/** * ownCloud * * @author Vincent Petry * @copyright 2014 Vincent Petry * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * */ /* global oc_appconfig */ describe('OC.Share tests', function() { describe('markFileAsShared', function() { var $file; var tipsyStub; beforeEach(function() { tipsyStub = sinon.stub($.fn, 'tipsy'); $file = $('
File name'); $file.find('.filename').append( '' + '' + ' Share' + '' + '' ); }); afterEach(function() { $file = null; tipsyStub.restore(); }); describe('displaying the share owner', function() { function checkOwner(input, output, title) { var $action; $file.attr('data-share-owner', input); OC.Share.markFileAsShared($file); $action = $file.find('.action-share>span'); expect($action.text().trim()).toEqual(output); if (_.isString(title)) { expect($action.find('.remoteAddress').attr('title')).toEqual(title); } else { expect($action.find('.remoteAddress').attr('title')).not.toBeDefined(); } expect(tipsyStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true); tipsyStub.reset(); } it('displays the local share owner as is', function() { checkOwner('User One', 'User One', null); }); it('displays the user name part of a remote share owner', function() { checkOwner( 'User One@someserver.com', 'User One@…', 'User One@someserver.com' ); checkOwner( 'User One@someserver.com/', 'User One@…', 'User One@someserver.com' ); checkOwner( 'User One@someserver.com/root/of/owncloud', 'User One@…', 'User One@someserver.com' ); }); it('displays the user name part with domain of a remote share owner', function() { checkOwner( 'User One@example.com@someserver.com', 'User One@example.com', 'User One@example.com@someserver.com' ); checkOwner( 'User One@example.com@someserver.com/', 'User One@example.com', 'User One@example.com@someserver.com' ); checkOwner( 'User One@example.com@someserver.com/root/of/owncloud', 'User One@example.com', 'User One@example.com@someserver.com' ); }); }); describe('displaying the folder icon', function() { function checkIcon(expectedImage) { var imageUrl = OC.TestUtil.getImageUrl($file.find('.filename .thumbnail')); expectedIcon = OC.imagePath('core', expectedImage); expect(imageUrl).toEqual(expectedIcon); } it('shows a plain folder icon for non-shared folders', function() { $file.attr('data-type', 'dir'); OC.Share.markFileAsShared($file); checkIcon('filetypes/folder'); }); it('shows a shared folder icon for folders shared with another user', function() { $file.attr('data-type', 'dir'); OC.Share.markFileAsShared($file, true); checkIcon('filetypes/folder-shared'); }); it('shows a shared folder icon for folders shared with the current user', function() { $file.attr('data-type', 'dir'); $file.attr('data-share-owner', 'someoneelse'); OC.Share.markFileAsShared($file); checkIcon('filetypes/folder-shared'); }); it('shows a link folder icon for folders shared with link', function() { $file.attr('data-type', 'dir'); OC.Share.markFileAsShared($file, false, true); checkIcon('filetypes/folder-public'); }); it('shows a link folder icon for folders shared with both link and another user', function() { $file.attr('data-type', 'dir'); OC.Share.markFileAsShared($file, true, true); checkIcon('filetypes/folder-public'); }); it('shows a link folder icon for folders reshared with link', function() { $file.attr('data-type', 'dir'); $file.attr('data-share-owner', 'someoneelse'); OC.Share.markFileAsShared($file, false, true); checkIcon('filetypes/folder-public'); }); }); describe('displaying the recipoients', function() { function checkRecipients(input, output, title) { var $action; $file.attr('data-share-recipients', input); OC.Share.markFileAsShared($file, true); $action = $file.find('.action-share>span'); expect($action.text().trim()).toEqual(output); if (_.isString(title)) { expect($action.find('.remoteAddress').attr('title')).toEqual(title); } else if (_.isArray(title)) { var tooltips = $action.find('.remoteAddress'); expect(tooltips.length).toEqual(title.length); tooltips.each(function(i) { expect($(this).attr('title')).toEqual(title[i]); }); } else { expect($action.find('.remoteAddress').attr('title')).not.toBeDefined(); } expect(tipsyStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true); tipsyStub.reset(); } it('displays the local share owner as is', function() { checkRecipients('User One', 'Shared with User One', null); }); it('displays the user name part of a remote recipient', function() { checkRecipients( 'User One@someserver.com', 'Shared with User One@…', 'User One@someserver.com' ); checkRecipients( 'User One@someserver.com/', 'Shared with User One@…', 'User One@someserver.com' ); checkRecipients( 'User One@someserver.com/root/of/owncloud', 'Shared with User One@…', 'User One@someserver.com' ); }); it('displays the user name part with domain of a remote share owner', function() { checkRecipients( 'User One@example.com@someserver.com', 'Shared with User One@example.com', 'User One@example.com@someserver.com' ); checkRecipients( 'User One@example.com@someserver.com/', 'Shared with User One@example.com', 'User One@example.com@someserver.com' ); checkRecipients( 'User One@example.com@someserver.com/root/of/owncloud', 'Shared with User One@example.com', 'User One@example.com@someserver.com' ); }); it('display multiple remote recipients', function() { checkRecipients( 'One@someserver.com, two@otherserver.com', 'Shared with One@…, two@…', ['One@someserver.com', 'two@otherserver.com'] ); checkRecipients( 'One@someserver.com/, two@otherserver.com', 'Shared with One@…, two@…', ['One@someserver.com', 'two@otherserver.com'] ); checkRecipients( 'One@someserver.com/root/of/owncloud, two@otherserver.com', 'Shared with One@…, two@…', ['One@someserver.com', 'two@otherserver.com'] ); }); it('display mixed recipients', function() { checkRecipients( 'One, two@otherserver.com', 'Shared with One, two@…', ['two@otherserver.com'] ); }); }); }); });