/* * Copyright (c) 2016 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ /* global Handlebars, escapeHTML */ (function(OC, OCA) { /** * @memberof OCA.Comments */ var CommentsTabView = OCA.Files.DetailTabView.extend( /** @lends OCA.Comments.CommentsTabView.prototype */ { id: 'commentsTabView', className: 'tab commentsTabView', _autoCompleteData: undefined, _commentsModifyMenu: undefined, events: { 'submit .newCommentForm': '_onSubmitComment', 'click .showMore': '_onClickShowMore', 'click .cancel': '_onClickCloseComment', 'click .comment': '_onClickComment', 'keyup div.message': '_onTextChange', 'change div.message': '_onTextChange', 'input div.message': '_onTextChange', 'paste div.message': '_onPaste' }, _commentMaxLength: 1000, initialize: function() { OCA.Files.DetailTabView.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.collection = new OCA.Comments.CommentCollection(); this.collection.on('request', this._onRequest, this); this.collection.on('sync', this._onEndRequest, this); this.collection.on('add', this._onAddModel, this); this.collection.on('change:message', this._onChangeModel, this); this._commentMaxThreshold = this._commentMaxLength * 0.9; // TODO: error handling _.bindAll(this, '_onTypeComment', '_initAutoComplete', '_onAutoComplete'); }, template: function(params) { var currentUser = OC.getCurrentUser(); return OCA.Comments.Templates['view'](_.extend({ actorId: currentUser.uid, actorDisplayName: currentUser.displayName }, params)); }, editCommentTemplate: function(params) { var currentUser = OC.getCurrentUser(); return OCA.Comments.Templates['edit_comment'](_.extend({ actorId: currentUser.uid, actorDisplayName: currentUser.displayName, newMessagePlaceholder: t('comments', 'New comment …'), submitText: t('comments', 'Post'), cancelText: t('comments', 'Cancel'), tag: 'li' }, params)); }, commentTemplate: function(params) { params = _.extend({ editTooltip: t('comments', 'Edit comment'), isUserAuthor: OC.getCurrentUser().uid === params.actorId, isLong: this._isLong(params.message) }, params); if (params.actorType === 'deleted_users') { // makes the avatar a X params.actorId = null; params.actorDisplayName = t('comments', '[Deleted user]'); } return OCA.Comments.Templates['comment'](params); }, getLabel: function() { return t('comments', 'Comments'); }, getIcon: function() { return 'icon-comment'; }, setFileInfo: function(fileInfo) { if (fileInfo) { this.model = fileInfo; this.render(); this._initAutoComplete($('#commentsTabView').find('.newCommentForm .message')); this.collection.setObjectId(this.model.id); // reset to first page this.collection.reset([], {silent: true}); this.nextPage(); } else { this.model = null; this.render(); this.collection.reset(); } }, render: function() { this.$el.html(this.template({ emptyResultLabel: t('comments', 'No comments yet, start the conversation!'), moreLabel: t('comments', 'More comments …') })); this.$el.find('.comments').before(this.editCommentTemplate({ tag: 'div'})); this.$el.find('.has-tooltip').tooltip(); this.$container = this.$el.find('ul.comments'); this.$el.find('.avatar').avatar(OC.getCurrentUser().uid, 32); this.delegateEvents(); this.$el.find('.message').on('keydown input change', this._onTypeComment); autosize(this.$el.find('.newCommentRow .message')) this.$el.find('.newCommentForm .message').focus(); }, _initAutoComplete: function($target) { var s = this; var limit = 10; if(!_.isUndefined(OC.appConfig.comments)) { limit = OC.appConfig.comments.maxAutoCompleteResults; } $target.atwho({ at: '@', limit: limit, callbacks: { remoteFilter: s._onAutoComplete, highlighter: function (li) { // misuse the highlighter callback to instead of // highlighting loads the avatars. var $li = $(li); $li.find('.avatar').avatar(undefined, 32); return $li; }, sorter: function (q, items) { return items; } }, displayTpl: function (item) { return '
  • ' + '' + '' + '' + '' + escapeHTML(item.label) + '' + '
  • '; }, insertTpl: function (item) { return '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + escapeHTML(item.label) + '' + ''; }, searchKey: "label" }); $target.on('inserted.atwho', function (je, $el) { var editionMode = true; s._postRenderItem( // we need to pass the parent of the inserted element // passing the whole comments form would re-apply and request // avatars from the server $(je.target).find( 'span[data-username="' + $el.find('[data-username]').data('username') + '"]' ).parent(), editionMode ); }); }, _onAutoComplete: function(query, callback) { var s = this; if(!_.isUndefined(this._autoCompleteRequestTimer)) { clearTimeout(this._autoCompleteRequestTimer); } this._autoCompleteRequestTimer = _.delay(function() { if(!