* @license BSD http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * @version SVN: $Id$ * @link http://pear.php.net/packages/MDB2_Schema */ require_once 'XML/Unserializer.php'; require_once 'MDB2/Schema/Validate.php'; /** * Parses an XML schema file * * @category Database * @package MDB2_Schema * @author Lukas Smith * @author Igor Feghali * @license BSD http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * @link http://pear.php.net/packages/MDB2_Schema */ class MDB2_Schema_Parser2 extends XML_Unserializer { var $database_definition = array(); var $database_loaded = array(); var $variables = array(); var $error; var $structure = false; var $val; var $options = array(); var $table = array(); var $table_name = ''; var $field = array(); var $field_name = ''; var $index = array(); var $index_name = ''; var $constraint = array(); var $constraint_name = ''; var $sequence = array(); var $sequence_name = ''; var $init = array(); /** * PHP 5 constructor * * @param array $variables mixed array with user defined schema * variables * @param bool $fail_on_invalid_names array with reserved words per RDBMS * @param array $structure multi dimensional array with * database schema and data * @param array $valid_types information of all valid fields * types * @param bool $force_defaults if true sets a default value to * field when not explicit * @param int $max_identifiers_length maximum allowed size for entities * name * * @return void * * @access public * @static */ function __construct($variables, $fail_on_invalid_names = true, $structure = false, $valid_types = array(), $force_defaults = true, $max_identifiers_length = null ) { // force ISO-8859-1 due to different defaults for PHP4 and PHP5 // todo: this probably needs to be investigated some more and cleaned up $this->options['encoding'] = 'ISO-8859-1'; $this->options['XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_PARSE'] = true; $this->options['XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAYKEY'] = false; $this->options['forceEnum'] = array('table', 'field', 'index', 'foreign', 'insert', 'update', 'delete', 'sequence'); /* * todo: find a way to force the following items not to be parsed as arrays * as it cause problems in functions with multiple arguments */ //$this->options['forceNEnum'] = array('value', 'column'); $this->variables = $variables; $this->structure = $structure; $this->val = new MDB2_Schema_Validate($fail_on_invalid_names, $valid_types, $force_defaults); parent::XML_Unserializer($this->options); } /** * Main method. Parses XML Schema File. * * @return bool|error object * * @access public */ function parse() { $result = $this->unserialize($this->filename, true); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } else { $this->database_loaded = $this->getUnserializedData(); return $this->fixDatabaseKeys($this->database_loaded); } } /** * Do the necessary stuff to set the input XML schema file * * @param string $filename full path to schema file * * @return boolean MDB2_OK on success * * @access public */ function setInputFile($filename) { $this->filename = $filename; return MDB2_OK; } /** * Enforce the default values for mandatory keys and ensure everything goes * always in the same order (simulates the behaviour of the original * parser). Works at database level. * * @param array $database multi dimensional array with database definition * and data. * * @return bool|error MDB2_OK on success or error object * * @access private */ function fixDatabaseKeys($database) { $this->database_definition = array( 'name' => '', 'create' => '', 'overwrite' => '', 'charset' => '', 'description' => '', 'comments' => '', 'tables' => array(), 'sequences' => array() ); if (!empty($database['name'])) { $this->database_definition['name'] = $database['name']; } if (!empty($database['create'])) { $this->database_definition['create'] = $database['create']; } if (!empty($database['overwrite'])) { $this->database_definition['overwrite'] = $database['overwrite']; } if (!empty($database['charset'])) { $this->database_definition['charset'] = $database['charset']; } if (!empty($database['description'])) { $this->database_definition['description'] = $database['description']; } if (!empty($database['comments'])) { $this->database_definition['comments'] = $database['comments']; } if (!empty($database['table']) && is_array($database['table'])) { foreach ($database['table'] as $table) { $this->fixTableKeys($table); } } if (!empty($database['sequence']) && is_array($database['sequence'])) { foreach ($database['sequence'] as $sequence) { $this->fixSequenceKeys($sequence); } } $result = $this->val->validateDatabase($this->database_definition); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $this->raiseError($result->getUserinfo()); } return