. * */ define('LDAP_GROUP_MEMBER_ASSOC_ATTR','memberUid'); //needed to unbind, because we use OC_LDAP only statically class OC_LDAP_DESTRUCTOR { public function __destruct() { OC_LDAP::destruct(); } } class OC_LDAP { static protected $ldapConnectionRes = false; static protected $configured = false; //cached settings static protected $ldapHost; static protected $ldapPort; static protected $ldapBase; static protected $ldapAgentName; static protected $ldapAgentPassword; static protected $ldapTLS; static protected $ldapNoCase; // user and group settings, that are needed in both backends static public $ldapUserDisplayName; static public function init() { self::readConfiguration(); self::establishConnection(); } static public function destruct() { @ldap_unbind(self::$ldapConnectionRes); } static public function conf($key) { $availableProperties = array( 'ldapUserDisplayName', ); if(in_array($key, $availableProperties)) { return self::$$key; } } /** * @brief executes an LDAP search * @param $filter the LDAP filter for the search * @param $attr optional, when a certain attribute shall be filtered out * @returns array with the search result * * Executes an LDAP search */ static public function search($filter, $attr = null) { $sr = ldap_search(self::getConnectionResource(), self::$ldapBase, $filter); $findings = ldap_get_entries(self::getConnectionResource(), $sr ); if(!is_null($attr)) { $selection = array(); foreach($findings as $item) { if(isset($item[strtolower($attr)])) { $selection[] = $item[strtolower($attr)][0]; } } return $selection; } return $findings; } /** * @brief combines the input filters with AND * @param $filters array, the filters to connect * @returns the combined filter * * Combines Filter arguments with AND */ static public function combineFilterWithAnd($filters) { return self::combineFilter($filters,'&'); } /** * @brief combines the input filters with AND * @param $filters array, the filters to connect * @returns the combined filter * * Combines Filter arguments with AND */ static public function combineFilterWithOr($filters) { return self::combineFilter($filters,'|'); } /** * @brief combines the input filters with given operator * @param $filters array, the filters to connect * @param $operator either & or | * @returns the combined filter * * Combines Filter arguments with AND */ static private function combineFilter($filters, $operator) { $combinedFilter = '('.$operator; foreach($filters as $filter) { if(substr($filter,0,1) != '(') { $filter = '('.$filter.')'; } $combinedFilter.=$filter; } $combinedFilter.=')'; return $combinedFilter; } /** * Returns the LDAP handler */ static private function getConnectionResource() { if(!self::$ldapConnectionRes) { self::init(); } return self::$ldapConnectionRes; } /** * Caches the general LDAP configuration. */ static private function readConfiguration() { if(!self::$configured) { self::$ldapHost = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_host', ''); self::$ldapPort = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_port', OC_USER_BACKEND_LDAP_DEFAULT_PORT); self::$ldapAgentName = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_dn',''); self::$ldapAgentPassword = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_password',''); self::$ldapBase = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_base',''); self::$ldapTLS = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_tls',0); self::$ldapNoCase = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_nocase', 0); self::$ldapUserDisplayName = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_display_name', OC_USER_BACKEND_LDAP_DEFAULT_DISPLAY_NAME); if( !empty(self::$ldapHost) && !empty(self::$ldapPort) && ( (!empty(self::$ldapAgentName) && !empty(self::$ldapAgentPassword)) || ( empty(self::$ldapAgentName) && empty(self::$ldapAgentPassword)) ) && !empty(self::$ldapBase) && !empty(self::$ldapUserDisplayName) ) { self::$configured = true; } } } /** * Connects and Binds to LDAP */ static private function establishConnection() { if(!self::$configured) { return false; } if(!self::$ldapConnectionRes) { self::$ldapConnectionRes = ldap_connect(self::$ldapHost, self::$ldapPort); if(ldap_set_option(self::$ldapConnectionRes, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)) { if(ldap_set_option(self::$ldapConnectionRes, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0)) { if(self::$ldapTLS) { ldap_start_tls(self::$ldapConnectionRes); } } } $ldapLogin = @ldap_bind(self::$ldapConnectionRes, self::$ldapAgentName, self::$ldapAgentPassword ); if(!$ldapLogin) { return false; } } } }