* * @author Lukas Reschke * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ namespace Tests\Settings; use OC\Settings\Admin\Sharing; use OC\Settings\Manager; use OC\Settings\Mapper; use OC\Settings\Personal\Security; use OC\Settings\Section; use OCP\IDBConnection; use OCP\IL10N; use OCP\ILogger; use OCP\IServerContainer; use OCP\IURLGenerator; use Test\TestCase; class ManagerTest extends TestCase { /** @var Manager|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ private $manager; /** @var ILogger|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ private $logger; /** @var IDBConnection|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ private $l10n; /** @var IURLGenerator|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ private $url; /** @var IServerContainer|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ private $container; public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->logger = $this->createMock(ILogger::class); $this->l10n = $this->createMock(IL10N::class); $this->url = $this->createMock(IURLGenerator::class); $this->container = $this->createMock(IServerContainer::class); $this->manager = new Manager( $this->logger, $this->l10n, $this->url, $this->container ); } public function testGetAdminSections() { $this->l10n ->expects($this->any()) ->method('t') ->will($this->returnArgument(0)); $this->manager->registerSection('admin', \OCA\WorkflowEngine\Settings\Section::class); $this->url->expects($this->exactly(6)) ->method('imagePath') ->willReturnMap([ ['settings', 'admin.svg', '0'], ['core', 'actions/settings-dark.svg', '1'], ['core', 'actions/share.svg', '2'], ['core', 'actions/password.svg', '3'], ['core', 'places/contacts.svg', '5'], ['settings', 'help.svg', '4'], ]); $this->assertEquals([ 0 => [new Section('overview', 'Overview', 0, '0')], 1 => [new Section('server', 'Basic settings', 0, '1')], 5 => [new Section('sharing', 'Sharing', 0, '2')], 10 => [new Section('security', 'Security', 0, '3')], 50 => [new Section('groupware', 'Groupware', 0, '5')], 55 => [\OC::$server->query(\OCA\WorkflowEngine\Settings\Section::class)], 98 => [new Section('additional', 'Additional settings', 0, '1')], ], $this->manager->getAdminSections()); } public function testGetPersonalSections() { $this->l10n ->expects($this->any()) ->method('t') ->will($this->returnArgument(0)); $this->manager->registerSection('personal', \OCA\WorkflowEngine\Settings\Section::class); $this->url->expects($this->exactly(3)) ->method('imagePath') ->willReturnMap([ ['core', 'actions/info.svg', '1'], ['settings', 'password.svg', '2'], ['core', 'clients/phone.svg', '3'], ]); $this->assertEquals([ 0 => [new Section('personal-info', 'Personal info', 0, '1')], 5 => [new Section('security', 'Security', 0, '2')], 15 => [new Section('sync-clients', 'Mobile & desktop', 0, '3')], 55 => [\OC::$server->query(\OCA\WorkflowEngine\Settings\Section::class)], ], $this->manager->getPersonalSections()); } public function testGetAdminSectionsEmptySection() { $this->l10n ->expects($this->any()) ->method('t') ->will($this->returnArgument(0)); $this->url->expects($this->exactly(6)) ->method('imagePath') ->willReturnMap([ ['settings', 'admin.svg', '0'], ['core', 'actions/settings-dark.svg', '1'], ['core', 'actions/share.svg', '2'], ['core', 'actions/password.svg', '3'], ['core', 'places/contacts.svg', '5'], ['settings', 'help.svg', '4'], ]); $this->assertEquals([ 0 => [new Section('overview', 'Overview', 0, '0')], 1 => [new Section('server', 'Basic settings', 0, '1')], 5 => [new Section('sharing', 'Sharing', 0, '2')], 10 => [new Section('security', 'Security', 0, '3')], 50 => [new Section('groupware', 'Groupware', 0, '5')], 98 => [new Section('additional', 'Additional settings', 0, '1')], ], $this->manager->getAdminSections()); } public function testGetPersonalSectionsEmptySection() { $this->l10n ->expects($this->any()) ->method('t') ->will($this->returnArgument(0)); $this->url->expects($this->exactly(3)) ->method('imagePath') ->willReturnMap([ ['core', 'actions/info.svg', '1'], ['settings', 'password.svg', '2'], ['core', 'clients/phone.svg', '3'], ]); $this->assertArraySubset([ 0 => [new Section('personal-info', 'Personal info', 0, '1')], 5 => [new Section('security', 'Security', 0, '2')], 15 => [new Section('sync-clients', 'Mobile & desktop', 0, '3')], ], $this->manager->getPersonalSections()); } public function testGetAdminSettings() { $section = $this->createMock(Sharing::class); $section->expects($this->once()) ->method('getPriority') ->willReturn(13); $this->container->expects($this->once()) ->method('query') ->with(Sharing::class) ->willReturn($section); $settings = $this->manager->getAdminSettings('sharing'); $this->assertEquals([ 13 => [$section] ], $settings); } public function testGetPersonalSettings() { $section = $this->createMock(Security::class); $section->expects($this->once()) ->method('getPriority') ->willReturn(16); $this->container->expects($this->once()) ->method('query') ->with(Security::class) ->willReturn($section); $settings = $this->manager->getPersonalSettings('security'); $this->assertEquals([ 16 => [$section] ], $settings); } public function testSameSectionAsPersonalAndAdmin() { $this->l10n ->expects($this->any()) ->method('t') ->will($this->returnArgument(0)); $this->manager->registerSection('personal', \OCA\WorkflowEngine\Settings\Section::class); $this->manager->registerSection('admin', \OCA\WorkflowEngine\Settings\Section::class); $this->url->expects($this->exactly(9)) ->method('imagePath') ->willReturnMap([ ['core', 'actions/info.svg', '1'], ['settings', 'password.svg', '2'], ['core', 'clients/phone.svg', '3'], ['settings', 'admin.svg', '0'], ['core', 'actions/settings-dark.svg', '1'], ['core', 'actions/share.svg', '2'], ['core', 'actions/password.svg', '3'], ['core', 'places/contacts.svg', '5'], ['settings', 'help.svg', '4'], ]); $this->assertEquals([ 0 => [new Section('personal-info', 'Personal info', 0, '1')], 5 => [new Section('security', 'Security', 0, '2')], 15 => [new Section('sync-clients', 'Mobile & desktop', 0, '3')], 55 => [\OC::$server->query(\OCA\WorkflowEngine\Settings\Section::class)], ], $this->manager->getPersonalSections()); $this->assertEquals([ 0 => [new Section('overview', 'Overview', 0, '0')], 1 => [new Section('server', 'Basic settings', 0, '1')], 5 => [new Section('sharing', 'Sharing', 0, '2')], 10 => [new Section('security', 'Security', 0, '3')], 50 => [new Section('groupware', 'Groupware', 0, '5')], 55 => [\OC::$server->query(\OCA\WorkflowEngine\Settings\Section::class)], 98 => [new Section('additional', 'Additional settings', 0, '1')], ], $this->manager->getAdminSections()); } }