execute(); $groupShares = array(); while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $itemSource = OC_FileCache::getId($row['source'], ''); if ($itemSource != -1) { $file = OC_FileCache::get($row['source'], ''); if ($file['mimetype'] == 'httpd/unix-directory') { $itemType = 'folder'; } else { $itemType = 'file'; } if ($row['permissions'] == 0) { $permissions = OCP\Share::PERMISSION_READ; } else { $permissions = OCP\Share::PERMISSION_READ | OCP\Share::PERMISSION_UPDATE; if ($itemType == 'folder') { $permissions |= OCP\Share::PERMISSION_CREATE; } } $pos = strrpos($row['uid_shared_with'], '@'); if ($pos !== false && OC_Group::groupExists(substr($row['uid_shared_with'], $pos + 1))) { $shareType = OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP; $shareWith = substr($row['uid_shared_with'], 0, $pos); if (isset($groupShares[$shareWith][$itemSource])) { continue; } else { $groupShares[$shareWith][$itemSource] = true; } } else if ($row['uid_shared_with'] == 'public') { $shareType = OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK; $shareWith = null; } else { $shareType = OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER; $shareWith = $row['uid_shared_with']; } OC_User::setUserId($row['uid_owner']); try { OCP\Share::shareItem($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $permissions); } catch (Exception $e) { $update_error = true; echo 'Skipping sharing "'.$row['source'].'" to "'.$shareWith.'" (error is "'.$e->getMessage().'")
'; } } } if ($update_error) { throw new Exception('There were some problems upgrading the sharing of files'); } // NOTE: Let's drop the table after more testing // $query = OCP\DB::prepare('DROP TABLE `*PREFIX*sharing`'); // $query->execute(); }