/** * ownCloud * * @author Vincent Petry * @copyright 2015 Vincent Petry * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * */ describe('OC.Settings.Apps tests', function() { var Apps; beforeEach(function() { var $el = $('
' + '
' + // dummy template for testing '
' + '
' ); $('#testArea').append($el); Apps = OC.Settings.Apps; }); afterEach(function() { Apps.State.apps = null; Apps.State.currentCategory = null; }); describe('Filtering apps', function() { var oldApps; function loadApps(appList) { Apps.State.apps = appList; _.each(appList, function(appSpec) { Apps.renderApp(appSpec); }); } function getResultsFromDom() { var results = []; $('#apps-list .section:not(.hidden)').each(function() { results.push($(this).attr('data-id')); }); return results; } beforeEach(function() { loadApps([ {id: 'appone', name: 'App One', description: 'The first app'}, {id: 'apptwo', name: 'App Two', description: 'The second app'}, {id: 'appthree', name: 'App Three', description: 'Third app'}, {id: 'somestuff', name: 'Some Stuff', description: 'whatever'} ]); }); it('does not filter when no query passed', function() { Apps.filter(''); expect(getResultsFromDom().length).toEqual(4); }); it('returns no results when query does not match anything', function() { Apps.filter('absurdity'); expect(getResultsFromDom().length).toEqual(0); }); it('returns relevant results when query matches name', function() { var results; Apps.filter('app'); results = getResultsFromDom(); expect(results.length).toEqual(3); expect(results[0]).toEqual('appone'); expect(results[1]).toEqual('apptwo'); expect(results[2]).toEqual('appthree'); }); it('returns relevant result when query matches name', function() { var results; Apps.filter('TWO'); results = getResultsFromDom(); expect(results.length).toEqual(1); expect(results[0]).toEqual('apptwo'); }); it('returns relevant result when query matches description', function() { var results; Apps.filter('ever'); results = getResultsFromDom(); expect(results.length).toEqual(1); expect(results[0]).toEqual('somestuff'); }); }); describe('loading categories', function() { var suite = this; beforeEach( function(){ suite.server = sinon.fakeServer.create(); }); afterEach( function(){ suite.server.restore(); }); function getResultsFromDom() { var results = []; $('#apps-list .section:not(.hidden)').each(function() { results.push($(this).attr('data-id')); }); return results; } it('sorts all applications using the level', function() { Apps.loadCategory('TestId'); suite.server.requests[0].respond( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ apps: [ { id: 'foo', level: 0 }, { id: 'alpha', level: 300 }, { id: 'delta', level: 200 } ] }) ); var results = getResultsFromDom(); expect(results.length).toEqual(3); expect(results[0]).toEqual('alpha'); expect(results[1]).toEqual('delta'); expect(results[2]).toEqual('foo'); }); }); });