. */ /** * Privde a common interface to all different storage options */ class OC_Filestorage{ public function __construct($parameters){} public function mkdir($path){} public function rmdir($path){} public function opendir($path){} public function is_dir($path){} public function is_file($path){} public function stat($path){} public function filetype($path){} public function filesize($path){} public function is_readable($path){} public function is_writeable($path){} public function file_exists($path){} public function readfile($path){} public function filectime($path){} public function filemtime($path){} public function fileatime($path){} public function file_get_contents($path){} public function file_put_contents($path,$data){} public function unlink($path){} public function rename($path1,$path2){} public function copy($path1,$path2){} public function fopen($path,$mode){} public function toTmpFile($path){}//copy the file to a temporary file, used for cross-storage file actions public function fromTmpFile($tmpPath,$path){}//copy a file from a temporary file, used for cross-storage file actions public function fromUploadedFile($tmpPath,$path){}//copy a file from a temporary file, used for cross-storage file actions public function getMimeType($path){} public function hash($type,$path,$raw){} public function free_space($path){} public function search($query){} public function getLocalFile($path){}// get a path to a local version of the file, whether the original file is local or remote }