/* * Copyright (c) 2015 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ (function(OCA) { function modelToSelection(model) { var data = model.toJSON(); if (!OC.isUserAdmin() && !data.userAssignable) { data.locked = true; } return data; } /** * @class OCA.SystemTags.SystemTagsInfoView * @classdesc * * Displays a file's system tags * */ var SystemTagsInfoView = OCA.Files.DetailFileInfoView.extend( /** @lends OCA.SystemTags.SystemTagsInfoView.prototype */ { _rendered: false, className: 'systemTagsInfoView hidden', /** * @type OC.SystemTags.SystemTagsInputField */ _inputView: null, initialize: function(options) { var self = this; options = options || {}; this._inputView = new OC.SystemTags.SystemTagsInputField({ multiple: true, allowActions: true, allowCreate: true, isAdmin: OC.isUserAdmin(), initSelection: function(element, callback) { callback(self.selectedTagsCollection.map(modelToSelection)); } }); this.selectedTagsCollection = new OC.SystemTags.SystemTagsMappingCollection([], {objectType: 'files'}); this._inputView.collection.on('change:name', this._onTagRenamedGlobally, this); this._inputView.collection.on('remove', this._onTagDeletedGlobally, this); this._inputView.on('select', this._onSelectTag, this); this._inputView.on('deselect', this._onDeselectTag, this); }, /** * Event handler whenever a tag was selected */ _onSelectTag: function(tag) { // create a mapping entry for this tag this.selectedTagsCollection.create(tag.toJSON()); }, /** * Event handler whenever a tag gets deselected. * Removes the selected tag from the mapping collection. * * @param {string} tagId tag id */ _onDeselectTag: function(tagId) { this.selectedTagsCollection.get(tagId).destroy(); }, /** * Event handler whenever a tag was renamed globally. * * This will automatically adjust the tag mapping collection to * container the new name. * * @param {OC.Backbone.Model} changedTag tag model that has changed */ _onTagRenamedGlobally: function(changedTag) { // also rename it in the selection, if applicable var selectedTagMapping = this.selectedTagsCollection.get(changedTag.id); if (selectedTagMapping) { selectedTagMapping.set(changedTag.toJSON()); } }, /** * Event handler whenever a tag was deleted globally. * * This will automatically adjust the tag mapping collection to * container the new name. * * @param {OC.Backbone.Model} changedTag tag model that has changed */ _onTagDeletedGlobally: function(tagId) { // also rename it in the selection, if applicable this.selectedTagsCollection.remove(tagId); }, setFileInfo: function(fileInfo) { var self = this; if (!this._rendered) { this.render(); } if (fileInfo) { this.selectedTagsCollection.setObjectId(fileInfo.id); this.selectedTagsCollection.fetch({ success: function(collection) { collection.fetched = true; self._inputView.setData(collection.map(modelToSelection)); self.$el.removeClass('hidden'); } }); } this.$el.addClass('hidden'); }, /** * Renders this details view */ render: function() { this.$el.append(this._inputView.$el); this._inputView.render(); }, remove: function() { this._inputView.remove(); } }); OCA.SystemTags.SystemTagsInfoView = SystemTagsInfoView; })(OCA);