/** * Copyright (c) 2015, Arthur Schiwon * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ OCA = OCA || {}; (function() { /** * @classdesc This class represents the view belonging to the server tab * in the LDAP wizard. */ var WizardTabAbstractFilter = OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardTabGeneric.subClass({ /** * @property {number} number that needs to exceeded to use complex group * selection element */ _groupElementSwitchThreshold: 40, /** * @property {boolean} - tells whether multiselect or complex element is * used for selecting groups */ isComplexGroupChooser: false, /** @property {string} */ tabID: '', /** * initializes the instance. Always call it after initialization. * concrete view must set managed items first, and then call the parent * init. * * @param {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.FilterOnTypeFactory} fotf * @param {number} [tabIndex] * @param {string} [tabID] */ init: function (fotf, tabIndex, tabID) { this._super(tabIndex, tabID); /** @type {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.FilterOnTypeFactory} */ this.foTFactory = fotf; this._initMultiSelect( this.getGroupsItem().$element, t('user_ldap', 'Select groups') ); this._initMultiSelect( this.getObjectClassItem().$element, t('user_ldap', 'Select object classes') ); this.filterName = this.getFilterItem().keyName; this._initFilterModeSwitcher( this.getToggleItem().$element, this.getRawFilterContainerItem().$element, [ this.getObjectClassItem().$element ], this.getFilterModeKey(), { status: 'disabled', $element: this.getGroupsItem().$element } ); _.bindAll(this, 'onCountButtonClick', 'onSelectGroup', 'onDeselectGroup'); this.getCountItem().$relatedElements.click(this.onCountButtonClick); if(this.manyGroupsSupport) { var $selectBtn = $(this.tabID).find('.ldapGroupListSelect'); $selectBtn.click(this.onSelectGroup); var $deselectBtn = $(this.tabID).find('.ldapGroupListDeselect'); $deselectBtn.click(this.onDeselectGroup); } }, /** * returns managed item for the object class chooser. must be * implemented by concrete view */ getObjectClassItem: function () {}, /** * returns managed item for the group chooser. must be * implemented by concrete view */ getGroupsItem: function () {}, /** * returns managed item for the effective filter. must be * implemented by concrete view */ getFilterItem: function () {}, /** * returns managed item for the toggle element. must be * implemented by concrete view */ getToggleItem: function () {}, /** * returns managed item for the raw filter container. must be * implemented by concrete view */ getRawFilterContainerItem: function () {}, /** * returns managed item for the count control. must be * implemented by concrete view */ getCountItem: function () {}, /** * returns name of the filter mode key. must be implemented by concrete * view */ getFilterModeKey: function () {}, /** * Sets the config model for this view and subscribes to some events. * Also binds the config chooser to the model * * @param {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.ConfigModel} configModel */ setModel: function(configModel) { this._super(configModel); this.configModel.on('configLoaded', this.onConfigSwitch, this); this.configModel.on('receivedLdapFeature', this.onFeatureReceived, this); }, /** * @inheritdoc */ _setFilterModeAssisted: function () { this._super(); if(this.isComplexGroupChooser) { this.enableElement(this.getGroupsItem().$relatedElements); } }, /** * @inheritdoc */ _setFilterModeRaw: function () { this._super(); if(this.manyGroupsSupport) { this.disableElement(this.getGroupsItem().$relatedElements); } }, /** * sets the selected user object classes * * @param {Array} classes */ setObjectClass: function(classes) { this.setElementValue(this.getObjectClassItem().$element, classes); this.getObjectClassItem().$element.multiselect('refresh'); }, /** * sets the selected groups * * @param {string} groups */ setGroups: function(groups) { if(typeof groups === 'string') { groups = groups.split("\n"); } if(!this.isComplexGroupChooser) { this.setElementValue(this.getGroupsItem().$element, groups); this.getGroupsItem().$element.multiselect('refresh'); } else { var $element = $(this.tabID).find('.ldapGroupListSelected'); this.equipMultiSelect($element, groups); } }, /** * sets the filter * * @param {string} filter */ setFilter: function(filter) { this.setElementValue(this.getFilterItem().$element, filter); this.$filterModeRawContainer.siblings('.ldapReadOnlyFilterContainer').find('.ldapFilterReadOnlyElement').text(filter); }, /** * sets the user count string * * @param {string} countInfo */ setCount: function(countInfo) { this.setElementValue(this.getCountItem().$element, countInfo); }, /** * @inheritdoc */ considerFeatureRequests: function() { if(!this.isActive) { return; } if(this.getObjectClassItem().$element.find('option').length === 0) { this.disableElement(this.getObjectClassItem().$element); this.disableElement(this.getGroupsItem().