toString(); }, getEveryoneCount: function () { $.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType: "json", url: OC.generateUrl('/settings/users/stats') }).success(function (data) { $('#everyonegroup').data('usercount', data.totalUsers); $('#everyonecount').text(data.totalUsers); }); } }; $(document).ready( function () { $userGroupList = $('#usergrouplist'); GroupList.initDeleteHandling(); $sortGroupBy = $userGroupList.data('sort-groups'); if ($sortGroupBy === 1) { // Disabled due to performance issues, when we don't need it for sorting GroupList.getEveryoneCount(); } // Display or hide of Create Group List Element $('#newgroup-init').on('click', function (e) { GroupList.toggleAddGroup(e); }); $(document).on('click keydown keyup', function(event) { if(!GroupList.isAddGroupButtonVisible() && !GroupList.elementBelongsToAddGroup(event.target) && !GroupList.hasAddGroupNameText()) { GroupList.toggleAddGroup(); } // Escape if(!GroupList.isAddGroupButtonVisible() && event.keyCode && event.keyCode === 27) { GroupList.toggleAddGroup(); } }); // Responsible for Creating Groups. $('#newgroup-form form').submit(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if(GroupList.isGroupNameValid($('#newgroupname').val())) { GroupList.createGroup($('#newgroupname').val()); } }); // click on group name $userGroupList.on('click', '.isgroup', function () { GroupList.showGroup(GroupList.getElementGID(this)); }); // show disabled users $userGroupList.on('click', '.disabledusers', function () { GroupList.showDisabledUsers(); }); $('#newgroupname').on('input', function(){ GroupList.handleAddGroupInput(this.value); }); // highlight `everyone` group at DOMReady by default GroupList.showGroup('_everyone'); });