. * */ /** * provide caching for filesystem info in the database * * not used by OC_Filesystem for reading filesystem info, * instread apps should use OC_FileCache::get where possible * * It will try to keep the data up to date but changes from outside ownCloud can invalidate the cache */ class OC_FileCache{ /** * get the filesystem info from the cache * @param string path * @param string root (optional) * @return array * * returns an associative array with the following keys: * - size * - mtime * - ctime * - mimetype * - encrypted * - versioned */ public static function get($path, $root=false) { if(OC_FileCache_Update::hasUpdated($path, $root)) { if($root===false) {//filesystem hooks are only valid for the default root OC_Hook::emit('OC_Filesystem', 'post_write', array('path'=>$path)); }else{ OC_FileCache_Update::update($path, $root); } } return OC_FileCache_Cached::get($path, $root); } /** * put filesystem info in the cache * @param string $path * @param array data * @param string root (optional) * @note $data is an associative array in the same format as returned * by get */ public static function put($path, $data, $root=false) { if($root===false) { $root=OC_Filesystem::getRoot(); } $fullpath=OC_Filesystem::normalizePath($root.'/'.$path); $parent=self::getParentId($fullpath); $id=self::getId($fullpath, ''); if(isset(OC_FileCache_Cached::$savedData[$fullpath])) { $data=array_merge(OC_FileCache_Cached::$savedData[$fullpath], $data); unset(OC_FileCache_Cached::$savedData[$fullpath]); } if($id!=-1) { self::update($id, $data); return; } // add parent directory to the file cache if it does not exist yet. if ($parent == -1 && $fullpath != $root) { $parentDir = dirname($path); self::scanFile($parentDir); $parent = self::getParentId($fullpath); } if(!isset($data['size']) or !isset($data['mtime'])) {//save incomplete data for the next time we write it OC_FileCache_Cached::$savedData[$fullpath]=$data; return; } if(!isset($data['encrypted'])) { $data['encrypted']=false; } if(!isset($data['versioned'])) { $data['versioned']=false; } $mimePart=dirname($data['mimetype']); $data['size']=(int)$data['size']; $data['ctime']=(int)$data['mtime']; $data['writable']=(int)$data['writable']; $data['encrypted']=(int)$data['encrypted']; $data['versioned']=(int)$data['versioned']; $user=OC_User::getUser(); $query=OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*fscache`(`parent`, `name`, `path`, `path_hash`, `size`, `mtime`, `ctime`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`,`user`,`writable`,`encrypted`,`versioned`) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'); $result=$query->execute(array($parent, basename($fullpath), $fullpath, md5($fullpath), $data['size'], $data['mtime'], $data['ctime'], $data['mimetype'], $mimePart, $user, $data['writable'], $data['encrypted'], $data['versioned'])); if(OC_DB::isError($result)) { OC_Log::write('files', 'error while writing file('.$fullpath.') to cache', OC_Log::ERROR); } if($cache=OC_Cache::getUserCache(true)) { $cache->remove('fileid/'.$fullpath);//ensure we don't have -1 cached } } /** * update filesystem info of a file * @param int $id * @param array $data */ private static function update($id, $data) { $arguments=array(); $queryParts=array(); foreach(array('size','mtime','ctime','mimetype','encrypted','versioned', 'writable') as $attribute) { if(isset($data[$attribute])) { //Convert to int it args are false if($data[$attribute] === false) { $arguments[] = 0; }else{ $arguments[] = $data[$attribute]; } $queryParts[]='`'.$attribute.'`=?'; } } if(isset($data['mimetype'])) { $arguments[]=dirname($data['mimetype']); $queryParts[]='`mimepart`=?'; } $arguments[]=$id; if(!empty($queryParts)) { $sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*fscache` SET '.implode(' , ', $queryParts).' WHERE `id`=?'; $query=OC_DB::prepare($sql); $result=$query->execute($arguments); if(OC_DB::isError($result)) { OC_Log::write('files', 'error while updating file('.$id.') in cache', OC_Log::ERROR); } } } /** * register a file move in the cache * @param string oldPath * @param string newPath * @param string root (optional) */ public static function move($oldPath, $newPath, $root=false) { if($root===false) { $root=OC_Filesystem::getRoot(); } // If replacing an existing file, delete the file if (self::inCache($newPath, $root)) { self::delete($newPath, $root); } $oldPath=$root.$oldPath; $newPath=$root.$newPath; $newParent=self::getParentId($newPath); $query=OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*fscache` SET `parent`=? ,`name`=?, `path`=?, `path_hash`=? WHERE `path_hash`=?'); $query->execute(array($newParent, basename($newPath), $newPath, md5($newPath), md5($oldPath))); if(($cache=OC_Cache::getUserCache(true)) && $cache->hasKey('fileid/'.$oldPath)) { $cache->set('fileid/'.$newPath, $cache->get('fileid/'.$oldPath)); $cache->remove('fileid/'.