. * */ /** * This class manages shared items within the database. */ class OC_Share { const WRITE = 1; const DELETE = 2; const UNSHARED = -1; const PUBLICLINK = "public"; private $token; /** * Share an item, adds an entry into the database * @param $source The source location of the item * @param $uid_shared_with The user or group to share the item with * @param $permissions The permissions, use the constants WRITE and DELETE */ public function __construct($source, $uid_shared_with, $permissions) { $uid_owner = OCP\USER::getUser(); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("INSERT INTO *PREFIX*sharing VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)"); if ($uid_shared_with == self::PUBLICLINK) { $token = sha1("$uid_shared_with-$source"); $query->execute(array($uid_owner, self::PUBLICLINK, $source, $token, $permissions)); $this->token = $token; } else { if (OC_Group::groupExists($uid_shared_with)) { $gid = $uid_shared_with; $uid_shared_with = OC_Group::usersInGroup($gid); // Remove the owner from the list of users in the group $uid_shared_with = array_diff($uid_shared_with, array($uid_owner)); } else if (OCP\User::userExists($uid_shared_with)) { $userGroups = OC_Group::getUserGroups($uid_owner); // Check if the user is in one of the owner's groups foreach ($userGroups as $group) { if ($inGroup = OC_Group::inGroup($uid_shared_with, $group)) { $gid = null; $uid_shared_with = array($uid_shared_with); break; } } if (!$inGroup) { throw new Exception("You can't share with ".$uid_shared_with); } } else { throw new Exception($uid_shared_with." is not a user"); } foreach ($uid_shared_with as $uid) { // Check if this item is already shared with the user $checkSource = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT source FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE source = ? AND uid_shared_with ".self::getUsersAndGroups($uid, false)); $resultCheckSource = $checkSource->execute(array($source))->fetchAll(); // TODO Check if the source is inside a folder if (count($resultCheckSource) > 0 && !isset($gid)) { throw new Exception("This item is already shared with ".$uid); } // Check if the target already exists for the user, if it does append a number to the name $sharedFolder = "/".$uid."/files/Shared"; $target = $sharedFolder."/".basename($source); if (self::getSource($target)) { if ($pos = strrpos($target, ".")) { $name = substr($target, 0, $pos); $ext = substr($target, $pos); } else { $name = $target; $ext = ""; } $counter = 1; while ($checkTarget !== false) { $newTarget = $name."_".$counter.$ext; $checkTarget = self::getSource($newTarget); $counter++; } $target = $newTarget; } if (isset($gid)) { $uid = $uid."@".$gid; } $query->execute(array($uid_owner, $uid, $source, $target, $permissions)); // Add file to filesystem cache $userDirectory = "/".OCP\USER::getUser()."/files"; $data = OC_Filecache::get(substr($source, strlen($userDirectory))); $parentQuery = OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT id FROM *PREFIX*fscache WHERE path=?'); $parentResult = $parentQuery->execute(array($sharedFolder))->fetchRow(); $parent = $parentResult['id']; $is_writeable = $permissions & OC_Share::WRITE; $cacheQuery = OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO *PREFIX*fscache(parent, name, path, size, mtime, ctime, mimetype, mimepart, user, writable) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'); $cacheQuery->execute(array($parent, basename($target), $target, $data['size'], $data['mtime'], $data['ctime'], $data['mimetype'], dirname($data['mimetype']), $uid, $is_writeable)); } } } /** * Remove any duplicate or trailing '/' from the path * @return A clean path */ private static function cleanPath($path) { $path = rtrim($path, "/"); return preg_replace('{(/)\1+}', "/", $path); } /** * Generate a string to be used for searching for uid_shared_with that handles both users and groups * @param $uid (Optional) The uid to get the user groups for, a gid to get the users in a group, or if not set the current user * @return An IN operator as a string */ private static function getUsersAndGroups($uid = null, $includePrivateLinks = true) { $in = " IN("; if (isset($uid) && OC_Group::groupExists($uid)) { $users = OC_Group::usersInGroup($uid); foreach ($users as $user) { // Add a comma only if the the current element isn't the last if ($user !== end($users)) { $in .= "'".$user."@".$uid."', "; } else { $in .= "'".$user."@".$uid."'"; } } } else if (isset($uid)) { // TODO Check if this is necessary, only constructor needs it as IN. It would be better for other queries to just return =$uid $in .= "'".