Feature: users Scenario: create a new user Given I act as Jane And I am logged in as the admin And I open the User settings And I click the New user button And I see that the new user form is shown When I create user unknownUser with password 123456acb Then I see that the list of users contains the user unknownUser Scenario: delete a user Given I act as Jane And I am logged in as the admin And I open the User settings And I see that the list of users contains the user user0 And I open the actions menu for the user user0 And I see that the "Delete user" action in the user0 actions menu is shown When I click the "Delete user" action in the user0 actions menu Then I see that the list of users does not contains the user user0 Scenario: disable a user Given I act as Jane And I am logged in as the admin And I open the User settings And I see that the list of users contains the user user0 And I open the actions menu for the user user0 And I see that the "Disable user" action in the user0 actions menu is shown When I click the "Disable user" action in the user0 actions menu Then I see that the list of users does not contains the user user0 When I open the "Disabled users" section Then I see that the list of users contains the user user0 Scenario: assign user to a group Given I act as Jane And I am logged in as the admin And I open the User settings And I see that the list of users contains the user user0 # disabled because we need the TAB patch: # https://github.com/minkphp/MinkSelenium2Driver/pull/244 # When I assign the user user0 to the group admin # Then I see that the section Admins is shown # And I see that the section Admins has a count of 2 Scenario: create and delete a group Given I act as Jane And I am logged in as the admin And I open the User settings And I see that the list of users contains the user user0 # disabled because we need the TAB patch: # https://github.com/minkphp/MinkSelenium2Driver/pull/244 # And I assign the user user0 to the group Group1 # And I see that the section Group1 is shown # And I click the "icon-delete" button on the Group1 section # And I see that the confirmation dialog is shown # When I click the "Yes" button of the confirmation dialog # Then I see that the section Group1 is not shown Scenario: change columns visibility Given I act as Jane And I am logged in as the admin And I open the User settings And I open the settings And I see that the settings are opened When I toggle the showLanguages checkbox in the settings Then I see that the "Languages" column is shown When I toggle the showLastLogin checkbox in the settings Then I see that the "Last login" column is shown When I toggle the showStoragePath checkbox in the settings Then I see that the "Storage location" column is shown When I toggle the showUserBackend checkbox in the settings Then I see that the "User backend" column is shown