, and * Robin Appelman * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ require_once "PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php"; require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../lib/base.php' ); require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' ); require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/keymanager.php' ); require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/proxy.php' ); require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/stream.php' ); require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/util.php' ); require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../appinfo/app.php' ); use OCA\Encryption; class Test_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { function setUp() { // set content for encrypting / decrypting in tests $this->dataLong = file_get_contents( realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' ) ); $this->dataShort = 'hats'; $this->dataUrl = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' ); $this->legacyData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-text.txt' ); $this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-encrypted-text.txt' ); $this->randomKey = Encryption\Crypt::generateKey(); $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' ); \OC_User::setUserId( 'admin' ); } function tearDown(){} function testGenerateKey() { # TODO: use more accurate (larger) string length for test confirmation $key = Encryption\Crypt::generateKey(); $this->assertTrue( strlen( $key ) > 16 ); } function testGenerateIv() { $iv = Encryption\Crypt::generateIv(); echo $iv; $this->assertEquals( 16, strlen( $iv ) ); return $iv; } /** * @depends testGenerateIv */ function testConcatIv( $iv ) { $catFile = Encryption\Crypt::concatIv( $this->dataLong, $iv ); // Fetch encryption metadata from end of file $meta = substr( $catFile, -22 ); $identifier = substr( $meta, 0, 6); // Fetch IV from end of file $foundIv = substr( $meta, 6 ); $this->assertEquals( '00iv00', $identifier ); $this->assertEquals( $iv, $foundIv ); // Remove IV and IV identifier text to expose encrypted content $data = substr( $catFile, 0, -22 ); $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $data ); return array( 'iv' => $iv , 'catfile' => $catFile ); } /** * @depends testConcatIv */ function testSplitIv( $testConcatIv ) { // Split catfile into components $splitCatfile = Encryption\Crypt::splitIv( $testConcatIv['catfile'] ); // Check that original IV and split IV match $this->assertEquals( $testConcatIv['iv'], $splitCatfile['iv'] ); // Check that original data and split data match $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $splitCatfile['encrypted'] ); } function testEncrypt() { $random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( 13 ); $iv = substr( base64_encode( $random ), 0, -4 ); // i.e. E5IG033j+mRNKrht $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::encrypt( $this->dataUrl, $iv, 'hat' ); $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataUrl, $crypted ); } function testDecrypt() { $random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( 13 ); $iv = substr( base64_encode( $random ), 0, -4 ); // i.e. E5IG033j+mRNKrht $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::encrypt( $this->dataUrl, $iv, 'hat' ); $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::decrypt( $crypted, $iv, 'hat' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decrypt ); } function testSymmetricEncryptFileContent() { # TODO: search in keyfile for actual content as IV will ensure this test always passes $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $this->dataShort, 'hat' ); $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataShort, $crypted ); $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $crypted, 'hat' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt ); } // These aren't used for now // function testSymmetricBlockEncryptShortFileContent() { // // $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricBlockEncryptFileContent( $this->dataShort, $this->randomKey ); // // $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataShort, $crypted ); // // // $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricBlockDecryptFileContent( $crypted, $this->randomKey ); // // $this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt ); // // } // // function testSymmetricBlockEncryptLongFileContent() { // // $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricBlockEncryptFileContent( $this->dataLong, $this->randomKey ); // // $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataLong, $crypted ); // // // $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricBlockDecryptFileContent( $crypted, $this->randomKey ); // // $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypt ); // // } function testSymmetricStreamEncryptShortFileContent() { $filename = 'tmp-'.time(); $cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataShort ); // Test that data was successfully written $this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) ); // Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk $retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents( $filename ); //echo "\n\n\$retreivedCryptedFile = $retreivedCryptedFile"; // Check that the file was encrypted before being written to disk $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataShort, $retreivedCryptedFile ); $key = Encryption\Keymanager::getFileKey( $filename ); $manualDecrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricBlockDecryptFileContent( $retreivedCryptedFile, $key ); $this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $manualDecrypt ); } /** * @brief Test that data that is written by the crypto stream wrapper * @note Encrypted data is manually prepared and decrypted here to avoid dependency on success of stream_read */ function testSymmetricStreamEncryptLongFileContent() { // Generate a a random filename $filename = 'tmp-'.time(); echo "\n\n\$filename = $filename\n\n"; // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper $cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong.$this->dataLong ); // Test that data was successfully written $this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) ); // Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk $retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents( $filename ); // echo "\n\n\$retreivedCryptedFile = $retreivedCryptedFile\n\n"; // Check that the file was encrypted before being written to disk $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataLong.$this->dataLong, $retreivedCryptedFile ); // Manuallly split saved file into separate IVs and encrypted chunks $r = preg_split('/(00iv00.{16,18})/', $retreivedCryptedFile, NULL, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); //print_r($r); // Join IVs and their respective data chunks $e = array( $r[0].$r[1], $r[2].$r[3], $r[4].$r[5], $r[6].$r[7], $r[8].$r[9], $r[10].$r[11] );//.$r[11], $r[12].$r[13], $r[14] ); //print_r($e); // Manually fetch keyfile $keyfile = Encryption\Keymanager::getFileKey( $filename ); // Set var for reassembling decrypted content $decrypt = ''; // Manually decrypt chunk foreach ($e as $e) { // echo "\n\$encryptMe = $f"; $chunkDecrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $e, $keyfile ); // Assemble decrypted chunks $decrypt .= $chunkDecrypt; //echo "\n\$chunkDecrypt = $chunkDecrypt"; } $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong.$this->dataLong, $decrypt ); // Teadown $this->view->unlink( $filename ); Keymanager::deleteFileKey( $filename ); } /** * @brief Test that data that is read by the crypto stream wrapper * @depends testSymmetricStreamEncryptLongFileContent */ function testSymmetricStreamDecryptShortFileContent() { $filename = 'tmp-'.time(); // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper $cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataShort ); // Test that data was successfully written $this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) ); // Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk $retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents( $filename ); $decrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename ); $this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt ); } function testSymmetricStreamDecryptLongFileContent() { $filename = 'tmp-'.time(); // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper $cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong ); // Test that data was successfully written $this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) ); // Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk $retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents( '/admin/files/' . $filename ); $decrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename ); $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypt ); } // Is this test still necessary? // function testSymmetricBlockStreamDecryptFileContent() { // // \OC_User::setUserId( 'admin' ); // // // Disable encryption proxy to prevent unwanted en/decryption // \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false; // // $cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . '/blockEncrypt', $this->dataUrl ); // // // Disable encryption proxy to prevent unwanted en/decryption // \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false; // // echo "\n\n\$cryptedFile = " . $this->view->file_get_contents( '/blockEncrypt' ); // // $retreivedCryptedFile = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . '/blockEncrypt' ); // // $this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $retreivedCryptedFile ); // // \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false; // // } function testSymmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile() { # TODO: search in keyfile for actual content as IV will ensure this test always passes $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile( $this->dataUrl ); $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataUrl, $crypted['encrypted'] ); $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $crypted['encrypted'], $crypted['key'] ); $this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decrypt ); } function