$uid."'"; $groups = OC_Group::getUserGroups($uid); foreach ($groups as $group) { $in .= ", '".$uid."@".$group."'"; } } else { $uid = OCP\USER::getUser(); $in .= "'".$uid."'"; $groups = OC_Group::getUserGroups($uid); foreach ($groups as $group) { $in .= ", '".$uid."@".$group."'"; } } if ($includePrivateLinks) { $in .= ", '".self::PUBLICLINK."'"; } $in .= ")"; return $in; } /** * Create a new entry in the database for a file inside a shared folder * * $oldTarget and $newTarget may be the same value. $oldTarget exists in case the file is being moved outside of the folder * * @param $oldTarget The current target location * @param $newTarget The new target location */ public static function pullOutOfFolder($oldTarget, $newTarget) { $folders = self::getParentFolders($oldTarget); $source = $folders['source'].substr($oldTarget, strlen($folders['target'])); $item = self::getItem($folders['target']); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("INSERT INTO *PREFIX*sharing VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)"); $query->execute(array($item[0]['uid_owner'], OCP\USER::getUser(), $source, $newTarget, $item[0]['permissions'])); } /** * Get the item with the specified target location * @param $target The target location of the item * @return An array with the item */ public static function getItem($target) { $target = self::cleanPath($target); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT uid_owner, source, permissions FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE target = ? AND uid_shared_with = ? LIMIT 1"); return $query->execute(array($target, OCP\USER::getUser()))->fetchAll(); } /** * Get the item with the specified source location * @param $source The source location of the item * @return An array with the users and permissions the item is shared with */ public static function getMySharedItem($source) { $source = self::cleanPath($source); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT uid_shared_with, permissions FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE source = ? AND uid_owner = ?"); $result = $query->execute(array($source, OCP\USER::getUser()))->fetchAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { return $result; } else if ($originalSource = self::getSource($source)) { return $query->execute(array($originalSource, OCP\USER::getUser()))->fetchAll(); } else { return false; } } /** * Get all items the current user is sharing * @return An array with all items the user is sharing */ public static function getMySharedItems() { $query = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT uid_shared_with, source, permissions FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE uid_owner = ?"); return $query->execute(array(OCP\USER::getUser()))->fetchAll(); } /** * Get the items within a shared folder that have their own entry for the purpose of name, location, or permissions that differ from the folder itself * * Works for both target and source folders. Can be used for getting all items shared with you e.g. pass '/MTGap/files' * * @param $folder The folder of the items to look for * @return An array with all items in the database that are in the folder */ public static function getItemsInFolder($folder) { $folder = self::cleanPath($folder); // Append '/' in order to filter out the folder itself if not already there if (substr($folder, -1) !== "/") { $folder .= "/"; } $length = strlen($folder); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT uid_owner, source, target, permissions FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE SUBSTR(source, 1, ?) = ? OR SUBSTR(target, 1, ?) = ? AND uid_shared_with ".self::getUsersAndGroups()); return $query->execute(array($length, $folder, $length, $folder))->fetchAll(); } /** * Get the source and target parent folders of the specified target location * @param $target The target location of the item * @return An array with the keys 'source' and 'target' with the values of the source and target parent folders */ public static function getParentFolders($target) { $target = self::cleanPath($target); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT source FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE target = ? AND uid_shared_with".self::getUsersAndGroups()." LIMIT 1"); // Prevent searching for user directory e.g. '/MTGap/files' $userDirectory = substr($target, 0, strpos($target, "files") + 5); $target = dirname($target); $result = array(); while ($target != "" && $target != "/" && $target != "." && $target != $userDirectory) { // Check if the parent directory of this target location is shared $result = $query->execute(array($target))->fetchAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { