"Nevar lejupielādēt sarakstu no lietotņu veikala", "Authentication error" => "Autentifikācijas kļūda", "Unable to change display name" => "Nevarēja mainīt redzamo vārdu", "Group already exists" => "Grupa jau eksistē", "Unable to add group" => "Nevar pievienot grupu", "Could not enable app. " => "Nevarēja aktivēt lietotni.", "Email saved" => "E-pasts tika saglabāts", "Invalid email" => "Nederīgs epasts", "Unable to delete group" => "Nevar izdzēst grupu", "Unable to delete user" => "Nevar izdzēst lietotāju", "Language changed" => "Valoda tika nomainīta", "Invalid request" => "Nederīgs vaicājums", "Admins can't remove themself from the admin group" => "Administratori nevar izņemt paši sevi no administratoru grupas", "Unable to add user to group %s" => "Nevar pievienot lietotāju grupai %s", "Unable to remove user from group %s" => "Nevar izņemt lietotāju no grupas %s", "Couldn't update app." => "Nevarēja atjaunināt lietotni.", "Update to {appversion}" => "Atjaunināt uz {appversion}", "Disable" => "Deaktivēt", "Enable" => "Aktivēt", "Please wait...." => "Lūdzu, uzgaidiet....", "Error" => "Kļūda", "Updating...." => "Atjaunina....", "Error while updating app" => "Kļūda, atjauninot lietotni", "Updated" => "Atjaunināta", "Saving..." => "Saglabā...", "deleted" => "izdzests", "undo" => "atsaukt", "Unable to remove user" => "Nevar izņemt lietotāju", "Groups" => "Grupas", "Group Admin" => "Grupas administrators", "Delete" => "Dzēst", "add group" => "pievienot grupu", "A valid username must be provided" => "Jānorāda derīgs lietotājvārds", "Error creating user" => "Kļūda, veidojot lietotāju", "A valid password must be provided" => "Jānorāda derīga parole", "__language_name__" => "__valodas_nosaukums__", "Security Warning" => "Brīdinājums par drošību", "Setup Warning" => "Iestatīšanas brīdinājums", "Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "Jūsu serveris vēl nav pareizi iestatīts, lai ļautu sinhronizēt datnes, jo izskatās, ka WebDAV saskarne ir salauzta.", "Module 'fileinfo' missing" => "Trūkst modulis “fileinfo”", "The PHP module 'fileinfo' is missing. We strongly recommend to enable this module to get best results with mime-type detection." => "Trūkst PHP modulis “fileinfo”. Mēs iesakām to aktivēt, lai pēc iespējas labāk noteiktu mime tipus.", "Locale not working" => "Lokāle nestrādā", "Internet connection not working" => "Interneta savienojums nedarbojas", "Cron" => "Cron", "Execute one task with each page loaded" => "Izpildīt vienu uzdevumu ar katru ielādēto lapu", "Sharing" => "Dalīšanās", "Enable Share API" => "Aktivēt koplietošanas API", "Allow apps to use the Share API" => "Ļauj lietotnēm izmantot koplietošanas API", "Allow links" => "Atļaut saites", "Allow users to share items to the public with links" => "Ļaut lietotājiem publiski dalīties ar vienumiem, izmantojot saites", "Allow resharing" => "Atļaut atkārtotu koplietošanu", "Allow users to share items shared with them again" => "Ļaut lietotājiem dalīties ar vienumiem atkārtoti", "Allow users to share with anyone" => "Ļaut lietotājiem dalīties ar visiem", "Allow users to only share with users in their groups" => "Ļaut lietotājiem dalīties ar lietotājiem to grupās", "Security" => "Drošība", "Enforce HTTPS" => "Uzspiest HTTPS", "Log" => "Žurnāls", "Log level" => "Žurnāla līmenis", "More" => "Vairāk", "Less" => "Mazāk", "Version" => "Versija", "Developed by the ownCloud community, the source code is licensed under the AGPL." => "IzstrādājusiownCloud kopiena,pirmkodukurš ir licencēts zem AGPL.", "Add your App" => "Pievieno savu lietotni", "More Apps" => "Vairāk lietotņu", "Select an App" => "Izvēlies lietotni", "See application page at apps.owncloud.com" => "Apskati lietotņu lapu — apps.owncloud.com", "-licensed by " => "-licencēts no ", "Update" => "Atjaunināt", "User Documentation" => "Lietotāja dokumentācija", "Administrator Documentation" => "Administratora dokumentācija", "Online Documentation" => "Tiešsaistes dokumentācija", "Forum" => "Forums", "Bugtracker" => "Kļūdu sekotājs", "Commercial Support" => "Komerciālais atbalsts", "Get the apps to sync your files" => "Saņem lietotnes, lai sinhronizētu savas datnes", "Show First Run Wizard again" => "Vēlreiz rādīt pirmās palaišanas vedni", "You have used %s of the available %s" => "Jūs lietojat %s no pieejamajiem %s", "Password" => "Parole", "Your password was changed" => "Jūru parole tika nomainīta", "Unable to change your password" => "Nevar nomainīt jūsu paroli", "Current password" => "Pašreizējā parole", "New password" => "Jauna parole", "Change password" => "Mainīt paroli", "Display Name" => "Redzamais vārds", "Email" => "E-pasts", "Your email address" => "Jūsu e-pasta adrese", "Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" => "Ievadiet e-pasta adresi, lai vēlāk varētu atgūt paroli, ja būs nepieciešamība", "Language" => "Valoda", "Help translate" => "Palīdzi tulkot", "WebDAV" => "WebDAV", "Login Name" => "Ierakstīšanās vārds", "Create" => "Izveidot", "Default Storage" => "Noklusējuma krātuve", "Unlimited" => "Neierobežota", "Other" => "Cits", "Username" => "Lietotājvārds", "Storage" => "Krātuve", "change display name" => "mainīt redzamo vārdu", "set new password" => "iestatīt jaunu paroli", "Default" => "Noklusējuma" );