MDB2_OK; } /** * Enforce the default values for mandatory keys and ensure everything goes * always in the same order (simulates the behaviour of the original * parser). Works at table level. * * @param array $table multi dimensional array with table definition * and data. * * @return bool|error MDB2_OK on success or error object * * @access private */ function fixTableKeys($table) { $this->table = array( 'was' => '', 'description' => '', 'comments' => '', 'fields' => array(), 'indexes' => array(), 'constraints' => array(), 'initialization' => array() ); if (!empty($table['name'])) { $this->table_name = $table['name']; } else { $this->table_name = ''; } if (!empty($table['was'])) { $this->table['was'] = $table['was']; } if (!empty($table['description'])) { $this->table['description'] = $table['description']; } if (!empty($table['comments'])) { $this->table['comments'] = $table['comments']; } if (!empty($table['declaration']) && is_array($table['declaration'])) { if (!empty($table['declaration']['field']) && is_array($table['declaration']['field'])) { foreach ($table['declaration']['field'] as $field) { $this->fixTableFieldKeys($field); } } if (!empty($table['declaration']['index']) && is_array($table['declaration']['index'])) { foreach ($table['declaration']['index'] as $index) { $this->fixTableIndexKeys($index); } } if (!empty($table['declaration']['foreign']) && is_array($table['declaration']['foreign'])) { foreach ($table['declaration']['foreign'] as $constraint) { $this->fixTableConstraintKeys($constraint); } } } if (!empty($table['initialization']) && is_array($table['initialization'])) { if (!empty($table['initialization']['insert']) && is_array($table['initialization']['insert'])) { foreach ($table['initialization']['insert'] as $init) { $this->fixTableInitializationKeys($init, 'insert'); } } if (!empty($table['initialization']['update']) && is_array($table['initialization']['update'])) { foreach ($table['initialization']['update'] as $init) { $this->fixTableInitializationKeys($init, 'update'); } } if (!empty($table['initialization']['delete']) && is_array($table['initialization']['delete'])) { foreach ($table['initialization']['delete'] as $init) { $this->fixTableInitializationKeys($init, 'delete'); } } } $result = $this->val->validateTable($this->database_definition['tables'], $this->table, $this->table_name); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $this->raiseError($result->getUserinfo()); } else { $this->database_definition['tables'][$this->table_name] = $this->table; } return MDB2_OK; } /** * Enforce the default values for mandatory keys and ensure everything goes * always in the same order (simulates the behaviour of the original * parser). Works at table field level. * * @param array $field array with table field definition * * @return bool|error MDB2_OK on success or error object * * @access private */ function fixTableFieldKeys($field) { $this->field = array(); if (!empty($field['name'])) { $this->field_name = $field['name']; } else { $this->field_name = ''; } if (!empty($field['was'])) { $this->field['was'] = $field['was']; } if (!empty($field['type'])) { $this->field['type'] = $field['type']; } if (!empty($field['fixed'])) { $this->field['fixed'] = $field['fixed']; } if (isset($field['default'])) { $this->field['default'] = $field['default']; } if (!empty($field['notnull'])) { $this->field['notnull'] = $field['notnull']; } if (!empty($field['autoincrement'])) { $this->field['autoincrement'] = $field['autoincrement']; } if (!empty($field['unsigned'])) { $this->field['unsigned'] = $field['unsigned']; } if (!empty($field['length'])) { $this->field['length'] = $field['length']; } if (!empty($field['description'])) { $this->field['description'] = $field['description']; } if (!empty($field['comments'])) { $this->field['comments'] = $field['comments']; } $result = $this->val->validateField($this->table['fields'], $this->field, $this->field_name); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $this->raiseError($result->getUserinfo()); } else { $this->table['fields'][$this->field_name] = $this->field; } return MDB2_OK; } /** * Enforce the default values for mandatory keys and ensure everything goes * always in the same order (simulates the behaviour of the original * parser). Works at table index level. * * @param array $index array with table index definition * * @return bool|error MDB2_OK on success or error object * * @access private */ function fixTableIndexKeys($index) { $this->index = array( 'was' => '', 'unique' =>'', 'primary' => '', 'fields' => array() ); if (!empty($index['name'])) { $this->index_name = $index['name']; } else { $this->index_name = ''; } if (!empty($index['was'])) { $this->index['was'] = $index['was']; } if (!empty($index['unique'])) { $this->index['unique'] = $index['unique']; } if (!empty($index['primary'])) { $this->index['primary'] = $index['primary']; } if (!empty($index['field'])) { foreach ($index['field'] as $field) { if (!empty($field['name'])) { $this->field_name = $field['name']; } else { $this->field_name = ''; } $this->field = array( 'sorting' => '', 'length' => '' ); if (!empty($field['sorting'])) { $this->field['sorting'] = $field['sorting']; } if (!empty($field['length'])) { $this->field['length'] = $field['length']; } $result = $this->val->validateIndexField($this->index['fields'], $this->field, $this->field_name); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $this->raiseError($result->getUserinfo()); } $this->index['fields'][$this->field_name] = $this->field; } } $result = $this->val->validateIndex($this->table['indexes'], $this->index, $this->index_name); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $this->raiseError($result->getUserinfo()); } else { $this->table['indexes'][$this->index_name] = $this->index; } return MDB2_OK; } /** * Enforce the default values for mandatory keys and ensure everything goes * always in the same order (simulates the behaviour of the original * parser). Works at table constraint level. * * @param array $constraint array with table index definition * * @return bool|error MDB2_OK on success or error object * * @access private */ function fixTableConstraintKeys($constraint) { $this->constraint = array( 'was' => '', 'match' => '', 'ondelete' => '', 'onupdate' => '', 'deferrable' => '', 'initiallydeferred' => '', 'foreign' => true, 'fields' => array(), 'references' => array('table' => '', 'fields' => array()) ); if (!empty($constraint['name'])) { $this->constraint_name = $constraint['name']; } else { $this->constraint_name = ''; } if (!empty($constraint['was'])) { $this->constraint['was'] = $constraint['was']; } if (!empty($constraint['match'])) { $this->constraint['match'] = $constraint['match']; } if (!empty($constraint['ondelete'])) { $this->constraint['ondelete'] = $constraint['ondelete']; } if (!empty($constraint['onupdate'])) { $this->constraint['onupdate'] = $constraint['onupdate']; } if (!empty($constraint['deferrable'])) { $this->constraint['deferrable'] = $constraint['deferrable']; } if (!empty($constraint['initiallydeferred'])) { $this->constraint['initiallydeferred'] = $constraint['initiallydeferred']; } if (!empty($constraint['field']) && is_array($constraint['field'])) { foreach ($constraint['field'] as $field) { $result = $this->val->validateConstraintField($this->constraint['fields'], $field); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $this->raiseError($result->getUserinfo()); } $this->constraint['fields'][$field] = ''; } } if (!empty($constraint['references']) && is_array($constraint['references'])) { /** * As we forced 'table' to be enumerated * we have to fix it on the foreign-references-table context */ if (!empty($constraint['references']['table']) && is_array($constraint['references']['table'])) { $this->constraint['references']['table'] = $constraint['references']['table'][0]; } if (!empty($constraint['references']['field']) && is_array($constraint['references']['field'])) { foreach ($constraint['references']['field'] as $field) { $result = $this->val->validateConstraintReferencedField($this->constraint['references']['fields'], $field); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $this->raiseError($result->getUserinfo()); } $this->constraint['references']['fields'][$field] = ''; } } } $result = $this->val->validateConstraint($this->table['constraints'], $this->constraint, $this->constraint_name); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $this->raiseError($result->getUserinfo()); } else { $this->table['constraints'][$this->constraint_name] = $this->constraint; } return MDB2_OK; } /** * Enforce the default values for mandatory keys and ensure everything goes * always in the same order (simulates the behaviour of the original * parser). Works at table data level. * * @param array $element multi dimensional array with query definition * @param string $type whether its a insert|update|delete query * * @return bool|error MDB2_OK on success or error object * * @access private */ function fixTableInitializationKeys($element, $type = '') { if (!empty($element['select']) && is_array($element['select'])) { $this->fixTableInitializationDataKeys($element['select']); $this->init = array( 'select' => $this->init ); } else { $this->fixTableInitializationDataKeys($element); } $this->table['initialization'][] = array( 'type' => $type, 'data' => $this->init ); } /** * Enforce the default values for mandatory keys and ensure everything