/** * translate a string * @param app the id of the app for which to translate the string * @param text the string to translate * @return string */ function t(app,text){ if( !( app in t.cache )){ $.ajax(OC.filePath('core','ajax','translations.php'),{ async:false,//todo a proper sollution for this without sync ajax calls data:{'app': app}, type:'POST', success:function(jsondata){ t.cache[app] = jsondata.data; }, }); // Bad answer ... if( !( app in t.cache )){ t.cache[app] = []; } } if( typeof( t.cache[app][text] ) !== 'undefined' ){ return t.cache[app][text]; } else{ return text; } } t.cache={}; OC={ webroot:oc_webroot, currentUser:(typeof oc_current_user!=='undefined')?oc_current_user:false, coreApps:['admin','log','search','settings','core','3rdparty'], /** * get an absolute url to a file in an appen * @param app the id of the app the file belongs to * @param file the file path relative to the app folder * @return string */ linkTo:function(app,file){ return OC.filePath(app,'',file); }, /** * get the absolute url for a file in an app * @param app the id of the app * @param type the type of the file to link to (e.g. css,img,ajax.template) * @param file the filename * @return string */ filePath:function(app,type,file){ var isCore=OC.coreApps.indexOf(app)!=-1; var link=OC.webroot; if(file.substring(file.length-3) == 'php' && !isCore){ link+='/?app=' + app + '&file=' + type + '/' + file; }else{ link+='/'; app+='/'; if(!isCore){ link+='apps/'; } link+=app; if(type){ link+=type+'/'; } link+=file; } return link; }, /** * get the absolute path to an image file * @param app the app id to which the image belongs * @param file the name of the image file * @return string * * if no extension is given for the image, it will automatically decide between .png and .svg based on what the browser supports */ imagePath:function(app,file){ if(file.indexOf('.')==-1){//if no extension is given, use png or svg depending on browser support file+=(SVGSupport())?'.svg':'.png'; } return OC.filePath(app,'img',file); }, /** * load a script for the server and load it * @param app the app id to which the script belongs * @param script the filename of the script * @param ready event handeler to be called when the script is loaded * * if the script is already loaded, the event handeler will be called directly */ addScript:function(app,script,ready){ var path=OC.filePath(app,'js',script+'.js'); if(OC.addScript.loaded.indexOf(path)==-1){ OC.addScript.loaded.push(path); if(ready){ $.getScript(path,ready); }else{ $.getScript(path); } }else{ if(ready){ ready(); } } }, /** * load a css file and load it * @param app the app id to which the css style belongs * @param style the filename of the css file */ addStyle:function(app,style){ var path=OC.filePath(app,'css',style+'.css'); if(OC.addStyle.loaded.indexOf(path)==-1){ OC.addStyle.loaded.push(path); var style=$(''); $('head').append(style); } }, /** * do a search query and display the results * @param query the search query */ search:function(query){ if(query){ OC.addStyle('search','results'); $.getJSON(OC.filePath('search','ajax','search.php')+'?query='+encodeURIComponent(query), function(results){ OC.search.lastResults=results; OC.search.showResults(results); }); } }, dialogs:OCdialogs, mtime2date:function(mtime) { mtime = parseInt(mtime); var date = new Date(1000*mtime); var ret = date.getDate()+'.'+(date.getMonth()+1)+'.'+date.getFullYear()+', '+date.getHours()+':'+date.getMinutes(); return ret; } }; OC.search.customResults={}; OC.search.currentResult=-1; OC.search.lastQuery=''; OC.search.lastResults={}; OC.addStyle.loaded=[]; OC.addScript.loaded=[]; if(typeof localStorage !='undefined'){ //user and instance awere localstorage OC.localStorage={ namespace:'oc_'+OC.currentUser+'_'+OC.webroot+'_', hasItem:function(name){ return OC.localStorage.getItem(name)!