{ "translations": { "The given operator is invalid" : "指定的操作無效", "The given regular expression is invalid" : "指定的規則表達式無效", "The given file size is invalid" : "指定的檔案大小無效", "The given tag id is invalid" : "指定的標籤 Id無效", "The given IP range is invalid" : "指定的IP 範圍無效", "The given IP range is not valid for IPv4" : "指定的IP範圍不是有效的IPv4", "The given IP range is not valid for IPv6" : "指定的IP範圍不是有效的IPv6", "The given time span is invalid" : "指定的時間範圍無效", "The given start time is invalid" : "指定的開始時間無效", "The given end time is invalid" : "指定的結束時間無效", "The given group does not exist" : "指定的群組不存在", "File" : "檔案", "File created" : "檔案建立", "File updated" : "檔案更新", "File renamed" : "檔案重新命名", "File deleted" : "檔案刪除", "File accessed" : "檔案存取", "File copied" : "檔案複製", "Tag assigned" : "分派標籤", "Someone" : "某人", "%s created %s" : "%s 建立 %s", "%s modified %s" : "%s 修改 %s", "%s deleted %s" : "%s 刪除 %s", "%s accessed %s" : "%s 存取 %s", "%s renamed %s" : "%s 重新命名 %s", "%s copied %s" : "%s 複製 %s", "%s assigned %s to %s" : "%s 分派 %s 給 %s", "Operation #%s does not exist" : "操作 #%s 不存在", "Entity %s does not exist" : "實體 %s 不存在", "Entity %s is invalid" : "實體 %s 無效", "No events are chosen." : "未選擇事件。", "Entity %s has no event %s" : "實體 %s 沒有事件 %s", "Operation %s does not exist" : "操作 %s 不存在", "Operation %s is invalid" : "操作 #%s 無效", "Check %s does not exist" : "檢查 %s 不存在", "Check %s is invalid" : "檢查 %s 無效", "Check #%s does not exist" : "檢查 #%s 不存在", "Check %s is invalid or does not exist" : "檢查 %s 無效或不存在", "Flow" : "流程", "Nextcloud workflow engine" : "Nextcloud 工作流程引擎", "Folder" : "資料夾", "Images" : "圖片", "No results" : "沒有符合搜尋的項目", "%s (invisible)" : "%s (隱藏)", "%s (restricted)" : "%s (受限)", "Predefined URLs" : "預定義網址", "Files WebDAV" : "檔案 WebDAV", "Android client" : "Android 客戶端", "iOS client" : "iOS 客戶端", "Desktop client" : "桌面客戶端", "Cancel" : "取消", "Delete" : "刪除", "Active" : "啟動", "Save" : "儲存", "Browse the app store" : "瀏覽應用程式商店", "matches" : "匹配", "does not match" : "不能匹配", "is" : "是", "is not" : "不是", "File MIME type" : "檔案MIME類型", "File size (upload)" : "檔案大小(上傳)", "less" : "更少", "less or equals" : "小於或等於", "greater or equals" : "大於或等於", "greater" : "更大", "Request remote address" : "請求遠端地址", "matches IPv4" : "匹配 IPv4", "does not match IPv4" : "不能匹配 IPv4", "matches IPv6" : "匹配 IPv6", "does not match IPv6" : "不能匹配 IPv6", "File system tag" : "檔案系統標籤", "is tagged with" : "標記為", "is not tagged with" : "没有標記為", "Request URL" : "請求網址", "Request time" : "請求時間", "between" : "之間", "not between" : "皆非", "Request user agent" : "請求用戶代理", "User group membership" : "使用者成員關係", "is member of" : "是成員來自", "is not member of" : "不是成員來自" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;" }