break; } $target = dirname($target); } if (count($result) > 0) { // Return both the source folder and the target folder return array("source" => $result[0]['source'], "target" => $target); } else { return false; } } /** * Get the source location of the item at the specified target location * @param $target The target location of the item * @return Source location or false if target location is not valid */ public static function getSource($target) { $target = self::cleanPath($target); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT source FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE target = ? AND uid_shared_with ".self::getUsersAndGroups()." LIMIT 1"); $result = $query->execute(array($target))->fetchAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { return $result[0]['source']; } else { $folders = self::getParentFolders($target); if ($folders == true) { return $folders['source'].substr($target, strlen($folders['target'])); } else { return false; } } } public static function getTarget($source) { $source = self::cleanPath($source); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT target FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE source = ? AND uid_owner = ? LIMIT 1"); $result = $query->execute(array($source, OCP\USER::getUser()))->fetchAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { return $result[0]['target']; } else { // TODO Check in folders return false; } } /** * Get the user's permissions for the item at the specified target location * @param $target The target location of the item * @return The permissions, use bitwise operators to check against the constants WRITE and DELETE */ public static function getPermissions($target) { $target = self::cleanPath($target); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT permissions FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE target = ? AND uid_shared_with ".self::getUsersAndGroups()." LIMIT 1"); $result = $query->execute(array($target))->fetchAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { return $result[0]['permissions']; } else { $folders = self::getParentFolders($target); if ($folders == true) { $result = $query->execute(array($folders['target']))->fetchAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { return $result[0]['permissions']; } } else { OCP\Util::writeLog('files_sharing',"Not existing parent folder : ".$target,OCP\Util::ERROR); return false; } } } /** * Get the token for a public link * @return The token of the public link, a sha1 hash */ public function getToken() { return $this->token; } /** * Get the token for a public link * @param $source The source location of the item * @return The token of the public link, a sha1 hash */ public static function getTokenFromSource($source) { $query = OCP\DB::prepare("SELECT target FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE source = ? AND uid_shared_with = ? AND uid_owner = ? LIMIT 1"); $result = $query->execute(array($source, self::PUBLICLINK, OCP\USER::getUser()))->fetchAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { return $result[0]['target']; } else { return false; } } /** * Set the target location to a new value * * You must use the pullOutOfFolder() function to change the target location of a file inside a shared folder if the target location differs from the folder * * @param $oldTarget The current target location * @param $newTarget The new target location */ public static function setTarget($oldTarget, $newTarget) { $oldTarget = self::cleanPath($oldTarget); $newTarget = self::cleanPath($newTarget); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("UPDATE *PREFIX*sharing SET target = REPLACE(target, ?, ?) WHERE uid_shared_with ".self::getUsersAndGroups()); $query->execute(array($oldTarget, $newTarget)); } /** * Change the permissions for the specified item and user * * You must construct a new shared item to change the permissions of a file inside a shared folder if the permissions differ from the folder * * @param $source The source location of the item * @param $uid_shared_with The user to change the permissions for * @param $permissions The permissions, use the constants WRITE and DELETE */ public static function setPermissions($source, $uid_shared_with, $permissions) { $source = self::cleanPath($source); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("UPDATE *PREFIX*sharing SET permissions = ? WHERE SUBSTR(source, 1, ?) = ? AND uid_owner = ? AND uid_shared_with ".self::getUsersAndGroups($uid_shared_with)); $query->execute(array($permissions, strlen($source), $source, OCP\USER::getUser())); } /** * Unshare