* This file is licensed under the Licensed under the MIT license: * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ namespace Icewind\SMB\Test; use Icewind\SMB\FileInfo; abstract class AbstractShare extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @var \Icewind\SMB\Server $server */ protected $server; /** * @var \Icewind\SMB\IShare $share */ protected $share; /** * @var string $root */ protected $root; protected $config; public function tearDown() { try { if ($this->share) { $this->cleanDir($this->root); } unset($this->share); } catch (\Exception $e) { unset($this->share); throw $e; } } public function nameProvider() { // / ? < > \ : * | " are illegal characters in path on windows return array( array('simple'), array('with spaces_and-underscores'), array("single'quote'"), array('日本語'), array('url %2F +encode'), array('a somewhat longer filename than the other with more charaters as the all the other filenames'), array('$as#d€££Ö€ßœĚęĘĞĜΣΥΦΩΫ') ); } public function fileDataProvider() { return array( array('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua'), array('Mixed language, 日本語 が わからか and Various _/* characters \\|” €') ); } public function nameAndDataProvider() { $names = $this->nameProvider(); $data = $this->fileDataProvider(); $result = array(); foreach ($names as $name) { foreach ($data as $text) { $result[] = array($name[0], $text[0]); } } return $result; } public function cleanDir($dir) { $content = $this->share->dir($dir); foreach ($content as $metadata) { if ($metadata->isDirectory()) { $this->cleanDir($metadata->getPath()); } else { $this->share->del($metadata->getPath()); } } $this->share->rmdir($dir); } private function getTextFile($text = '') { if (!$text) { $text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua'; } $file = tempnam('/tmp', 'smb_test_'); file_put_contents($file, $text); return $file; } public function testListShares() { $shares = $this->server->listShares(); foreach ($shares as $share) { if ($share->getName() === $this->config->share) { return; } } $this->fail('Share "' . $this->config->share . '" not found'); } public function testRootStartsEmpty() { $this->assertEquals(array(), $this->share->dir($this->root)); } /** * @dataProvider nameProvider */ public function testMkdir($name) { $this->share->mkdir($this->root . '/' . $name); $dirs = $this->share->dir($this->root); $this->assertCount(1, $dirs); $this->assertEquals($name, $dirs[0]->getName()); $this->assertTrue($dirs[0]->isDirectory()); } /** * @dataProvider nameProvider */ public function testRenameDirectory($name) { $this->share->mkdir($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->share->rename($this->root . '/' . $name, $this->root . '/' . $name . '_rename'); $dirs = $this->share->dir($this->root); $this->assertEquals(1, count($dirs)); $this->assertEquals($name . '_rename', $dirs[0]->getName()); } /** * @dataProvider nameProvider */ public function testRmdir($name) { $this->share->mkdir($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->share->rmdir($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->assertCount(0, $this->share->dir($this->root)); } /** * @dataProvider nameAndDataProvider */ public function testPut($name, $text) { $tmpFile = $this->getTextFile($text); $size = filesize($tmpFile); $this->share->put($tmpFile, $this->root . '/' . $name); unlink($tmpFile); $files = $this->share->dir($this->root); $this->assertCount(1, $files); $this->assertEquals($name, $files[0]->getName()); $this->assertEquals($size, $files[0]->getSize()); $this->assertFalse($files[0]->isDirectory()); } /** * @dataProvider nameProvider */ public function testRenameFile($name) { $tmpFile = $this->getTextFile(); $this->share->put($tmpFile, $this->root . '/' . $name); unlink($tmpFile); $this->share->rename($this->root . '/' . $name, $this->root . '/' . $name . '_renamed'); $files = $this->share->dir($this->root); $this->assertEquals(1, count($files)); $this->assertEquals($name . '_renamed', $files[0]->getName()); } /** * @dataProvider nameAndDataProvider */ public function testGet($name, $text) { $tmpFile = $this->getTextFile($text); $this->share->put($tmpFile, $this->root . '/' . $name); unlink($tmpFile); $targetFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'smb_test_'); $this->share->get($this->root . '/' . $name, $targetFile); $this->assertEquals($text, file_get_contents($targetFile)); unlink($targetFile); } /** * @dataProvider nameProvider */ public function testDel($name) { $tmpFile = $this->getTextFile(); $this->share->put($tmpFile, $this->root . '/' . $name); unlink($tmpFile); $this->share->del($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->assertCount(0, $this->share->dir($this->root)); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function