/** * translate a string * @param app the id of the app for which to translate the string * @param text the string to translate * @return string */ function t(app,text){ if( !( app in t.cache )){ $.post( OC.filePath('core','ajax','translations.php'), {'app': app}, function(jsondata){ t.cache[app] = jsondata.data; }); // Bad answer ... if( !( app in t.cache )){ t.cache[app] = []; } } if( typeof( t.cache[app][text] ) !== 'undefined' ){ return t.cache[app][text]; } else{ return text; } } t.cache={}; OC={ webroot:oc_webroot, coreApps:['files','admin','log','search','settings','core'], /** * get an absolute url to a file in an appen * @param app the id of the app the file belongs to * @param file the file path relative to the app folder * @return string */ linkTo:function(app,file){ return OC.filePath(app,'',file); }, /** * get the absolute url for a file in an app * @param app the id of the app * @param type the type of the file to link to (e.g. css,img,ajax.template) * @param file the filename * @return string */ filePath:function(app,type,file){ var isCore=OC.coreApps.indexOf(app)!=-1; app+='/'; var link=OC.webroot+'/'; if(!isCore){ link+='apps/'; } link+=app; if(type){ link+=type+'/' } link+=file; return link; }, /** * get the absolute path to an image file * @param app the app id to which the image belongs * @param file the name of the image file * @return string * * if no extention is given for the image, it will automatically decide between .png and .svg based on what the browser supports */ imagePath:function(app,file){ if(file.indexOf('.')==-1){//if no extention is given, use png or svg depending on browser support file+=(SVGSupport())?'.svg':'.png' } return OC.filePath(app,'img',file); }, /** * load a script for the server and load it * @param app the app id to which the script belongs * @param script the filename of the script * @param ready event handeler to be called when the script is loaded * * if the script is already loaded, the event handeler will be called directly */ addScript:function(app,script,ready){ var path=OC.filePath(app,'js',script+'.js'); if(OC.addStyle.loaded.indexOf(path)==-1){ OC.addStyle.loaded.push(path); if(ready){ $.getScript(path,ready); }else{ $.getScript(path); } }else{ if(ready){ ready(); } } }, /** * load a css file and load it * @param app the app id to which the css style belongs * @param style the filename of the css file */ addStyle:function(app,style){ var path=OC.filePath(app,'css',style+'.css'); if(OC.addScript.loaded.indexOf(path)==-1){ OC.addScript.loaded.push(path); var style=$(''); $('head').append(style); } }, /** * do a search query and display the results * @param query the search query */ search:function(query){ if(query){ OC.addStyle('search','results'); $.getJSON(OC.filePath('search','ajax','search.php')+'?query='+encodeURIComponent(query), function(results){ OC.search.lastResults=results; OC.search.showResults(results); }); } } } OC.search.customResults={}; OC.search.currentResult=-1; OC.search.lastQuery=''; OC.search.lastResults={}; OC.addStyle.loaded=[]; OC.addScript.loaded=[]; /** * implement Array.filter for browsers without native support */ if (!Array.prototype.filter) { Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisp*/) { var len = this.length >>> 0; if (typeof fun != "function") throw new TypeError(); var res = []; var thisp = arguments[1]; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in this) { var val = this[i]; // in case fun mutates this if (fun.call(thisp, val, i, this)) res.push(val); } } return res; } } /** * implement Array.indexOf for browsers without native support */ if (!Array.prototype.indexOf){ Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/) { var len = this.length; var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0; from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); if (from < 0) from += len; for (; from < len; from++) { if (from in this && this[from] === elt) return from; } return -1; }; } /** * check if the browser support svg images */ function SVGSupport() { return document.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure", "1.1") || document.