the item, removes it from all specified users * * You must use the pullOutOfFolder() function to unshare a file inside a shared folder and set $newTarget to nothing * * @param $source The source location of the item * @param $uid_shared_with Array of users to unshare the item from */ public static function unshare($source, $uid_shared_with) { $source = self::cleanPath($source); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("DELETE FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE SUBSTR(source, 1, ?) = ? AND uid_owner = ? AND uid_shared_with ".self::getUsersAndGroups($uid_shared_with)); $query->execute(array(strlen($source), $source, OCP\USER::getUser())); } /** * Unshare the item from the current user, removes it only from the database and doesn't touch the source file * * You must use the pullOutOfFolder() function before you call unshareFromMySelf() and set the delete parameter to false to unshare from self a file inside a shared folder * * @param $target The target location of the item * @param $delete (Optional) If true delete the entry from the database, if false the permission is set to UNSHARED */ public static function unshareFromMySelf($target, $delete = true) { $target = self::cleanPath($target); if ($delete) { $query = OCP\DB::prepare("DELETE FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE SUBSTR(target, 1, ?) = ? AND uid_shared_with ".self::getUsersAndGroups()); $query->execute(array(strlen($target), $target)); } else { $query = OCP\DB::prepare("UPDATE *PREFIX*sharing SET permissions = ? WHERE SUBSTR(target, 1, ?) = ? AND uid_shared_with ".self::getUsersAndGroups()); $query->execute(array(self::UNSHARED, strlen($target), $target)); } } /** * Remove the item from the database, the owner deleted the file * @param $arguments Array of arguments passed from OC_Hook */ public static function deleteItem($arguments) { $source = "/".OCP\USER::getUser()."/files".self::cleanPath($arguments['path']); if ($target = self::getTarget($source)) { // Forward hook to notify of changes to target file OCP\Util::emitHook("OC_Filesystem", "post_delete", array('path' => $target)); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("DELETE FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE SUBSTR(source, 1, ?) = ? AND uid_owner = ?"); $query->execute(array(strlen($source), $source, OCP\USER::getUser())); } } /** * Rename the item in the database, the owner renamed the file * @param $arguments Array of arguments passed from OC_Hook */ public static function renameItem($arguments) { $oldSource = "/".OCP\USER::getUser()."/files".self::cleanPath($arguments['oldpath']); $newSource = "/".OCP\USER::getUser()."/files".self::cleanPath($arguments['newpath']); $query = OCP\DB::prepare("UPDATE *PREFIX*sharing SET source = REPLACE(source, ?, ?) WHERE uid_owner = ?"); $query->execute(array($oldSource, $newSource, OCP\USER::getUser())); } public static function updateItem($arguments) { $source = "/".OCP\USER::getUser()."/files".self::cleanPath($arguments['path']); if ($target = self::getTarget($source)) { // Forward hook to notify of changes to target file OCP\Util::emitHook("OC_Filesystem", "post_write", array('path' => $target)); } } public static function removeUser($arguments) { $query = OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE uid_owner = ? OR uid_shared_with '.self::getUsersAndGroups($arguments['uid'])); $query->execute(array($arguments['uid'])); } public static function addToGroupShare($arguments) { $length = -strlen($arguments['gid']) - 1; $query = OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT uid_owner, source, permissions FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE SUBSTR(uid_shared_with, '.$length.') = ?'); $gid = '@'.$arguments['gid']; $result = $query->execute(array($gid))->fetchAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { $query = OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO *PREFIX*sharing VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)'); $sharedFolder = '/'.$arguments['uid'].'/files/Shared/'; $lastSource = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($result) - 1; $i++) { if ($result[$i]['source'] != $lastSource) { $query->execute(array($result[$i]['uid_owner'], $arguments['uid'].'@'.$arguments['gid'], $result[$i]['source'], $sharedFolder.basename($result[$i]['source']), $result[$i]['permissions'])); $lastSource = $result[$i]['source']; } } } } public static function removeFromGroupShare($arguments) { $query = OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE uid_shared_with = ?'); $query->execute(array($arguments['uid'].'@'.$arguments['gid'])); } } ?>