server = $server; $this->server->on('method:POST', [$this, 'httpPost']); $this->server->on('propFind', [$this, 'propFind']); } public function propFind(PropFind $propFind, INode $node) { if ($node instanceof Calendar) { $token = md5(\OC::$server->getConfig()->getSystemValue('secret', '').$node->getResourceId()); $publishUrl = $this->server->getBaseUri() . 'public-calendars/' . $token; $propFind->handle('{'.self::NS_CALENDARSERVER.'}publish-url', function () use ($node, $publishUrl) { if ($node->getPublishStatus()) { return new Publisher($publishUrl, $node->getPublishStatus()); } }); $propFind->handle('{'.self::NS_CALENDARSERVER.'}pre-publish-url', function () use ($node, $publishUrl) { return new Publisher($publishUrl, false); }); } } /** * We intercept this to handle POST requests on calendars. * * @param RequestInterface $request * @param ResponseInterface $response * * @return null|bool */ public function httpPost(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) { $path = $request->getPath(); // Only handling xml $contentType = $request->getHeader('Content-Type'); if (strpos($contentType, 'application/xml') === false && strpos($contentType, 'text/xml') === false) { return; } // Making sure the node exists try { $node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($path); } catch (DAV\Exception\NotFound $e) { return; } $requestBody = $request->getBodyAsString(); // If this request handler could not deal with this POST request, it // will return 'null' and other plugins get a chance to handle the // request. // // However, we already requested the full body. This is a problem, // because a body can only be read once. This is why we preemptively // re-populated the request body with the existing data. $request->setBody($requestBody); $message = $this->server->xml->parse($requestBody, $request->getUrl(), $documentType); switch ($documentType) { case '{'.self::NS_CALENDARSERVER.'}publish-calendar' : // We can only deal with IShareableCalendar objects if (!$node instanceof Calendar) { return; } $this->server->transactionType = 'post-publish-calendar'; // Getting ACL info $acl = $this->server->getPlugin('acl'); // If there's no ACL support, we allow everything if ($acl) { $acl->checkPrivileges($path, '{DAV:}write'); } $node->setPublishStatus(true); // iCloud sends back the 202, so we will too. $response->setStatus(202); // Adding this because sending a response body may cause issues, // and I wanted some type of indicator the response was handled. $response->setHeader('X-Sabre-Status', 'everything-went-well'); // Breaking the event chain return false; case '{'.self::NS_CALENDARSERVER.'}unpublish-calendar' : // We can only deal with IShareableCalendar objects if (!$node instanceof Calendar) { return; } $this->server->transactionType = 'post-unpublish-calendar'; // Getting ACL info $acl = $this->server->getPlugin('acl'); // If there's no ACL support, we allow everything if ($acl) { $acl->checkPrivileges($path, '{DAV:}write'); } $node->setPublishStatus(false); $response->setStatus(200); // Adding this because sending a response body may cause issues, // and I wanted some type of indicator the response was handled. $response->setHeader('X-Sabre-Status', 'everything-went-well'); // Breaking the event chain return false; } } }