$element); if(this.parsedFilterMode === this.configModel.FILTER_MODE_ASSISTED) { this.configModel.requestWizard(this.getObjectClassItem().keyName); this.configModel.requestWizard(this.getGroupsItem().keyName); } } }, /** * updates (creates, if necessary) filterOnType instances * * @param {string} [only] - if only one search index should be updated */ updateFilterOnType: function(only) { if(_.isUndefined(this.filterOnType)) { this.filterOnType = []; var $availableGroups = $(this.tabID).find('.ldapGroupListAvailable'); this.filterOnType.push(this.foTFactory.get( $availableGroups, $(this.tabID).find('.ldapManyGroupsSearch') )); var $selectedGroups = $(this.tabID).find('.ldapGroupListSelected'); this.filterOnType.push(this.foTFactory.get( $selectedGroups, $(this.tabID).find('.ldapManyGroupsSearch') )); } else { if(only.toLowerCase() === 'available') { this.filterOnType[0].updateOptions(); } if(only.toLowerCase() === 'selected') { this.filterOnType[1].updateOptions(); } } }, /** * @inheritdoc */ onActivate: function() { this._super(); this.considerFeatureRequests(); }, /** * resets the view when a configuration switch happened. * * @param {WizardTabAbstractFilter} view * @param {Object} configuration */ onConfigSwitch: function(view, configuration) { view.getObjectClassItem().$element.find('option').remove(); view.getGroupsItem().$element.find('option').remove(); view.getCountItem().$element.text(''); $(view.tabID).find('.ldapGroupListAvailable').empty(); $(view.tabID).find('.ldapGroupListSelected').empty(); view.updateFilterOnType(); $(view.tabID).find('.ldapManyGroupsSearch').val(''); if(view.isComplexGroupChooser) { view.isComplexGroupChooser = false; view.getGroupsItem().$element.multiselect({classes: view.multiSelectPluginClass}); $(view.tabID).find(".ldapManyGroupsSupport").addClass('hidden'); } view.onConfigLoaded(view, configuration); }, /** * @inheritdoc */ onConfigLoaded: function(view, configuration) { for(var key in view.managedItems){ if(!_.isUndefined(configuration[key])) { var value = configuration[key]; var methodName = view.managedItems[key].setMethod; if(!_.isUndefined(view[methodName])) { view[methodName](value); // we reimplement it here to update the filter index // for groups. Maybe we can isolate it? if(methodName === 'setGroups') { view.updateFilterOnType('selected'); } } } } }, /** * if UserObjectClasses are found, the corresponding element will be * updated * * @param {WizardTabAbstractFilter} view * @param {FeaturePayload} payload */ onFeatureReceived: function(view, payload) { if(payload.feature === view.getObjectClassItem().featureName) { view.equipMultiSelect(view.getObjectClassItem().$element, payload.data); if( !view.getFilterItem().$element.val() && view.parsedFilterMode === view.configModel.FILTER_MODE_ASSISTED ) { view.configModel.requestWizard(view.getFilterItem().keyName) } } else if (payload.feature === view.getGroupsItem().featureName) { if(view.manyGroupsSupport && payload.data.length > view._groupElementSwitchThreshold) { // we need to fill the left list box, excluding the values // that are already selected var $element = $(view.tabID).find('.ldapGroupListAvailable'); var selected = view.configModel.configuration[view.getGroupsItem().keyName]; var available = $(payload.data).not(selected).get(); view.equipMultiSelect($element, available); view.updateFilterOnType('available'); $(view.tabID).find(".ldapManyGroupsSupport").removeClass('hidden'); view.getGroupsItem().$element.multiselect({classes: view.multiSelectPluginClass + ' forceHidden'}); view.isComplexGroupChooser = true; } else { view.isComplexGroupChooser = false; view.equipMultiSelect(view.getGroupsItem().$element, payload.data); view.getGroupsItem().$element.multiselect({classes: view.multiSelectPluginClass}); $(view.tabID).find(".ldapManyGroupsSupport").addClass('hidden'); } } }, /** * request to count the users with the current filter * * @param {Event} event */ onCountButtonClick: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // let's clear the field this.getCountItem().$element.text(''); this.configModel.requestWizard(this.getCountItem().keyName); }, /** * saves groups when using the complex UI * * @param {Array} groups * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _saveGroups: function(groups) { var toSave = ''; $(groups).each(function() { toSave = toSave + "\n" + this; } ); this.configModel.set(this.getGroupsItem().keyName, $.trim(toSave)); }, /** * acts on adding groups to the filter */ onSelectGroup: function() { var $available = $(this.tabID).find('.ldapGroupListAvailable'); var $selected = $(this.tabID).find('.ldapGroupListSelected'); var selected = $.map($selected.find('option'), function(e) { return e.value; }); this._saveGroups(selected.concat($available.val())); $available.find('option:selected').prependTo($selected); this.updateFilterOnType(); }, /** * acts on removing groups to the filter */ onDeselectGroup: function() { var $available = $(this.tabID).find('.ldapGroupListAvailable'); var $selected = $(this.tabID).find('.ldapGroupListSelected'); var selected = $.map($selected.find('option:not(:selected)'), function(e) { return e.value; }); this._saveGroups(selected); $selected.find('option:selected').appendTo($available); this.updateFilterOnType(); } }); OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardTabAbstractFilter = WizardTabAbstractFilter; })();