/* * Copyright (c) 2015 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ (function() { var TEMPLATE = '
'; /** * @memberof OCA.Sharing */ var ShareTabView = OCA.Files.DetailTabView.extend( /** @lends OCA.Sharing.ShareTabView.prototype */ { id: 'shareTabView', className: 'tab shareTabView', _template: null, getLabel: function() { return t('files_sharing', 'Sharing'); }, /** * Renders this details view */ render: function() { this.$el.empty(); if (!this._template) { this._template = Handlebars.compile(TEMPLATE); } if (this.model) { console.log(this.model); var owner = this.model.get('shareOwner'); if (owner === OC.currentUser) { owner = null; } this.$el.append(this._template({ owner: owner })); } else { // TODO: render placeholder text? } } }); OCA.Sharing.ShareTabView = ShareTabView; })();