* @author Igor Feghali * @license BSD http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * @version SVN: $Id$ * @link http://pear.php.net/packages/MDB2_Schema */ /** * Validates an XML schema file * * @category Database * @package MDB2_Schema * @author Igor Feghali * @license BSD http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * @link http://pear.php.net/packages/MDB2_Schema */ class MDB2_Schema_Validate { // {{{ properties var $fail_on_invalid_names = true; var $valid_types = array(); var $force_defaults = true; var $max_identifiers_length = null; // }}} // {{{ constructor /** * PHP 5 constructor * * @param bool $fail_on_invalid_names array with reserved words per RDBMS * @param array $valid_types information of all valid fields * types * @param bool $force_defaults if true sets a default value to * field when not explicit * @param int $max_identifiers_length maximum allowed size for entities * name * * @return void * * @access public * @static */ function __construct($fail_on_invalid_names = true, $valid_types = array(), $force_defaults = true, $max_identifiers_length = null ) { if (empty($GLOBALS['_MDB2_Schema_Reserved'])) { $GLOBALS['_MDB2_Schema_Reserved'] = array(); } if (is_array($fail_on_invalid_names)) { $this->fail_on_invalid_names = array_intersect($fail_on_invalid_names, array_keys($GLOBALS['_MDB2_Schema_Reserved'])); } elseif ($fail_on_invalid_names === true) { $this->fail_on_invalid_names = array_keys($GLOBALS['_MDB2_Schema_Reserved']); } else { $this->fail_on_invalid_names = array(); } $this->valid_types = $valid_types; $this->force_defaults = $force_defaults; $this->max_identifiers_length = $max_identifiers_length; } /** * PHP 4 compatible constructor * * @param bool $fail_on_invalid_names array with reserved words per RDBMS * @param array $valid_types information of all valid fields * types * @param bool $force_defaults if true sets a default value to * field when not explicit * @param int $max_identifiers_length maximum allowed size for entities * name * * @return void * * @access public * @static */ function MDB2_Schema_Validate($fail_on_invalid_names = true, $valid_types = array(), $force_defaults = true, $max_identifiers_length = null ) { $this->__construct($fail_on_invalid_names, $valid_types, $force_defaults); } // }}} // {{{ raiseError() /** * Pushes a MDB2_Schema_Error into stack and returns it * * @param int $ecode MDB2_Schema's error code * @param string $msg textual message * * @return object * @access private * @static */ function &raiseError($ecode, $msg = null) { $error = MDB2_Schema::raiseError($ecode, null, null, $msg); return $error; } // }}} // {{{ isBoolean() /** * Verifies if a given value can be considered boolean. If yes, set value * to true or false according to its actual contents and return true. If * not, keep its contents untouched and return false. * * @param mixed &$value value to be checked * * @return bool * * @access public * @static */ function isBoolean(&$value) { if (is_bool($value)) { return true; } if ($value === 0 || $value === 1 || $value === '') { $value = (bool)$value; return true; } if (!is_string($value)) { return false; } switch ($value) { case '0': case 'N': case 'n': case 'no': case 'false': $value = false; break; case '1': case 'Y': case 'y': case 'yes': case 'true': $value = true; break; default: return false; } return true; } // }}} // {{{ validateTable() /* Definition */ /** * Checks whether the definition of a parsed table is valid. Modify table * definition when necessary. * * @param array $tables multi dimensional array that contains the * tables of current database. * @param array &$table multi dimensional array that contains the * structure and optional data of the table. * @param string $table_name name of the parsed table * * @return bool|error object * * @access public */ function validateTable($tables, &$table, $table_name) { /* Table name duplicated? */ if (is_array($tables) && isset($tables[$table_name])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'table "'.$table_name.'" already exists'); } /** * Valid name ? */ $result = $this->validateIdentifier($table_name, 'table'); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } /* Was */ if (empty($table['was'])) { $table['was'] = $table_name; } /* Have we got fields? */ if (empty($table['fields']) || !is_array($table['fields'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'tables need one or more fields'); } /* Autoincrement */ $autoinc = $primary = false; foreach ($table['fields'] as $field_name => $field) { if (!empty($field['autoincrement'])) { if ($autoinc) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'there was already an autoincrement field in "'.$table_name.'" before "'.$field_name.'"'); } $autoinc = $field_name; } } /* * Checking Indexes * this have to be done here otherwise we can't * guarantee that all table fields were already * defined in the moment we are parsing indexes */ if (!empty($table['indexes']) && is_array($table['indexes'])) { foreach ($table['indexes'] as $name => $index) { $skip_index = false; if (!empty($index['primary'])) { /* * Lets see if we should skip this index since there is * already an auto increment on this field this implying * a primary key index. */ if (count($index['fields']) == '1' && $autoinc && array_key_exists($autoinc, $index['fields'])) { $skip_index = true; } elseif ($autoinc || $primary) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'there was already an primary index or autoincrement field in "'.