=null; }, setItem:function(name,item){ return localStorage.setItem(OC.localStorage.namespace+name,JSON.stringify(item)); }, getItem:function(name){ return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(OC.localStorage.namespace+name)); } }; }else{ //dummy localstorage OC.localStorage={ hasItem:function(name){ return false; }, setItem:function(name,item){ return false; }, getItem:function(name){ return null; } }; } /** * implement Array.filter for browsers without native support */ if (!Array.prototype.filter) { Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisp*/) { var len = this.length >>> 0; if (typeof fun != "function") throw new TypeError(); var res = []; var thisp = arguments[1]; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in this) { var val = this[i]; // in case fun mutates this if (fun.call(thisp, val, i, this)) res.push(val); } } return res; }; } /** * implement Array.indexOf for browsers without native support */ if (!Array.prototype.indexOf){ Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/) { var len = this.length; var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0; from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); if (from < 0) from += len; for (; from < len; from++) { if (from in this && this[from] === elt) return from; } return -1; }; } /** * check if the browser support svg images */ function SVGSupport() { return SVGSupport.checkMimeType.correct && !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', "svg").createSVGRect; } SVGSupport.checkMimeType=function(){ $.ajax({ url: OC.imagePath('core','breadcrumb.svg'), success:function(data,text,xhr){ var headerParts=xhr.getAllResponseHeaders().split("\n"); var headers={}; $.each(headerParts,function(i,text){ if(text){ var parts=text.split(':',2); if(parts.length==2){ var value=parts[1].trim(); if(value[0]=='"'){ value=value.substr(1,value.length-2); } headers[parts[0]]=value; } } }); if(headers["Content-Type"]!='image/svg+xml'){ replaceSVG(); SVGSupport.checkMimeType.correct=false; } } }); }; SVGSupport.checkMimeType.correct=true; //replace all svg images with png for browser compatibility function replaceSVG(){ $('img.svg').each(function(index,element){ element=$(element); var src=element.attr('src'); element.attr('src',src.substr(0,src.length-3)+'png'); }); $('.svg').each(function(index,element){ element=$(element); var background=element.css('background-image'); if(background){ var i=background.lastIndexOf('.svg'); if(i>=0){ background=background.substr(0,i)+'.png'+background.substr(i+4); element.css('background-image',background); } } element.find('*').each(function(index,element) { element=$(element); var background=element.css('background-image'); if(background){ var i=background.lastIndexOf('.svg'); if(i>=0){ background=background.substr(0,i)+'.png'+background.substr(i+4); element.css('background-image',background); } } }); }); } /** * prototypal inharitence functions * * usage: * MySubObject=object(MyObject) */ function object(o) { function F() {} F.prototype = o; return new F(); } /** * Fills height of window. (more precise than height: 100%;) */ function fillHeight(selector) { if (selector.length == 0) { return; } var height = parseFloat($(window).height())-selector.offset().top; selector.css('height', height + 'px'); if(selector.outerHeight() > selector.height()) selector.css('height', height-(selector.outerHeight()-selector.height()) + 'px'); } /** * Fills height and width of window. (more precise than height: 100%; or width: 100%;) */ function fillWindow(selector) { if (selector.length == 0) { return; } fillHeight(selector); var width = parseFloat($(window).width())-selector.offset().left; selector.css('width', width + 'px'); if(selector.outerWidth() > selector.width()) selector.css('width', width-(selector.outerWidth()-selector.width()) + 'px'); } $(document).ready(function(){ $(window).resize(function () { fillHeight($('#leftcontent')); fillWindow($('#content')); fillWindow($('#rightcontent')); }); $(window).trigger('resize'); if(!SVGSupport()){ //replace all svg images with png images for browser that dont support svg replaceSVG(); }else{ SVGSupport.checkMimeType(); } $('form.searchbox').submit(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); }); $('#searchbox').keyup(function(event){ if(event.keyCode==13){//enter if(OC.search.currentResult>-1){ var result=$('#searchresults tr.result a')[OC.search.currentResult]; window.location = $(result).attr('href'); } }else if(event.keyCode==38){//up if(OC.search.currentResult>0){ OC.search.currentResult--; OC.search.renderCurrent(); } }else if(event.keyCode==40){//down if(OC.search.lastResults.length>OC.search.currentResult+1){ OC.search.currentResult++; OC.search.renderCurrent(); } }else if(event.keyCode==27){//esc OC.search.hide(); }else{ var query=$('#searchbox').val(); if(OC.search.lastQuery!