/** * Copyright (c) 2014, Raghu Nayyar * Copyright (c) 2014, Arthur Schiwon * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ var GroupList = { addGroup: function(gid, usercount) { var li = $('li[data-gid]').last().clone(); var ul = $('li[data-gid]').first().parent(); li.attr('data-gid', gid); li.find('a span').first().text(gid); GroupList.setUserCount(li, usercount); $(li).appendTo(ul); GroupList.sortGroups(0); return li; }, setUserCount: function(groupLiElement, usercount) { if(usercount === undefined || usercount === 0) { usercount = ''; } groupLiElement.attr('data-usercount', usercount); groupLiElement.find('span[class=usercount]').first().text(usercount); }, sortGroups: function(usercount) { var lis = $('li[data-gid]').filterAttr('data-usercount', usercount.toString()).get(); var ul = $(lis).first().parent(); lis.sort(function(a, b) { return UserList.alphanum($(a).find('a span').text(), $(b).find('a span').text()); }); var items = []; $.each(lis, function(index, li) { items.push(li); if(items.length === 100) { $(ul).append(items); items = []; } }); if(items.length > 0) { $(ul).append(items); } }, createGroup: function(groupname) { $.post( OC.filePath('settings', 'ajax', 'creategroup.php'), { groupname : groupname }, function (result) { if (result.status !== 'success') { OC.dialogs.alert(result.data.message, t('settings', 'Error creating group')); } else { if (result.data.groupname) { var addedGroups = result.data.groupname; UserList.availableGroups = $.unique($.merge(UserList.availableGroups, addedGroups)); GroupList.addGroup(result.data.groupname); $('#newusergroups').children().first().attr('value', result.data.groupname); $('#newusergroups').children().first().text(result.data.groupname); $('.groupsselect').each( function (index, element) { $(element).children().first().attr('value', result.data.groupname); $(element).children().first().text(result.data.groupname); }); $('.subadminsselect').each( function (index, element) { $(element).children().first().attr('value', result.data.groupname); $(element).children().first().text(result.data.groupname); }); } GroupList.toggleAddGroup(); } } ); }, update: function() { if (GroupList.updating) { return; } GroupList.updating = true; var pattern = filter.getPattern(); var query = $.param({ pattern: pattern }); $.get(OC.generateUrl('/settings/ajax/grouplist') + '?' + query, function (result) { var lis = []; if (result.status === 'success') { $.each(result.data, function (i, subset) { $.each(subset, function (index, group) { if($('li[data-gid="' + group.name + '"]').length > 0) { var li = $('li[data-gid="' + group.name + '"]'); GroupList.setUserCount(li, group.usercount); return true; } var li = GroupList.addGroup(group.name, group.usercount); li.addClass('appear transparent'); lis.push(li); }); }); if (result.data.length > 0) { GroupList.doSort(); } else { GroupList.noMoreEntries = true; } setTimeout(function() { for (var i = 0; i < lis.length; i++) { lis[i].removeClass('transparent'); } }, 0); } GroupList.updating = false; }); }, elementBelongsToAddGroup: function(el) { return !(el !== $('#newgroup-form').get(0) && $('#newgroup-form').find($(el)).length === 0); }, hasAddGroupNameText: function() { var name = $('#newgroupname').val(); if($.trim(name) === '') { return false; } return true; }, showGroup: function (gid) { UserList.empty(); UserList.update(gid); $('#app-navigation li').removeClass('active'); if(gid !