$table_name.'" before "'.$name.'"'); } else { $primary = true; } } if (!$skip_index && is_array($index['fields'])) { foreach ($index['fields'] as $field_name => $field) { if (!isset($table['fields'][$field_name])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'index field "'.$field_name.'" does not exist'); } if (!empty($index['primary']) && !$table['fields'][$field_name]['notnull'] ) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'all primary key fields must be defined notnull in "'.$table_name.'"'); } } } else { unset($table['indexes'][$name]); } } } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ validateField() /** * Checks whether the definition of a parsed field is valid. Modify field * definition when necessary. * * @param array $fields multi dimensional array that contains the * fields of current table. * @param array &$field multi dimensional array that contains the * structure of the parsed field. * @param string $field_name name of the parsed field * * @return bool|error object * * @access public */ function validateField($fields, &$field, $field_name) { /** * Valid name ? */ $result = $this->validateIdentifier($field_name, 'field'); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } /* Field name duplicated? */ if (is_array($fields) && isset($fields[$field_name])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'field "'.$field_name.'" already exists'); } /* Type check */ if (empty($field['type'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'no field type specified'); } if (!empty($this->valid_types) && !array_key_exists($field['type'], $this->valid_types)) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'no valid field type ("'.$field['type'].'") specified'); } /* Unsigned */ if (array_key_exists('unsigned', $field) && !$this->isBoolean($field['unsigned'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'unsigned has to be a boolean value'); } /* Fixed */ if (array_key_exists('fixed', $field) && !$this->isBoolean($field['fixed'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'fixed has to be a boolean value'); } /* Length */ if (array_key_exists('length', $field) && $field['length'] <= 0) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'length has to be an integer greater 0'); } // if it's a DECIMAL datatype, check if a 'scale' value is provided: // 8,4 should be translated to DECIMAL(8,4) if (is_float($this->valid_types[$field['type']]) && !empty($field['length']) && strpos($field['length'], ',') !== false ) { list($field['length'], $field['scale']) = explode(',', $field['length']); } /* Was */ if (empty($field['was'])) { $field['was'] = $field_name; } /* Notnull */ if (empty($field['notnull'])) { $field['notnull'] = false; } if (!$this->isBoolean($field['notnull'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'field "notnull" has to be a boolean value'); } /* Default */ if ($this->force_defaults && !array_key_exists('default', $field) && $field['type'] != 'clob' && $field['type'] != 'blob' ) { $field['default'] = $this->valid_types[$field['type']]; } if (array_key_exists('default', $field)) { if ($field['type'] == 'clob' || $field['type'] == 'blob') { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, '"'.$field['type'].'"-fields are not allowed to have a default value'); } if ($field['default'] === '' && !$field['notnull']) { $field['default'] = null; } } if (isset($field['default']) && PEAR::isError($result = $this->validateDataFieldValue($field, $field['default'], $field_name)) ) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'default value of "'.$field_name.'" is incorrect: '.$result->getUserinfo()); } /* Autoincrement */ if (!empty($field['autoincrement'])) { if (!$field['notnull']) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'all autoincrement fields must be defined notnull'); } if (empty($field['default'])) { $field['default'] = '0'; } elseif ($field['default'] !== '0' && $field['default'] !== 0) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'all autoincrement fields must be defined default "0"'); } } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ validateIndex() /** * Checks whether a parsed index is valid. Modify index definition when * necessary. * * @param array $table_indexes multi dimensional array that contains the * indexes of current table. * @param array &$index multi dimensional array that contains the * structure of the parsed index. * @param string $index_name name of the parsed index * * @return bool|error object * * @access public */ function validateIndex($table_indexes, &$index, $index_name) { /** * Valid name ? */ $result = $this->validateIdentifier($index_name, 'index'); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } if (is_array($table_indexes) && isset($table_indexes[$index_name])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'index "'.$index_name.'" already exists'); } if (array_key_exists('unique', $index) && !$this->isBoolean($index['unique'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'field "unique" has to be a boolean value'); } if (array_key_exists('primary', $index) && !