t('A new version is available: %s', [$newVersionString])); ?> t('Download now')) ?> t('The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page.')); ?> t('Your version is up to date.')); ?>
t('A non-default update server is in use to be checked for updates:')); ?>

t('You can always update to a newer version / experimental channel. But you can never downgrade to a more stable channel.')); ?>
t('Note that after a new release it can take some time before it shows up here. We roll out new versions spread out over time to our users and sometimes skip a version when issues are found.')); ?>

t('Notify members of the following groups about available updates:')); ?>
t('Only notification for app updates are available.')); ?> t('The selected update channel makes dedicated notifications for the server obsolete.')); } ?> t('The selected update channel does not support updates of the server.')); } ?>