testIsEncryptedContent() { $this->assertFalse( Encryption\Crypt::isEncryptedContent( $this->dataUrl ) ); $this->assertFalse( Encryption\Crypt::isEncryptedContent( $this->legacyEncryptedData ) ); $keyfileContent = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $this->dataUrl, 'hat' ); $this->assertTrue( Encryption\Crypt::isEncryptedContent( $keyfileContent ) ); } function testMultiKeyEncrypt() { # TODO: search in keyfile for actual content as IV will ensure this test always passes $pair1 = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair(); $this->assertEquals( 2, count( $pair1 ) ); $this->assertTrue( strlen( $pair1['publicKey'] ) > 1 ); $this->assertTrue( strlen( $pair1['privateKey'] ) > 1 ); $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt( $this->dataUrl, array( $pair1['publicKey'] ) ); $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataUrl, $crypted['encrypted'] ); $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $crypted['encrypted'], $crypted['keys'][0], $pair1['privateKey'] ); $this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decrypt ); } function testKeyEncrypt() { // Generate keypair $pair1 = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair(); // Encrypt data $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::keyEncrypt( $this->dataUrl, $pair1['publicKey'] ); $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataUrl, $crypted ); // Decrypt data $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::keyDecrypt( $crypted, $pair1['privateKey'] ); $this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decrypt ); } function testKeyEncryptKeyfile() { # TODO: Don't repeat encryption from previous tests, use PHPUnit test interdependency instead // Generate keypair $pair1 = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair(); // Encrypt plain data, generate keyfile & encrypted file $cryptedData = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile( $this->dataUrl ); // Encrypt keyfile $cryptedKey = Encryption\Crypt::keyEncrypt( $cryptedData['key'], $pair1['publicKey'] ); // Decrypt keyfile $decryptKey = Encryption\Crypt::keyDecrypt( $cryptedKey, $pair1['privateKey'] ); // Decrypt encrypted file $decryptData = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $cryptedData['encrypted'], $decryptKey ); $this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decryptData ); } // function testEncryption(){ // // $key=uniqid(); // $file=OC::$SERVERROOT.'/3rdparty/MDB2.php'; // $source=file_get_contents($file); //nice large text file // $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::encrypt($source,$key); // $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::decrypt($encrypted,$key); // $decrypted=rtrim($decrypted, "\0"); // $this->assertNotEquals($encrypted,$source); // $this->assertEqual($decrypted,$source); // // $chunk=substr($source,0,8192); // $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::encrypt($chunk,$key); // $this->assertEqual(strlen($chunk),strlen($encrypted)); // $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::decrypt($encrypted,$key); // $decrypted=rtrim($decrypted, "\0"); // $this->assertEqual($decrypted,$chunk); // // $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockEncrypt($source,$key); // $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockDecrypt($encrypted,$key); // $this->assertNotEquals($encrypted,$source); // $this->assertEqual($decrypted,$source); // // $tmpFileEncrypted=OCP\Files::tmpFile(); // OC_Encryption\Crypt::encryptfile($file,$tmpFileEncrypted,$key); // $encrypted=file_get_contents($tmpFileEncrypted); // $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockDecrypt($encrypted,$key); // $this->assertNotEquals($encrypted,$source); // $this->assertEqual($decrypted,$source); // // $tmpFileDecrypted=OCP\Files::tmpFile(); // OC_Encryption\Crypt::decryptfile($tmpFileEncrypted,$tmpFileDecrypted,$key); // $decrypted=file_get_contents($tmpFileDecrypted); // $this->assertEqual($decrypted,$source); // // $file=OC::$SERVERROOT.'/core/img/weather-clear.png'; // $source=file_get_contents($file); //binary file // $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::encrypt($source,$key); // $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::decrypt($encrypted,$key); // $decrypted=rtrim($decrypted, "\0"); // $this->assertEqual($decrypted,$source); // // $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockEncrypt($source,$key); // $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockDecrypt($encrypted,$key); // $this->assertEqual($decrypted,$source); // // } // // function testBinary(){ // $key=uniqid(); // // $file=__DIR__.'/binary'; // $source=file_get_contents($file); //binary file // $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::encrypt($source,$key); // $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::decrypt($encrypted,$key); // // $decrypted=rtrim($decrypted, "\0"); // $this->assertEqual($decrypted,$source); // // $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockEncrypt($source,$key); // $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockDecrypt($encrypted,$key,strlen($source)); // $this->assertEqual($decrypted,$source); // } }