_.isUndefined(this._autoCompleteRequestCall)) { this._autoCompleteRequestCall.abort(); } this._autoCompleteRequestCall = $.ajax({ url: OC.linkToOCS('core', 2) + 'autocomplete/get', data: { search: query, itemType: 'files', itemId: s.model.get('id'), sorter: 'commenters|share-recipients', limit: OC.appConfig.comments.maxAutoCompleteResults }, beforeSend: function (request) { request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); }, success: function (result) { callback(result.ocs.data); } }); }, 400); }, _formatItem: function(commentModel) { var timestamp = new Date(commentModel.get('creationDateTime')).getTime(); var data = _.extend({ timestamp: timestamp, date: OC.Util.relativeModifiedDate(timestamp), altDate: OC.Util.formatDate(timestamp), formattedMessage: this._formatMessage(commentModel.get('message'), commentModel.get('mentions')) }, commentModel.attributes); return data; }, _toggleLoading: function(state) { this._loading = state; this.$el.find('.loading').toggleClass('hidden', !state); }, _onRequest: function(type) { if (type === 'REPORT') { this._toggleLoading(true); this.$el.find('.showMore').addClass('hidden'); } }, _onEndRequest: function(type) { var fileInfoModel = this.model; this._toggleLoading(false); this.$el.find('.emptycontent').toggleClass('hidden', !!this.collection.length); this.$el.find('.showMore').toggleClass('hidden', !this.collection.hasMoreResults()); if (type !== 'REPORT') { return; } // find first unread comment var firstUnreadComment = this.collection.findWhere({isUnread: true}); if (firstUnreadComment) { // update read marker this.collection.updateReadMarker( null, { success: function() { fileInfoModel.set('commentsUnread', 0); } } ); } this.$el.find('.newCommentForm .message').focus(); }, /** * takes care of post-rendering after a new comment was added to the * collection * * @param model * @param collection * @param options * @private */ _onAddModel: function(model, collection, options) { // we need to render it immediately, to ensure that the right // order of comments is kept on opening comments tab var $comment = $(this.commentTemplate(this._formatItem(model))); if (!_.isUndefined(options.at) && collection.length > 1) { this.$container.find('li').eq(options.at).before($comment); } else { this.$container.append($comment); } this._postRenderItem($comment); $('#commentsTabView').find('.newCommentForm div.message').text('').prop('contenteditable', true); // we need to update the model, because it consists of client data // only, but the server might add meta data, e.g. about mentions var oldMentions = model.get('mentions'); var self = this; model.fetch({ success: function (model) { if(_.isEqual(oldMentions, model.get('mentions'))) { // don't attempt to render if unnecessary, avoids flickering return; } var $updated = $(self.commentTemplate(self._formatItem(model))); $comment.html($updated.html()); self._postRenderItem($comment); } }) }, /** * takes care of post-rendering after a new comment was edited * * @param model * @private */ _onChangeModel: function (model) { if(model.get('message').trim() === model.previous('message').trim()) { return; } var $form = this.$container.find('.comment[data-id="' + model.id + '"] form'); var $row = $form.closest('.comment'); var $target = $row.data('commentEl'); if(_.isUndefined($target)) { // ignore noise – this is only set after editing a comment and hitting post return; } var self = this; // we need to update the model, because it consists of client data // only, but the server might add meta data, e.g. about mentions model.fetch({ success: function (model) { $target.removeClass('hidden'); $row.remove(); var $message = $target.find('.message'); $message .html(self._formatMessage(model.get('message'), model.get('mentions'))) .find('.avatar') .each(function () { $(this).avatar(); }); self._postRenderItem($message); } }); }, _postRenderItem: function($el, editionMode) { $el.find('.has-tooltip').tooltip(); var inlineAvatars = $el.find('.message .avatar'); if ($($el.context).hasClass('message')) { inlineAvatars = $el.find('.avatar'); } inlineAvatars.each(function () { var $this = $(this); $this.avatar($this.attr('data-username'), 16); }); $el.find('.authorRow .avatar').each(function () { var $this = $(this); $this.avatar($this.attr('data-username'), 32); }); var username = $el.find('.avatar').data('username'); if (username !== oc_current_user) { $el.find('.authorRow .avatar, .authorRow .author').contactsMenu( username, 0, $el.find('.authorRow')); } var $message = $el.find('.message'); if($message.length === 0) { // it is the case when writing a comment and mentioning a person $message = $el; } if (!editionMode) { var self = this; // add the dropdown menu to display the edit and delete option var modifyCommentMenu = new OCA.Comments.CommentsModifyMenu(); $el.find('.authorRow').append(modifyCommentMenu.