goes * always in the same order (simulates the behaviour of the original * parser). Works deeper at the table initialization level (data). At this * point we are look at one of the below: * * * {field}+ * * * * * * {field}+ * * {expression} * ? * * * * * {expression} * * * * @param array $element multi dimensional array with query definition * * @return bool|error MDB2_OK on success or error object * * @access private */ function fixTableInitializationDataKeys($element) { $this->init = array(); if (!empty($element['field']) && is_array($element['field'])) { foreach ($element['field'] as $field) { $name = $field['name']; unset($field['name']); $this->setExpression($field); $this->init['field'][] = array( 'name' => $name, 'group' => $field ); } } /** * As we forced 'table' to be enumerated * we have to fix it on the insert-select context */ if (!empty($element['table']) && is_array($element['table'])) { $this->init['table'] = $element['table'][0]; } if (!empty($element['where']) && is_array($element['where'])) { $this->init['where'] = $element['where']; $this->setExpression($this->init['where']); } } /** * Recursively diggs into an "expression" element. According to our * documentation an "expression" element is of the kind: * * * or or or {function} or {expression} * * or or or {function} or {expression} * * * @param array &$arr reference to current element definition * * @return void * * @access private */ function setExpression(&$arr) { $element = each($arr); $arr = array( 'type' => $element['key'] ); $element = $element['value']; switch ($arr['type']) { case 'null': break; case 'value': case 'column': $arr['data'] = $element; break; case 'function': if (!empty($element) && is_array($element) ) { $arr['data'] = array( 'name' => $element['name'] ); unset($element['name']); foreach ($element as $type => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $argument) { $argument = array( $type => $argument ); $this->setExpression($argument); $arr['data']['arguments'][] = $argument; } } else { $arr['data']['arguments'][] = array( 'type' => $type, 'data' => $value ); } } } } break; case 'expression': $arr['data'] = array( 'operants' => array(), 'operator' => $element['operator'] ); unset($element['operator']); foreach ($element as $k => $v) { $argument = array( $k => $v ); $this->setExpression($argument); $arr['data']['operants'][] = $argument; } break; } } /** * Enforce the default values for mandatory keys and ensure everything goes * always in the same order (simulates the behaviour of the original * parser). Works at database sequences level. A "sequence" element looks * like: * * * * ? * ? * ? * ? * * * * ? * * * @param array $sequence multi dimensional array with sequence definition * * @return bool|error MDB2_OK on success or error object * * @access private */ function fixSequenceKeys($sequence) { $this->sequence = array( 'was' => '', 'start' => '', 'description' => '', 'comments' => '', ); if (!empty($sequence['name'])) { $this->sequence_name = $sequence['name']; } else { $this->sequence_name = ''; } if (!empty($sequence['was'])) { $this->sequence['was'] = $sequence['was']; } if (!empty($sequence['start'])) { $this->sequence['start'] = $sequence['start']; } if (!empty($sequence['description'])) { $this->sequence['description'] = $sequence['description']; } if (!empty($sequence['comments'])) { $this->sequence['comments'] = $sequence['comments']; } if (!empty($sequence['on']) && is_array($sequence['on'])) { /** * As we forced 'table' to be enumerated * we have to fix it on the sequence-on-table context */ if (!empty($sequence['on']['table']) && is_array($sequence['on']['table'])) { $this->sequence['on']['table'] = $sequence['on']['table'][0]; } /** * As we forced 'field' to be enumerated * we have to fix it on the sequence-on-field context */ if (!empty($sequence['on']['field']) && is_array($sequence['on']['field'])) { $this->sequence['on']['field'] = $sequence['on']['field'][0]; } } $result = $this->val->validateSequence($this->database_definition['sequences'], $this->sequence, $this->sequence_name); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $this->raiseError($result->getUserinfo()); } else { $this->database_definition['sequences'][$this->sequence_name] = $this->sequence; } return MDB2_OK; } /** * Pushes a MDB2_Schema_Error into stack and returns it * * @param string $msg textual message * @param int $ecode MDB2_Schema's error code * * @return object * @access private * @static */ function &raiseError($msg = null, $ecode = MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_PARSE) { if (is_null($this->error)) { $error = 'Parser error: '.$msg."\n"; $this->error = MDB2_Schema::raiseError($ecode, null, null, $error); } return $this->error; } }