class represents an individual credential set. * * @version 2011.11.15 * @license See the included file for more information. * @copyright See the included file for more information. * @link PHP Developer Center */ class CFCredential implements ArrayAccess { /** * Stores the internal representation of the collection. */ private $collection; /** * Default getter. Enables syntax such as $object->method->chained_method();. Also supports * $object->key. Matching methods are prioritized over matching keys. * * @param string $name (Required) The name of the method to execute or key to retrieve. * @return mixed The results of calling the function $name(), or the value of the key $object[$name]. */ public function __get($name) { return $this[$name]; } /** * Default setter. * * @param string $name (Required) The name of the method to execute. * @param string $value (Required) The value to pass to the method. * @return mixed The results of calling the function, $name. */ public function __set($name, $value) { $this[$name] = $value; return $this; } /** * Create a clone of the object. * * @return CFCredential A clone of the current instance. */ public function __clone() { $this->collection = clone $this->collection; } /*%******************************************************************************************%*/ // CONSTRUCTOR /** * Constructs a new instance of the class. */ public function __construct($value = array()) { $this->collection = new ArrayObject($value, ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); } /** * Check whether or not a specific offset exists. * * @param integer $offset (Required) The location in the collection to verify the existence of. * @return boolean A value of true indicates that the collection offset exists. A value of false indicates that it does not. */ public function offsetExists($offset) { return $this->collection->offsetExists($offset); } /** * Get the value for a specific offset. * * @param integer $offset (Required) The location in the collection to retrieve the value for. * @return mixed The value of the collection offset. NULL is returned if the offset does not exist. */ public function offsetGet($offset) { if ($this->collection->offsetExists($offset)) { return $this->collection->offsetGet($offset); } return null; } /** * Set the value for a specific offset. * * @param integer $offset (Required) The location in the collection to set a new value for. * @param mixed $value (Required) The new value for the collection location. * @return CFCredential A reference to the current collection. */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { $this->collection->offsetSet($offset, $value); return $this; } /** * Unset the value for a specific offset. * * @param integer $offset (Required) The location in the collection to unset. * @return CFCredential A reference to the current collection. */ public function offsetUnset($offset) { $this->collection->offsetUnset($offset); return $this; } /** * Merge another instance of onto this one. * * @param CFCredential $credential (Required) Another instance of . * @return CFCredential A reference to the current collection. */ public function merge(CFCredential $credential) { $merged = array_merge($this->to_array(), $credential->to_array()); $this->collection->exchangeArray($merged); return $this; } /** * Retrieves the data as a standard array. * * @return array The data as an array. */ public function to_array() { return $this->collection->getArrayCopy(); } }