$oldPath); } $query=OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `path` FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `path` LIKE ?'); $oldLength=strlen($oldPath); $updateQuery=OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*fscache` SET `path`=?, `path_hash`=? WHERE `path_hash`=?'); while($row= $query->execute(array($oldPath.'/%'))->fetchRow()) { $old=$row['path']; $new=$newPath.substr($old, $oldLength); $updateQuery->execute(array($new, md5($new), md5($old))); if(($cache=OC_Cache::getUserCache(true)) && $cache->hasKey('fileid/'.$old)) { $cache->set('fileid/'.$new, $cache->get('fileid/'.$old)); $cache->remove('fileid/'.$old); } } } /** * delete info from the cache * @param string path * @param string root (optional) */ public static function delete($path, $root=false) { if($root===false) { $root=OC_Filesystem::getRoot(); } $query=OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `path_hash`=?'); $query->execute(array(md5($root.$path))); //delete everything inside the folder $query=OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `path` LIKE ?'); $query->execute(array($root.$path.'/%')); OC_Cache::remove('fileid/'.$root.$path); } /** * return array of filenames matching the querty * @param string $query * @param boolean $returnData * @param string root (optional) * @return array of filepaths */ public static function search($search, $returnData=false, $root=false) { if($root===false) { $root=OC_Filesystem::getRoot(); } $rootLen=strlen($root); if(!$returnData) { $select = '`path`'; }else{ $select = '*'; } if (OC_Config::getValue('dbtype') === 'oci8') { $where = 'LOWER(`name`) LIKE LOWER(?) AND `user`=?'; } else { $where = '`name` LIKE ? AND `user`=?'; } $query=OC_DB::prepare('SELECT '.$select.' FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE '.$where); $result=$query->execute(array("%$search%", OC_User::getUser())); $names=array(); while($row=$result->fetchRow()) { if(!$returnData) { $names[]=substr($row['path'], $rootLen); }else{ $row['path']=substr($row['path'], $rootLen); $names[]=$row; } } return $names; } /** * get all files and folders in a folder * @param string path * @param string root (optional) * @return array * * returns an array of assiciative arrays with the following keys: * - name * - size * - mtime * - ctime * - mimetype * - encrypted * - versioned */ public static function getFolderContent($path, $root=false, $mimetype_filter='') { if(OC_FileCache_Update::hasUpdated($path, $root, true)) { OC_FileCache_Update::updateFolder($path, $root); } return OC_FileCache_Cached::getFolderContent($path, $root, $mimetype_filter); } /** * check if a file or folder is in the cache * @param string $path * @param string root (optional) * @return bool */ public static function inCache($path, $root=false) { return self::getId($path, $root)!=-1; } /** * get the file id as used in the cache * @param string path * @param string root (optional) * @return int */ public static function getId($path, $root=false) { if($root===false) { $root=OC_Filesystem::getRoot(); } $fullPath=$root.$path; if(($cache=OC_Cache::getUserCache(true)) && $cache->hasKey('fileid/'.$fullPath)) { return $cache->get('fileid/'.$fullPath); } $query=OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `path_hash`=?'); $result=$query->execute(array(md5($fullPath))); if(OC_DB::isError($result)) { OC_Log::write('files', 'error while getting file id of '.$path, OC_Log::ERROR); return -1; } $result=$result->fetchRow(); if(is_array($result)) { $id=$result['id']; }else{ $id=-1; } if($cache=OC_Cache::getUserCache(true)) { $cache->set('fileid/'.$fullPath, $id); } return $id; } /** * get the file path from the id, relative to the home folder of the user * @param int id * @param string user (optional) * @return string */ public static function getPath($id, $user='') { if(!$user) { $user=OC_User::getUser(); } $query=OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `path` FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `id`=? AND `user`=?'); $result=$query->execute(array($id, $user)); $row=$result->fetchRow(); $path=$row['path']; $root='/'.$user.'/files'; if(substr($path, 0, strlen($root))!=$root) { return false; } return substr($path, strlen($root)); } /** * get the file id of the parent folder, taking into account '/' has no parent * @param string $path * @return int */ private static function getParentId($path) { if($path=='/') { return -1; }else{ return self::getId(dirname($path), ''); } } /** * adjust the size of the parent folders * @param string $path * @param int $sizeDiff * @param string root (optinal) */ public static function increaseSize($path, $sizeDiff, $root=false) { if($sizeDiff==0) return; $item = OC_FileCache_Cached::get($path); //stop walking up the filetree if we hit a non-folder or reached the root folder if($path == '/' || $path=='' || $item['mimetype'] !== 'httpd/unix-directory') { return; } $id = $item['id']; while($id!=-1) {//walk up the filetree increasing the size of all parent folders $query=OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*fscache` SET `size`=`size`+? WHERE `id`=?'); $query->execute(array($sizeDiff, $id)); $path=dirname($path); if($path == '' or $path =='/') { return; } $parent = OC_FileCache_Cached::get($path); $id = $parent['id']; //stop walking up the filetree if we hit a non-folder if($parent['mimetype'] !