$el); $el.find('.more').on('click', _.bind(modifyCommentMenu.show, modifyCommentMenu)); self.listenTo(modifyCommentMenu, 'select:menu-item-clicked', function(ev, action) { if (action === 'edit') { self._onClickEditComment(ev); } else if (action === 'delete') { self._onClickDeleteComment(ev); } }); } this._postRenderMessage($message, editionMode); }, _postRenderMessage: function($el, editionMode) { if (editionMode) { return; } $el.find('.avatar-name-wrapper').each(function() { var $this = $(this); var $avatar = $this.find('.avatar'); var user = $avatar.data('user'); if (user !== OC.getCurrentUser().uid) { $this.contactsMenu(user, 0, $this); } }); }, /** * Convert a message to be displayed in HTML, * converts newlines to
    tags. */ _formatMessage: function(message, mentions, editMode) { message = escapeHTML(message).replace(/\n/g, '
    '); for(var i in mentions) { if(!mentions.hasOwnProperty(i)) { return; } var mention = '@' + mentions[i].mentionId; if (mentions[i].mentionId.indexOf(' ') !== -1) { mention = _.escape('@"' + mentions[i].mentionId + '"'); } // escape possible regex characters in the name mention = mention.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); var regex = new RegExp("(^|\\s)(" + mention + ")\\b", 'g'); if (mentions[i].mentionId.indexOf(' ') !== -1) { regex = new RegExp("(^|\\s)(" + mention + ")", 'g'); } var displayName = this._composeHTMLMention(mentions[i].mentionId, mentions[i].mentionDisplayName); // replace every mention either at the start of the input or after a whitespace // followed by a non-word character. message = message.replace(regex, function(match, p1) { // to get number of whitespaces (0 vs 1) right return p1+displayName; } ); } if(editMode !== true) { message = OCP.Comments.plainToRich(message); } return message; }, _composeHTMLMention: function(uid, displayName) { var avatar = '' + '' + ''; var isCurrentUser = (uid === OC.getCurrentUser().uid); return '' + '' + '' + avatar + '' + _.escape(displayName) + '' + '' + ''; }, nextPage: function() { if (this._loading || !this.collection.hasMoreResults()) { return; } this.collection.fetchNext(); }, _onClickEditComment: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $comment = $(ev.target).closest('.comment'); var commentId = $comment.data('id'); var commentToEdit = this.collection.get(commentId); var $formRow = $(this.editCommentTemplate(_.extend({ isEditMode: true, submitText: t('comments', 'Save') }, commentToEdit.attributes))); $comment.addClass('hidden').removeClass('collapsed'); // spawn form $comment.after($formRow); $formRow.data('commentEl', $comment); $formRow.find('.message').on('keydown input change', this._onTypeComment); // copy avatar element from original to avoid flickering $formRow.find('.avatar:first').replaceWith($comment.find('.avatar:first').clone()); $formRow.find('.has-tooltip').tooltip(); var $message = $formRow.find('.message'); $message .html(this._formatMessage(commentToEdit.get('message'), commentToEdit.get('mentions'), true)) .find('.avatar') .each(function () { $(this).avatar(); }); var editionMode = true; this._postRenderItem($message, editionMode); // Enable autosize autosize($formRow.find('.message')); // enable autocomplete this._initAutoComplete($formRow.find('.message')); return false; }, _onTypeComment: function(ev) { var $field = $(ev.target); var len = $field.text().length; var $submitButton = $field.data('submitButtonEl'); if (!$submitButton) { $submitButton = $field.closest('form').find('.submit'); $field.data('submitButtonEl', $submitButton); } $field.tooltip('hide'); if (len > this._commentMaxThreshold) { $field.attr('data-original-title', t('comments', 'Allowed characters {count} of {max}', {count: len, max: this._commentMaxLength})); $field.tooltip({trigger: 'manual'}); $field.tooltip('show'); $field.addClass('error'); } var limitExceeded = (len > this._commentMaxLength); $field.toggleClass('error', limitExceeded); $submitButton.prop('disabled', limitExceeded); // Submits form with Enter, but Shift+Enter is a new line. If the // autocomplete popover is being shown Enter does not submit the // form either; it will be handled by At.js which will add the // currently selected item to the message. if (ev.keyCode === 13 && !ev.shiftKey && !$field.atwho('isSelecting')) { $submitButton.click(); ev.preventDefault(); } }, _onClickComment: function(ev) { var $row = $(ev.target); if (!