function setEditorSize(){ // Sets the size of the text editor window. fillWindow($('#editor')); } function getFileExtension(file){ var parts=file.split('.'); return parts[parts.length-1]; } function setSyntaxMode(ext){ // Loads the syntax mode files and tells the editor var filetype = new Array(); // Todo finish these filetype["h"] = "c_cpp"; filetype["c"] = "c_cpp"; filetype["clj"] = "clojure"; filetype["coffee"] = "coffee"; // coffescript can be compiled to javascript filetype["coldfusion"] = "cfc"; filetype["cpp"] = "c_cpp"; filetype["cs"] = "csharp"; filetype["css"] = "css"; filetype["groovy"] = "groovy"; filetype["haxe"] = "hx"; filetype["html"] = "html"; filetype["java"] = "java"; filetype["js"] = "javascript"; filetype["json"] = "json"; filetype["latex"] = "latex"; filetype["lua"] = "lua"; filetype["markdown"] = "markdown"; // also: .md .markdown .mdown .mdwn filetype["ml"] = "ocaml"; filetype["mli"] = "ocaml"; filetype["pl"] = "perl"; filetype["php"] = "php"; filetype["powershell"] = "ps1"; filetype["py"] = "python"; filetype["rb"] = "ruby"; filetype["scad"] = "scad"; // seems to be something like 3d model files printed with e.g. reprap filetype["scala"] = "scala"; filetype["scss"] = "scss"; // "sassy css" filetype["sql"] = "sql"; filetype["svg"] = "svg"; filetype["textile"] = "textile"; // related to markdown filetype["xml"] = "xml"; if(filetype[ext]!=null){ // Then it must be in the array, so load the custom syntax mode // Set the syntax mode OC.addScript('files_texteditor','aceeditor/mode-'+filetype[ext], function(){ var SyntaxMode = require("ace/mode/"+filetype[ext]).Mode; window.aceEditor.getSession().setMode(new SyntaxMode()); }); } } function showControls(filename,writeperms){ // Loads the control bar at the top. $('.actions,#file_action_panel').fadeOut('slow').promise().done(function() { // Load the new toolbar. var editorcontrols; if(writeperms=="true"){ var editorcontrols = '
'; } var html = ''; $('#controls').append(html); $('#editorbar').fadeIn('slow'); var breadcrumbhtml = ''+filename+'
Failed to save file
'); $("#editor_save").live('click',doFileSave); } else { // Save OK // Update mtime $('#editor').attr('data-mtime',; $('#editor_save').text(t('files_texteditor','Save')); $("#editor_save").live('click',doFileSave); } },'json'); } }; // Gives the editor focus function giveEditorFocus(){ window.aceEditor.focus(); }; // Loads the file editor. Accepts two parameters, dir and filename. function showFileEditor(dir,filename){ if(!editorIsShown()){ // Loads the file editor and display it. var data = $.getJSON( OC.filePath('files_texteditor','ajax','loadfile.php'), {file:filename,dir:dir}, function(result){ if(result.status == 'success'){ // Save mtime $('#editor').attr('data-mtime',; // Initialise the editor showControls(filename,; $('table').fadeOut('slow', function() { // Update document title document.title = filename; $('#editor').text(; $('#editor').attr('data-dir', dir); $('#editor').attr('data-filename', filename); window.aceEditor = ace.edit("editor"); aceEditor.setShowPrintMargin(false); if('false'){ aceEditor.setReadOnly(true); } setEditorSize(); setSyntaxMode(getFileExtension(filename)); OC.addScript('files_texteditor','aceeditor/theme-clouds', function(){ window.aceEditor.setTheme("ace/theme/clouds"); }); }); } else { // Failed to get the file. alert(; } // End success } // End ajax ); is_editor_shown = true; } } // Fades out the editor. function hideFileEditor(){ // Fades out editor controls $('#controls > :not(.actions,#file_access_panel,.crumb),#breadcrumb_file').fadeOut('slow',function(){ $(this).remove(); }); // Fade out editor $('#editor').fadeOut('slow', function(){ $(this).remove(); // Reset document title document.title = "ownCloud"; var editorhtml = ''; $('table').after(editorhtml); $('.actions,#file_access_panel').fadeIn('slow'); $('table').fadeIn('slow'); }); is_editor_shown = false; } // Keyboard Shortcuts var ctrlBtn = false; // returns true if ctrl+s or cmd+s is being pressed function checkForSaveKeyPress(e){ if(e.which == 17 || e.which == 91) ctrlBtn=true; if(e.which == 83 && ctrlBtn == true) { e.preventDefault(); $('#editor_save').trigger('click'); return false; } } // resizes the editor window $(window).resize(function() { setEditorSize(); }); var is_editor_shown = false; $(document).ready(function(){ if(typeof FileActions!=='undefined'){ FileActions.register('text','Edit','',function(filename){ showFileEditor($('#dir').val(),filename); }); FileActions.setDefault('text','Edit'); FileActions.register('application/xml','Edit','',function(filename){ showFileEditor($('#dir').val(),filename); }); FileActions.setDefault('application/xml','Edit'); },item){ var'file=')+5); var a=row.find('a');'file',text); a.attr('href','#');{ var file=text.split('/').pop(); var dir=text.substr(0,text.length-file.length-1); showFileEditor(dir,file); }); } // Binds the file save and close editor events, and gotoline button bindControlEvents(); // Binds the save keyboard shortcut events $(document).unbind('keydown').bind('keydown',checkForSaveKeyPress); });