== 'httpd/unix-directory') { return; } } } /** * recursively scan the filesystem and fill the cache * @param string $path * @param OC_EventSource $eventSource (optional) * @param int $count (optional) * @param string $root (optional) */ public static function scan($path, $eventSource=false,&$count=0, $root=false) { if($eventSource) { $eventSource->send('scanning', array('file'=>$path, 'count'=>$count)); } $lastSend=$count; // NOTE: Ugly hack to prevent shared files from going into the cache (the source already exists somewhere in the cache) if (substr($path, 0, 7) == '/Shared') { return; } if($root===false) { $view=OC_Filesystem::getView(); }else{ $view=new OC_FilesystemView($root); } self::scanFile($path, $root); $dh=$view->opendir($path.'/'); $totalSize=0; if($dh) { while (($filename = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if($filename != '.' and $filename != '..') { $file=$path.'/'.$filename; if($view->is_dir($file.'/')) { self::scan($file, $eventSource, $count, $root); }else{ $totalSize+=self::scanFile($file, $root); $count++; if($count>$lastSend+25 and $eventSource) { $lastSend=$count; $eventSource->send('scanning', array('file'=>$path, 'count'=>$count)); } } } } } OC_FileCache_Update::cleanFolder($path, $root); self::increaseSize($path, $totalSize, $root); } /** * scan a single file * @param string path * @param string root (optional) * @return int size of the scanned file */ public static function scanFile($path, $root=false) { // NOTE: Ugly hack to prevent shared files from going into the cache (the source already exists somewhere in the cache) if (substr($path, 0, 7) == '/Shared') { return; } if($root===false) { $view=OC_Filesystem::getView(); }else{ $view=new OC_FilesystemView($root); } if(!$view->is_readable($path)) return; //cant read, nothing we can do clearstatcache(); $mimetype=$view->getMimeType($path); $stat=$view->stat($path); if($mimetype=='httpd/unix-directory') { $stat['size'] = 0; $writable=$view->is_writable($path.'/'); }else{ $writable=$view->is_writable($path); } $stat['mimetype']=$mimetype; $stat['writable']=$writable; if($path=='/') { $path=''; } self::put($path, $stat, $root); return $stat['size']; } /** * find files by mimetype * @param string $part1 * @param string $part2 (optional) * @param string root (optional) * @return array of file paths * * $part1 and $part2 together form the complete mimetype. * e.g. searchByMime('text', 'plain') * * seccond mimetype part can be ommited * e.g. searchByMime('audio') */ public static function searchByMime($part1, $part2=null, $root=false) { if($root===false) { $root=OC_Filesystem::getRoot(); } $rootLen=strlen($root); $root .= '%'; $user=OC_User::getUser(); if(!$part2) { $query=OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `path` FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `mimepart`=? AND `user`=? AND `path` LIKE ?'); $result=$query->execute(array($part1, $user, $root)); }else{ $query=OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `path` FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `mimetype`=? AND `user`=? AND `path` LIKE ? '); $result=$query->execute(array($part1.'/'.$part2, $user, $root)); } $names=array(); while($row=$result->fetchRow()) { $names[]=substr($row['path'], $rootLen); } return $names; } /** * clean old pre-path_hash entries */ public static function clean() { $query=OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE LENGTH(`path_hash`)<30'); $query->execute(); } /** * clear filecache entries * @param string user (optonal) */ public static function clear($user='') { if($user) { $query=OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `user`=?'); $query->execute(array($user)); }else{ $query=OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*fscache`'); $query->execute(); } } /** * trigger an update for the cache by setting the mtimes to 0 * @param string $user (optional) */ public static function triggerUpdate($user='') { if($user) { $query=OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*fscache` SET `mtime`=0 WHERE `user`=? AND `mimetype`= ? '); $query->execute(array($user,'httpd/unix-directory')); }else{ $query=OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*fscache` SET `mtime`=0 AND `mimetype`= ? '); $query->execute(array('httpd/unix-directory')); } } } //watch for changes and try to keep the cache up to date OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem', 'post_write', 'OC_FileCache_Update', 'fileSystemWatcherWrite'); OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem', 'post_delete', 'OC_FileCache_Update', 'fileSystemWatcherDelete'); OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem', 'post_rename', 'OC_FileCache_Update', 'fileSystemWatcherRename'); OC_Hook::connect('OC_User', 'post_deleteUser', 'OC_FileCache_Update', 'deleteFromUser');