. * */ /** * error code for functions not provided by the user backend */ define('OC_USER_BACKEND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED', -501); /** * actions that user backends can define */ define('OC_USER_BACKEND_CREATE_USER', 0x000001); define('OC_USER_BACKEND_SET_PASSWORD', 0x000010); define('OC_USER_BACKEND_CHECK_PASSWORD', 0x000100); /** * Abstract base class for user management. Provides methods for querying backend * capabilities. * * Subclass this for your own backends, and see OC_User_Example for descriptions */ abstract class OC_User_Backend implements OC_User_Interface { protected $possibleActions = array( OC_USER_BACKEND_CREATE_USER => 'createUser', OC_USER_BACKEND_SET_PASSWORD => 'setPassword', OC_USER_BACKEND_CHECK_PASSWORD => 'checkPassword', ); /** * @brief Get all supported actions * @returns bitwise-or'ed actions * * Returns the supported actions as int to be * compared with OC_USER_BACKEND_CREATE_USER etc. */ public function getSupportedActions(){ $actions = 0; foreach($this->possibleActions AS $action => $methodName){ if(method_exists($this, $methodName)) { $actions |= $action; } } return $actions; } /** * @brief Check if backend implements actions * @param $actions bitwise-or'ed actions * @returns boolean * * Returns the supported actions as int to be * compared with OC_USER_BACKEND_CREATE_USER etc. */ public function implementsActions($actions){ return (bool)($this->getSupportedActions() & $actions); } /** * @brief delete a user * @param $uid The username of the user to delete * @returns true/false * * Deletes a user */ public function deleteUser( $uid ){ return false; } /** * @brief Get a list of all users * @returns array with all uids * * Get a list of all users. */ public function getUsers($search = '', $limit = 10, $offset = 0) { return array(); } /** * @brief check if a user exists * @param string $uid the username * @return boolean */ public function userExists($uid){ return false; } }