addReport($reports); } /** * Adds a report to this property * * The report must be a string in clark-notation. * Multiple reports can be specified as an array. * * @param mixed $report * @return void */ public function addReport($report) { if (!is_array($report)) $report = array($report); foreach($report as $r) { if (!preg_match('/^{([^}]*)}(.*)$/',$r)) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception('Reportname must be in clark-notation'); $this->reports[] = $r; } } /** * Returns the list of supported reports * * @return array */ public function getValue() { return $this->reports; } /** * Serializes the node * * @param Sabre_DAV_Server $server * @param DOMElement $prop * @return void */ public function serialize(Sabre_DAV_Server $server,DOMElement $prop) { foreach($this->reports as $reportName) { $supportedReport = $prop->ownerDocument->createElement('d:supported-report'); $prop->appendChild($supportedReport); $report = $prop->ownerDocument->createElement('d:report'); $supportedReport->appendChild($report); preg_match('/^{([^}]*)}(.*)$/',$reportName,$matches); list(, $namespace, $element) = $matches; $prefix = isset($server->xmlNamespaces[$namespace])?$server->xmlNamespaces[$namespace]:null; if ($prefix) { $report->appendChild($prop->ownerDocument->createElement($prefix . ':' . $element)); } else { $report->appendChild($prop->ownerDocument->createElementNS($namespace, 'x:' . $element)); } } } }