/* * Copyright (c) 2015 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ (function () { SidebarPreviewManager = function (fileList) { this._fileList = fileList; }; SidebarPreviewManager.prototype = { loadPreview: function (model, $thumbnailDiv, $thumbnailContainer) { // todo allow plugins to register custom handlers by mimetype this.fallbackPreview(model, $thumbnailDiv, $thumbnailContainer); }, // previews for images and mimetype icons fallbackPreview: function (model, $thumbnailDiv, $thumbnailContainer) { var isImage = model.isImage(); var maxImageWidth = $thumbnailContainer.parent().width() + 50; // 50px for negative margins var maxImageHeight = maxImageWidth / (16 / 9); var smallPreviewSize = 75; var isLandscape = function (img) { return img.width > (img.height * 1.2); }; var isSmall = function (img) { return (img.width * 1.1) < (maxImageWidth * window.devicePixelRatio); }; var getTargetHeight = function (img) { if (isImage) { var targetHeight = img.height / window.devicePixelRatio; if (targetHeight <= smallPreviewSize) { targetHeight = smallPreviewSize; } return targetHeight; } else { return smallPreviewSize; } }; var getTargetRatio = function (img) { var ratio = img.width / img.height; if (ratio > 16 / 9) { return ratio; } else { return 16 / 9; } }; this._fileList.lazyLoadPreview({ path: model.getFullPath(), mime: model.get('mimetype'), etag: model.get('etag'), y: isImage ? maxImageHeight : smallPreviewSize, x: isImage ? maxImageWidth : smallPreviewSize, a: isImage ? 1 : null, mode: isImage ? 'cover' : null, callback: function (previewUrl, img) { $thumbnailDiv.previewImg = previewUrl; // as long as we only have the mimetype icon, we only save it in case there is no preview if (!img) { return; } $thumbnailDiv.removeClass('icon-loading icon-32'); var targetHeight = getTargetHeight(img); if (isImage && targetHeight > smallPreviewSize) { $thumbnailContainer.addClass((isLandscape(img) && !isSmall(img)) ? 'landscape' : 'portrait'); $thumbnailContainer.addClass('image'); } // only set background when we have an actual preview // when we don't have a preview we show the mime icon in the error handler $thumbnailDiv.css({ 'background-image': 'url("' + previewUrl + '")', height: (targetHeight > smallPreviewSize) ? 'auto' : targetHeight, 'max-height': isSmall(img) ? targetHeight : null }); var targetRatio = getTargetRatio(img); $thumbnailDiv.find('.stretcher').css({ 'padding-bottom': (100 / targetRatio) + '%' }); }, error: function () { $thumbnailDiv.removeClass('icon-loading icon-32'); $thumbnailContainer.removeClass('image'); //fall back to regular view $thumbnailDiv.css({ 'background-image': 'url("' + $thumbnailDiv.previewImg + '")' }); } }); } }; OCA.Files.SidebarPreviewManager = SidebarPreviewManager; })();