/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Vincent Petry * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ (function() { /** * @class OCA.SystemTags.FileList * @augments OCA.Files.FileList * * @classdesc SystemTags file list. * Contains a list of files filtered by system tags. * * @param $el container element with existing markup for the #controls * and a table * @param [options] map of options, see other parameters * @param {Array.} [options.systemTagIds] array of system tag ids to * filter by */ var FileList = function($el, options) { this.initialize($el, options); }; FileList.prototype = _.extend({}, OCA.Files.FileList.prototype, /** @lends OCA.SystemTags.FileList.prototype */ { id: 'systemtagsfilter', appName: t('systemtags', 'Tagged files'), /** * Array of system tag ids to filter by * * @type Array. */ _systemTagIds: [], _clientSideSort: true, _allowSelection: false, _filterField: null, /** * @private */ initialize: function($el, options) { OCA.Files.FileList.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); if (this.initialized) { return; } if (options && options.systemTagIds) { this._systemTagIds = options.systemTagIds; } OC.Plugins.attach('OCA.SystemTags.FileList', this); var $controls = this.$el.find('#controls').empty(); this._initFilterField($controls); }, destroy: function() { this.$filterField.remove(); OCA.Files.FileList.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); }, _initFilterField: function($container) { this.$filterField = $(''); $container.append(this.$filterField); this.$filterField.select2({ placeholder: t('systemtags', 'Select tags to filter by'), allowClear: false, multiple: true, separator: ',', query: _.bind(this._queryTagsAutocomplete, this), id: function(tag) { return tag.id; }, initSelection: function(element, callback) { var val = $(element).val().trim(); if (val) { var tagIds = val.split(','), tags = []; OC.SystemTags.collection.fetch({ success: function() { _.each(tagIds, function(tagId) { var tag = OC.SystemTags.collection.get(tagId); if (!_.isUndefined(tag)) { tags.push(tag.toJSON()); } }); callback(tags); } }); } else { callback([]); } }, formatResult: function (tag) { return OC.SystemTags.getDescriptiveTag(tag); }, formatSelection: function (tag) { return OC.SystemTags.getDescriptiveTag(tag)[0].outerHTML; }, escapeMarkup: function(m) { // prevent double markup escape return m; }, formatNoMatches: function() { return t('systemtags', 'No tags found'); } }); this.$filterField.on('change', _.bind(this._onTagsChanged, this)); return this.$filterField; }, /** * Autocomplete function for dropdown results * * @param {Object} query select2 query object */ _queryTagsAutocomplete: function(query) { OC.SystemTags.collection.fetch({ success: function() { var results = OC.SystemTags.collection.filterByName(query.term); query.callback({ results: _.invoke(results, 'toJSON') }); } }); }, /** * Event handler for when the URL changed */ _onUrlChanged: function(e) { if (e.dir) { var tags = _.filter(e.dir.split('/'), function(val) { return val.trim() !== ''; }); this.$filterField.select2('val', tags || []); this._systemTagIds = tags; this.reload(); } }, _onTagsChanged: function(ev) { var val = $(ev.target).val().trim(); if (val !== '') { this._systemTagIds = val.split(','); } else { this._systemTagIds = []; } this.$el.trigger(jQuery.Event('changeDirectory', { dir: this._systemTagIds.join('/') })); this.reload(); }, updateEmptyContent: function() { var dir = this.getCurrentDirectory(); if (dir === '/') { // root has special permissions if (!this._systemTagIds.length) { // no tags selected this.$el.find('#emptycontent').html('
' + '

' + t('systemtags', 'Please select tags to filter by') + '

'); } else { // tags selected but no results this.$el.find('#emptycontent').html('
' + '

' + t('systemtags', 'No files found for the selected tags') + '

'); } this.$el.find('#emptycontent').toggleClass('hidden', !this.isEmpty); this.$el.find('#filestable thead th').toggleClass('hidden', this.isEmpty); } else { OCA.Files.FileList.prototype.updateEmptyContent.apply(this, arguments); } }, getDirectoryPermissions: function() { return OC.PERMISSION_READ | OC.PERMISSION_DELETE; }, updateStorageStatistics: function() { // no op because it doesn't have // storage info like free space / used space }, reload: function() { if (!this._systemTagIds.length) { // don't reload this.updateEmptyContent(); this.setFiles([]); return $.Deferred().resolve(); } this._selectedFiles = {}; this._selectionSummary.clear(); if (this._currentFileModel) { this._currentFileModel.off(); } this._currentFileModel = null; this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked', false); this.showMask(); this._reloadCall = this.filesClient.getFilteredFiles( { systemTagIds: this._systemTagIds }, { properties: this._getWebdavProperties() } ); if (this._detailsView) { // close sidebar this._updateDetailsView(null); } var callBack = this.reloadCallback.bind(this); return this._reloadCall.then(callBack, callBack); }, reloadCallback: function(status, result) { if (result) { // prepend empty dir info because original handler result.unshift({}); } return OCA.Files.FileList.prototype.reloadCallback.call(this, status, result); } }); OCA.SystemTags.FileList = FileList; })();