Feature: app-files Scenario: viewing a favorite file in its folder closes the details view Given I am logged in And I mark "welcome.txt" as favorite And I see that "welcome.txt" is marked as favorite And I open the "Favorites" section And I open the details view for "welcome.txt" And I see that the details view for "Favorites" section is open When I view "welcome.txt" in folder Then I see that the current section is "All files" And I see that the details view is closed Scenario: viewing a favorite file in its folder does not prevent opening the details view in "All files" section Given I am logged in And I mark "welcome.txt" as favorite And I see that "welcome.txt" is marked as favorite And I open the "Favorites" section And I open the details view for "welcome.txt" And I see that the details view for "Favorites" section is open And I view "welcome.txt" in folder And I see that the current section is "All files" When I open the details view for "welcome.txt" Then I see that the details view for "All files" section is open Scenario: set a password to a shared link Given I am logged in And I share the link for "welcome.txt" When I protect the shared link with the password "abcdef" Then I see that the working icon for password protect is shown And I see that the working icon for password protect is eventually not shown Scenario: access a shared link protected by password with a valid password Given I act as John And I am logged in And I share the link for "welcome.txt" protected by the password "abcdef" And I write down the shared link When I act as Jane And I visit the shared link I wrote down And I see that the current page is the Authenticate page for the shared link I wrote down And I authenticate with password "abcdef" Then I see that the current page is the shared link I wrote down And I see that the shared file preview shows the text "Welcome to your Nextcloud account!" Scenario: access a shared link protected by password with an invalid password Given I act as John And I am logged in And I share the link for "welcome.txt" protected by the password "abcdef" And I write down the shared link When I act as Jane And I visit the shared link I wrote down And I authenticate with password "fedcba" Then I see that the current page is the Authenticate page for the shared link I wrote down And I see that a wrong password for the shared file message is shown Scenario: show the input field for tags in the details view Given I am logged in And I open the details view for "welcome.txt" And I see that the details view for "All files" section is open When I open the input field for tags in the details view Then I see that the input field for tags in the details view is shown Scenario: show the input field for tags in the details view after the sharing tab has loaded Given I am logged in And I open the details view for "welcome.txt" And I see that the details view for "All files" section is open And I open the "Sharing" tab in the details view And I see that the "Sharing" tab in the details view is eventually loaded When I open the input field for tags in the details view Then I see that the input field for tags in the details view is shown Scenario: marking a file as favorite causes the file list to be sorted again Given I am logged in And I create a new folder named "A name alphabetically lower than welcome.txt" And I see that "A name alphabetically lower than welcome.txt" precedes "welcome.txt" in the file list When I mark "welcome.txt" as favorite Then I see that "welcome.txt" is marked as favorite And I see that "welcome.txt" precedes "A name alphabetically lower than welcome.txt" in the file list Scenario: unmarking a file as favorite causes the file list to be sorted again Given I am logged in And I create a new folder named "A name alphabetically lower than welcome.txt" And I see that "A name alphabetically lower than welcome.txt" precedes "welcome.txt" in the file list And I mark "welcome.txt" as favorite And I see that "welcome.txt" is marked as favorite And I see that "welcome.txt" precedes "A name alphabetically lower than welcome.txt" in the file list When I unmark "welcome.txt" as favorite Then I see that "welcome.txt" is not marked as favorite And I see that "A name alphabetically lower than welcome.txt" precedes "welcome.txt" in the file list