testCreateFolderInNonExistingFolder() { $this->share->mkdir($this->root . '/foo/bar'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function testRemoveFolderInNonExistingFolder() { $this->share->rmdir($this->root . '/foo/bar'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function testRemoveNonExistingFolder() { $this->share->rmdir($this->root . '/foo'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\AlreadyExistsException */ public function testCreateExistingFolder() { $this->share->mkdir($this->root . '/bar'); $this->share->mkdir($this->root . '/bar'); $this->share->rmdir($this->root . '/bar'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\InvalidTypeException */ public function testCreateFileExistingFolder() { $this->share->mkdir($this->root . '/bar'); $this->share->put($this->getTextFile(), $this->root . '/bar'); $this->share->rmdir($this->root . '/bar'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function testCreateFileInNonExistingFolder() { $this->share->put($this->getTextFile(), $this->root . '/foo/bar'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function testTestRemoveNonExistingFile() { $this->share->del($this->root . '/foo'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function testDownloadNonExistingFile() { $this->share->get($this->root . '/foo', '/dev/null'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\InvalidTypeException */ public function testDownloadFolder() { $this->share->mkdir($this->root . '/foobar'); $this->share->get($this->root . '/foobar', '/dev/null'); $this->share->rmdir($this->root . '/foobar'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\InvalidTypeException */ public function testDelFolder() { $this->share->mkdir($this->root . '/foobar'); $this->share->del($this->root . '/foobar'); $this->share->rmdir($this->root . '/foobar'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\InvalidTypeException */ public function testRmdirFile() { $this->share->put($this->getTextFile(), $this->root . '/foobar'); $this->share->rmdir($this->root . '/foobar'); $this->share->del($this->root . '/foobar'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotEmptyException */ public function testRmdirNotEmpty() { $this->share->mkdir($this->root . '/foobar'); $this->share->put($this->getTextFile(), $this->root . '/foobar/asd'); $this->share->rmdir($this->root . '/foobar'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function testDirNonExisting() { $this->share->dir('/foobar/asd'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function testRmDirNonExisting() { $this->share->rmdir('/foobar/asd'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function testRenameNonExisting() { $this->share->rename('/foobar/asd', '/foobar/bar'); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function testRenameTargetNonExisting() { $txt = $this->getTextFile(); $this->share->put($txt, $this->root . '/foo.txt'); unlink($txt); $this->share->rename($this->root . '/foo.txt', $this->root . '/bar/foo.txt'); } public function testModifiedDate() { $now = time(); $this->share->put($this->getTextFile(), $this->root . '/foo.txt'); $dir = $this->share->dir($this->root); $mtime = $dir[0]->getMTime(); $this->assertTrue(abs($now - $mtime) <= 2, 'Modified time differs by ' . abs($now - $mtime) . ' seconds'); $this->share->del($this->root . '/foo.txt'); } /** * @dataProvider nameAndDataProvider */ public function testReadStream($name, $text) { $sourceFile = $this->getTextFile($text); $this->share->put($sourceFile, $this->root . '/' . $name); $fh = $this->share->read($this->root . '/' . $name); $content = stream_get_contents($fh); fclose($fh); $this->share->del($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($sourceFile), $content); } /** * @dataProvider nameAndDataProvider */ public function testWriteStream($name, $text) { $fh = $this->share->write($this->root . '/' . $name); fwrite($fh, $text); fclose($fh); $tmpFile1 = tempnam('/tmp', 'smb_test_'); $this->share->get($this->root . '/' . $name, $tmpFile1); $this->assertEquals($text, file_get_contents($tmpFile1)); $this->share->del($this->root . '/' . $name); unlink($tmpFile1); } public function testDir() { $txtFile = $this->getTextFile(); $this->share->mkdir($this->root . '/dir'); $this->share->put($txtFile, $this->root . '/file.txt'); unlink($txtFile); $dir = $this->share->dir($this->root); if ($dir[0]->getName() === 'dir') { $dirEntry = $dir[0]; } else { $dirEntry = $dir[1]; } $this->assertTrue($dirEntry->isDirectory()); $this->assertFalse($dirEntry->isReadOnly()); $this->assertFalse($dirEntry->isReadOnly()); if ($dir[0]->getName() === 'file.txt') { $fileEntry = $dir[0]; } else { $fileEntry = $dir[1]; } $this->assertFalse($fileEntry->isDirectory()); $this->assertFalse($fileEntry->isReadOnly()); $this->assertFalse($fileEntry->isReadOnly()); } /** * @dataProvider nameProvider */ public function testStat($name) { $txtFile = $this->getTextFile(); $size = filesize($txtFile); $this->share->put($txtFile, $this->root . '/' . $name); unlink($txtFile); $info = $this->share->stat($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->assertEquals($size, $info->getSize()); } /** * @expectedException \Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function testStatNonExisting() { $this->share->stat($this->root . '/fo.txt'); } /** * note setting archive and system bit is not supported * * @dataProvider nameProvider */ public function testSetMode($name) { $txtFile = $this->getTextFile(); $this->share->put($txtFile, $this->root . '/' . $name); $this->share->setMode($this->root . '/' . $name, FileInfo::MODE_NORMAL); $info = $this->share->stat($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->assertFalse($info->isReadOnly()); $this->assertFalse($info->isArchived()); $this->assertFalse($info->isSystem()); $this->assertFalse($info->isHidden()); $this->share->setMode($this->root . '/' . $name, FileInfo::MODE_READONLY); $info = $this->share->stat($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->assertTrue($info->isReadOnly()); $this->assertFalse($info->isArchived()); $this->assertFalse($info->isSystem()); $this->assertFalse($info->isHidden()); $this->share->setMode($this->root . '/' . $name, FileInfo::MODE_ARCHIVE); $info = $this->share->stat($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->assertFalse($info->isReadOnly()); $this->assertTrue($info->isArchived()); $this->assertFalse($info->isSystem()); $this->assertFalse($info->isHidden()); $this->share->setMode($this->root . '/' . $name, FileInfo::MODE_READONLY | FileInfo::MODE_ARCHIVE); $info = $this->share->stat($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->assertTrue($info->isReadOnly()); $this->assertTrue($info->isArchived()); $this->assertFalse($info->isSystem()); $this->assertFalse($info->isHidden()); $this->share->setMode($this->root . '/' . $name, FileInfo::MODE_HIDDEN); $info = $this->share->stat($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->assertFalse($info->isReadOnly()); $this->assertFalse($info->isArchived()); $this->assertFalse($info->isSystem()); $this->assertTrue($info->isHidden()); $this->share->setMode($this->root . '/' . $name, FileInfo::MODE_SYSTEM); $info = $this->share->stat($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->assertFalse($info->isReadOnly()); $this->assertFalse($info->isArchived()); $this->assertTrue($info->isSystem()); $this->assertFalse($info->isHidden()); $this->share->setMode($this->root . '/' . $name, FileInfo::MODE_NORMAL); $info = $this->share->stat($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->assertFalse($info->isReadOnly()); $this->assertFalse($info->isArchived()); $this->assertFalse($info->isSystem()); $this->assertFalse($info->isHidden()); } public function pathProvider() { // / ? < > \ : * | " are illegal characters in path on windows return array( array('dir/sub/foo.txt'), array('bar.txt'), array("single'quote'/sub/foo.txt"), array('日本語/url %2F +encode/asd.txt'), array( 'a somewhat longer folder than the other with more charaters as the all the other filenames/' . 'followed by a somewhat long file name after that.txt' ) ); } /** * @dataProvider pathProvider */ public function testSubDirs($path) { $dirs = explode('/', $path); $name = array_pop($dirs); $fullPath = ''; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $fullPath .= '/' . $dir; $this->share->mkdir($this->root . $fullPath); } $txtFile = $this->getTextFile(); $size = filesize($txtFile); $this->share->put($txtFile, $this->root . $fullPath . '/' . $name); unlink($txtFile); $info = $this->share->stat($this->root . $fullPath . '/' . $name); $this->assertEquals($size, $info->getSize()); $this->assertFalse($info->isHidden()); } public function testDelAfterStat() { $name = 'foo.txt'; $txtFile = $this->getTextFile(); $this->share->put($txtFile, $this->root . '/' . $name); unlink($txtFile); $this->share->stat($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->share->del($this->root . '/foo.txt'); } /** * @param $name * @dataProvider nameProvider */ public function testDirPaths($name) { $txtFile = $this->getTextFile(); $this->share->mkdir($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->share->put($txtFile, $this->root . '/' . $name . '/' . $name); unlink($txtFile); $content = $this->share->dir($this->root . '/' . $name); $this->assertCount(1, $content); $this->assertEquals($name, $content[0]->getName()); } public function testStatRoot() { $info = $this->share->stat('/'); $this->assertInstanceOf('\Icewind\SMB\IFileInfo', $info); } }