$row.is('.comment')) { $row = $row.closest('.comment'); } $row.removeClass('collapsed'); }, _onClickCloseComment: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $row = $(ev.target).closest('.comment'); $row.data('commentEl').removeClass('hidden'); $row.remove(); return false; }, _onClickDeleteComment: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $comment = $(ev.target).closest('.comment'); var commentId = $comment.data('id'); var $loading = $comment.find('.deleteLoading'); var $moreIcon = $comment.find('.more'); $comment.addClass('disabled'); $loading.removeClass('hidden'); $moreIcon.addClass('hidden'); $comment.data('commentEl', $comment); this.collection.get(commentId).destroy({ success: function() { $comment.data('commentEl').remove(); $comment.remove(); }, error: function() { $loading.addClass('hidden'); $moreIcon.removeClass('hidden'); $comment.removeClass('disabled'); OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('comments', 'Error occurred while retrieving comment with ID {id}', {id: commentId})); } }); return false; }, _onClickShowMore: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.nextPage(); }, /** * takes care of updating comment element states after submit (either new * comment or edit). * * @param {OC.Backbone.Model} model * @param {jQuery} $form * @private */ _onSubmitSuccess: function(model, $form) { var $submit = $form.find('.submit'); var $loading = $form.find('.submitLoading'); $submit.removeClass('hidden'); $loading.addClass('hidden'); }, _commentBodyHTML2Plain: function($el) { var $comment = $el.clone(); $comment.find('.avatar-name-wrapper').each(function () { var $this = $(this), $inserted = $this.parent(), userId = $this.find('.avatar').data('username'); if (userId.indexOf(' ') !== -1) { $inserted.html('@"' + userId + '"'); } else { $inserted.html('@' + userId); } }); $comment.html(OCP.Comments.richToPlain($comment.html())); var oldHtml; var html = $comment.html(); do { // replace works one by one oldHtml = html; html = oldHtml.replace("
    ", "\n"); // preserve line breaks } while(oldHtml !== html); $comment.html(html); return $comment.text(); }, _onSubmitComment: function(e) { var self = this; var $form = $(e.target); var commentId = $form.closest('.comment').data('id'); var currentUser = OC.getCurrentUser(); var $submit = $form.find('.submit'); var $loading = $form.find('.submitLoading'); var $commentField = $form.find('.message'); var message = $commentField.text().trim(); e.preventDefault(); if (!message.length || message.length > this._commentMaxLength) { return; } $commentField.prop('contenteditable', false); $submit.addClass('hidden'); $loading.removeClass('hidden'); message = this._commentBodyHTML2Plain($commentField); if (commentId) { // edit mode var comment = this.collection.get(commentId); comment.save({ message: message }, { success: function(model) { self._onSubmitSuccess(model, $form); if(model.get('message').trim() === model.previous('message').trim()) { // model change event doesn't trigger, manually remove the row. var $row = $form.closest('.comment'); $row.data('commentEl').removeClass('hidden'); $row.remove(); } }, error: function() { self._onSubmitError($form, commentId); } }); } else { this.collection.create({ actorId: currentUser.uid, actorDisplayName: currentUser.displayName, actorType: 'users', verb: 'comment', message: message, creationDateTime: (new Date()).toUTCString() }, { at: 0, // wait for real creation before adding wait: true, success: function(model) { self._onSubmitSuccess(model, $form); }, error: function() { self._onSubmitError($form, undefined); } }); } return false; }, /** * takes care of updating the UI after an error on submit (either new * comment or edit). * * @param {jQuery} $form * @param {string|undefined} commentId * @private */ _onSubmitError: function($form, commentId) { $form.find('.submit').removeClass('hidden'); $form.find('.submitLoading').addClass('hidden'); $form.find('.message').prop('contenteditable', true); if(!_.isUndefined(commentId)) { OC.Notification.show(t('comments', 'Error occurred while updating comment with id {id}', {id: commentId}), {type: 'error'}); } else { OC.Notification.show(t('comments', 'Error occurred while posting comment'), {type: 'error'}); } }, /** * ensures the contenteditable div is really empty, when user removed * all input, so that the placeholder will be shown again * * @private */ _onTextChange: function() { var $message = $('#commentsTabView').find('.newCommentForm div.message'); if(!$message.text().trim().length) { $message.empty(); } }, /** * Limit pasting to plain text * * @param e * @private */ _onPaste: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var text = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData("text/plain"); document.execCommand('insertText', false, text); }, /** * Returns whether the given message is long and needs * collapsing */ _isLong: function(message) { return message.length > 250 || (message.match(/\n/g) || []).length > 1; } }); OCA.Comments.CommentsTabView = CommentsTabView; })(OC, OCA);