"Hau ez da zure helbide liburua.", "Contact could not be found." => "Ezin izan da kontaktua aurkitu.", "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "vCard-aren inguruko informazioa okerra da. Mesedez birkargatu orrialdea.", "Address" => "Helbidea", "Telephone" => "Telefonoa", "Email" => "Eposta", "Organization" => "Erakundea", "Work" => "Lana", "Home" => "Etxea", "Mobile" => "Mugikorra", "Text" => "Testua", "Voice" => "Ahotsa", "Fax" => "Fax-a", "Video" => "Bideoa", "Pager" => "Bilagailua", "This is not your contact." => "Hau ez da zure kontaktua.", "This card is not RFC compatible." => "Txartel hau ez da RFC bateragarria.", "This card does not contain a photo." => "Txartel honek ez dauka argazkirik.", "Add Contact" => "Gehitu Kontaktua", "Name" => "Izena", "PO Box" => "Posta kutxa", "Extended" => "Hedatua", "Street" => "Kalea", "City" => "Hiria", "Region" => "Eskualdea", "Zipcode" => "Posta Kodea", "Country" => "Herrialdea", "Create Contact" => "Sortu Kontaktua", "Edit" => "Editatu", "Delete" => "Ezabatu", "Birthday" => "Jaioteguna", "Phone" => "Telefonoa" );