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Shape", "1.0"); } /** * prototypal inharitence functions * * usage: * MySubObject=object(MyObject) */ function object(o) { function F() {} F.prototype = o; return new F(); } $(document).ready(function(){ if(!SVGSupport()){//replace all svg images with png images for browser that dont support svg $('img.svg').each(function(index,element){ element=$(element); var src=element.attr('src'); element.attr('src',src.substr(0,src.length-3)+'png'); }); }; $('form.searchbox').submit(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); }) $('#searchbox').keyup(function(event){ if(event.keyCode==13){//enter if(OC.search.currentResult>-1){ var result=$('#searchresults tr.result a')[OC.search.currentResult]; $(result).click(); } }else if(event.keyCode==38){//up if(OC.search.currentResult>0){ OC.search.currentResult--; OC.search.renderCurrent(); } }else if(event.keyCode==40){//down if(OC.search.lastResults.length>OC.search.currentResult+1){ OC.search.currentResult++; OC.search.renderCurrent(); } }else if(event.keyCode==27){//esc OC.search.hide(); }else{ var query=$('#searchbox').val(); if(OC.search.lastQuery!=query){ OC.search.lastQuery=query; OC.search.currentResult=-1; if(query.length>2){ OC.search(query); }else{ if(OC.search.hide){ OC.search.hide(); } } } } }); // 'show password' checkbox $('#pass2').showPassword(); // hide log in button etc. when form fields not filled $('#submit').hide(); $('#remember_login').hide(); $('#remember_login+label').hide(); $('#body-login input').keyup(function() { var empty = false; $('#body-login input').each(function() { if ($(this).val() == '') { empty = true; } }); if(empty) { $('#submit').fadeOut(); $('#remember_login').fadeOut(); $('#remember_login+label').fadeOut(); } else { $('#submit').fadeIn(); $('#remember_login').fadeIn(); $('#remember_login+label').fadeIn(); } }); if($('body').attr("id")=="body-user") { $('#settings li').hide(); } $('#expand').click(function() { $('#settings li').slideToggle(); }); }); /* * @name Show Password * @descripton * @version 1.3 * @requires Jquery 1.5 * * @author Jan Jarfalk * @author-email jan.jarfalk@unwrongest.com * @author-website http://www.unwrongest.com * * @special-thanks Michel Gratton * * @licens MIT License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ (function($){ $.fn.extend({ showPassword: function(c) { // Setup callback object var callback = {'fn':null,'args':{}} callback.fn = c; // Clones passwords and turn the clones into text inputs var cloneElement = function( element ) { var $element = $(element); $clone = $(""); // Name added for JQuery Validation compatibility // Element name is required to avoid script warning. $clone.attr({ 'type' : 'text', 'class' : $element.attr('class'), 'style' : $element.attr('style'), 'size' : $element.attr('size'), 'name' : $element.attr('name')+'-clone', 'tabindex' : $element.attr('tabindex') }); return $clone; }; // Transfers values between two elements var update = function(a,b){ b.val(a.val()); }; // Shows a or b depending on checkbox var setState = function( checkbox, a, b ){ if(checkbox.is(':checked')){ update(a,b); b.show(); a.hide(); } else { update(b,a); b.hide(); a.show(); } }; return this.each(function() { var $input = $(this), $checkbox = $($input.data('typetoggle')); // Create clone var $clone = cloneElement($input); $clone.insertAfter($input); // Set callback arguments if(callback.fn){ callback.args.input = $input; callback.args.checkbox = $checkbox; callback.args.clone = $clone; } $checkbox.bind('click', function() { setState( $checkbox, $input, $clone ); }); $input.bind('keyup', function() { update( $input, $clone ) }); $clone.bind('keyup', function(){ update( $clone, $input ); // Added for JQuery Validation compatibility // This will trigger validation if it's ON for keyup event $input.trigger('keyup'); }); // Added for JQuery Validation compatibility // This will trigger validation if it's ON for blur event $clone.bind('blur', function() { $input.trigger('focusout'); }); setState( $checkbox, $input, $clone ); if( callback.fn ){ callback.fn( callback.args ); } }); } }); })(jQuery);