=query){ OC.search.lastQuery=query; OC.search.currentResult=-1; if(query.length>2){ OC.search(query); }else{ if(OC.search.hide){ OC.search.hide(); } } } } }); // 'show password' checkbox $('#pass2').showPassword(); //use infield labels $("label.infield").inFieldLabels(); // hide log in button etc. when form fields not filled $('#submit').hide(); $('#remember_login').hide(); $('#remember_login+label').hide(); $('#body-login input').keyup(function() { var empty = false; $('#body-login input').each(function() { if ($(this).val() == '') { empty = true; } }); if(empty) { $('#submit').fadeOut(); $('#remember_login').hide(); $('#remember_login+label').fadeOut(); } else { $('#submit').fadeIn(); $('#remember_login').show(); $('#remember_login+label').fadeIn(); } }); $('#settings #expand').click(function(event) { $('#settings #expanddiv').slideToggle(); event.stopPropagation(); }); $('#settings #expanddiv').click(function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); }); $(window).click(function(){//hide the settings menu when clicking oustide it if($('body').attr("id")=="body-user"){ $('#settings #expanddiv').slideUp(); } }); // all the tipsy stuff needs to be here (in reverse order) to work $('.jp-controls .jp-previous').tipsy({gravity:'nw', fade:true, live:true}); $('.jp-controls .jp-next').tipsy({gravity:'n', fade:true, live:true}); $('.password .action').tipsy({gravity:'se', fade:true, live:true}); $('.file_upload_button_wrapper').tipsy({gravity:'w', fade:true}); $('.selectedActions a').tipsy({gravity:'s', fade:true, live:true}); $('a.delete').tipsy({gravity: 'e', fade:true, live:true}); $('a.action').tipsy({gravity:'s', fade:true, live:true}); $('#headerSize').tipsy({gravity:'s', fade:true, live:true}); $('td.filesize').tipsy({gravity:'s', fade:true, live:true}); $('td .modified').tipsy({gravity:'s', fade:true, live:true}); $('input').tipsy({gravity:'w', fade:true}); $('input[type=text]').focus(function(){ this.select(); }); }); if (!Array.prototype.map){ Array.prototype.map = function(fun /*, thisp */){ "use strict"; if (this === void 0 || this === null) throw new TypeError(); var t = Object(this); var len = t.length >>> 0; if (typeof fun !== "function") throw new TypeError(); var res = new Array(len); var thisp = arguments[1]; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++){ if (i in t){ res[i] = fun.call(thisp, t[i], i, t); } } return res; }; } /** * Filter Jquery selector by attribute value **/ $.fn.filterAttr = function(attr_name, attr_value) { return this.filter(function() { return $(this).attr(attr_name) === attr_value; }); }; function humanFileSize(size) { humanList = ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']; // Calculate Log with base 1024: size = 1024 ** order order = Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024)); // Stay in range of the byte sizes that are defined order = Math.min(humanList.length - 1, order); readableFormat = humanList[order]; relativeSize = (size / Math.pow(1024, order)).toFixed(1); if(relativeSize.substr(relativeSize.length-2,2)=='.0'){ relativeSize=relativeSize.substr(0,relativeSize.length-2); } return relativeSize + ' ' + readableFormat; } function simpleFileSize(bytes) { mbytes = Math.round(bytes/(1024*1024/10))/10; if(bytes == 0) { return '0'; } else if(mbytes < 0.1) { return '< 0.1'; } else if(mbytes > 1000) { return '> 1000'; } else { return mbytes.toFixed(1); } } function formatDate(date){ if(typeof date=='number'){ date=new Date(date); } var monthNames = [ t('files','January'), t('files','February'), t('files','March'), t('files','April'), t('files','May'), t('files','June'), t('files','July'), t('files','August'), t('files','September'), t('files','October'), t('files','November'), t('files','December') ]; return monthNames[date.getMonth()]+' '+date.getDate()+', '+date.getFullYear()+', '+((date.getHours()<10)?'0':'')+date.getHours()+':'+date.getMinutes(); }