== undefined) { //TODO: treat Everyone properly $('#app-navigation li').filterAttr('data-gid', gid).addClass('active'); } }, isAddGroupButtonVisible: function() { return $('#newgroup-init').is(":visible"); }, toggleAddGroup: function(event) { if(GroupList.isAddGroupButtonVisible()) { event.stopPropagation(); $('#newgroup-form').show(); $('#newgroup-init').hide(); $('#newgroupname').focus(); } else { $('#newgroup-form').hide(); $('#newgroup-init').show(); $('#newgroupname').val(''); } }, isGroupNameValid: function(groupname) { if ($.trim(groupname) === '') { OC.dialogs.alert( t('settings', 'A valid group name must be provided'), t('settings', 'Error creating group')); return false; } return true; }, hide: function(gid) { $('li[data-gid="' + gid + '"]').hide(); }, show: function(gid) { $('li[data-gid="' + gid + '"]').show(); }, remove: function(gid) { $('li').filterAttr('data-gid', gid).remove(); }, empty: function() { $('li:not([data-gid=""])').remove(); }, initDeleteHandling: function() { //set up handler GroupDeleteHandler = new DeleteHandler('removegroup.php', 'groupname', GroupList.hide, GroupList.remove); //configure undo OC.Notification.hide(); var msg = t('settings', 'deleted') + ' %oid ' + t('settings', 'undo') + ''; GroupDeleteHandler.setNotification(OC.Notification, 'deletegroup', msg, GroupList.show); //when to mark user for delete $('ul').on('click', 'span.utils>a', function () { // Call function for handling delete/undo var gid = $(this).parent().parent().attr('data-gid'); GroupDeleteHandler.mark(gid); }); console.log('init del groups'); //delete a marked user when leaving the page $(window).on('beforeunload', function () { GroupDeleteHandler.delete(); }); } }; $(document).ready( function () { GroupList.initDeleteHandling(); // Display or hide of Create Group List Element $('#newgroup-form').hide(); $('#newgroup-init').on('click', function (e) { GroupList.toggleAddGroup(e); }); $(document).on('click keydown keyup', function(event) { if(!GroupList.isAddGroupButtonVisible() && !GroupList.elementBelongsToAddGroup(event.target) && !GroupList.hasAddGroupNameText()) { GroupList.toggleAddGroup(); } // Escape if(!GroupList.isAddGroupButtonVisible() && event.keyCode && event.keyCode === 27) { GroupList.toggleAddGroup(); } }); // Responsible for Creating Groups. $('#newgroup-form form').submit(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if(GroupList.isGroupNameValid($('#newgroupname').val())) { GroupList.createGroup($('#newgroupname').val()); } }); // click on group name // FIXME: also triggered when clicking on "remove" $('ul').on('click', 'li[data-gid]', function () { var li = $(this); var gid = $(li).attr('data-gid'); GroupList.showGroup(gid); }); // Implements Groupname editing. $('#app-navigation').on('click', 'img.rename', function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); var img = $(this); var gid = img.parent().parent().attr('data-gid'); var groupname = escapeHTML(img.parent().parent().attr('data-gid')); var input = $(''); img.css('display', 'none'); img.parent().children('span').replaceWith(input); input.focus(); input.keypress(function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { if ($(this).val().length > 0) { $.post( OC.filePath('settings', 'ajax', 'changegroupname.php'), { groupname: gid, groupname: $(this).val() } ); input.blur(); } else { input.blur(); } } }); input.blur(function () { var input = $(this), groupname = input.val(); input.closest('li').attr('data-gid', groupname); input.replaceWith('' + escapeHTML(groupname) + ''); img.css('display', ''); }); }); // Implements Quota Settings Toggle. $('#app-settings-header').on('click keydown',function(event) { if(wrongKey(event)) { return; } var bodyListener = function(e) { if($('#app-settings').find($(e.target)).length === 0) { $('#app-settings').switchClass('open', ''); } }; if($('#app-settings').hasClass('open')) { $('#app-settings').switchClass('open', ''); $('body').unbind('click', bodyListener); } else { $('#app-settings').switchClass('', 'open'); $('body').bind('click', bodyListener); } }); }); var wrongKey = function(event) { return ((event.type === 'keydown' || event.type === 'keypress') && (event.keyCode !== 32 && event.keyCode !== 13)); };