$this->isBoolean($index['primary'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'field "primary" has to be a boolean value'); } /* Have we got fields? */ if (empty($index['fields']) || !is_array($index['fields'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'indexes need one or more fields'); } if (empty($index['was'])) { $index['was'] = $index_name; } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ validateIndexField() /** * Checks whether a parsed index-field is valid. Modify its definition when * necessary. * * @param array $index_fields multi dimensional array that contains the * fields of current index. * @param array &$field multi dimensional array that contains the * structure of the parsed index-field. * @param string $field_name name of the parsed index-field * * @return bool|error object * * @access public */ function validateIndexField($index_fields, &$field, $field_name) { /** * Valid name ? */ $result = $this->validateIdentifier($field_name, 'index field'); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } if (is_array($index_fields) && isset($index_fields[$field_name])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'index field "'.$field_name.'" already exists'); } if (empty($field['sorting'])) { $field['sorting'] = 'ascending'; } elseif ($field['sorting'] !== 'ascending' && $field['sorting'] !== 'descending') { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'sorting type unknown'); } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ validateConstraint() /** * Checks whether a parsed foreign key is valid. Modify its definition when * necessary. * * @param array $table_constraints multi dimensional array that contains the * constraints of current table. * @param array &$constraint multi dimensional array that contains the * structure of the parsed foreign key. * @param string $constraint_name name of the parsed foreign key * * @return bool|error object * * @access public */ function validateConstraint($table_constraints, &$constraint, $constraint_name) { /** * Valid name ? */ $result = $this->validateIdentifier($constraint_name, 'foreign key'); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } if (is_array($table_constraints) && isset($table_constraints[$constraint_name])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'foreign key "'.$constraint_name.'" already exists'); } /* Have we got fields? */ if (empty($constraint['fields']) || !is_array($constraint['fields'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'foreign key "'.$constraint_name.'" need one or more fields'); } /* Have we got referenced fields? */ if (empty($constraint['references']) || !is_array($constraint['references'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'foreign key "'.$constraint_name.'" need to reference one or more fields'); } /* Have we got referenced table? */ if (empty($constraint['references']['table'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'foreign key "'.$constraint_name.'" need to reference a table'); } if (empty($constraint['was'])) { $constraint['was'] = $constraint_name; } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ validateConstraintField() /** * Checks whether a foreign-field is valid. * * @param array $constraint_fields multi dimensional array that contains the * fields of current foreign key. * @param string $field_name name of the parsed foreign-field * * @return bool|error object * * @access public */ function validateConstraintField($constraint_fields, $field_name) { /** * Valid name ? */ $result = $this->validateIdentifier($field_name, 'foreign key field'); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } if (is_array($constraint_fields) && isset($constraint_fields[$field_name])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'foreign field "'.$field_name.'" already exists'); } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ validateConstraintReferencedField() /** * Checks whether a foreign-referenced field is valid. * * @param array $referenced_fields multi dimensional array that contains the * fields of current foreign key. * @param string $field_name name of the parsed foreign-field * * @return bool|error object * * @access public */ function validateConstraintReferencedField($referenced_fields, $field_name) { /** * Valid name ? */ $result = $this->validateIdentifier($field_name, 'referenced foreign field'); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } if (is_array($referenced_fields) && isset($referenced_fields[$field_name])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'foreign field "'.$field_name.'" already referenced'); } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ validateSequence() /** * Checks whether the definition of a parsed sequence is valid. Modify * sequence definition when necessary. * * @param array $sequences multi dimensional array that contains the * sequences of current database. * @param array &$sequence multi dimensional array that contains the * structure of the parsed sequence. * @param string $sequence_name name of the parsed sequence * * @return bool|error object * * @access public */ function validateSequence($sequences, &$sequence, $sequence_name) { /** * Valid name ? */ $result = $this->validateIdentifier($sequence_name, 'sequence'); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } if (is_array($sequences) && isset($sequences[$sequence_name])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'sequence "'.$sequence_name.'" already exists'); } if (is_array($this->fail_on_invalid_names)) { $name = strtoupper($sequence_name); foreach ($this->fail_on_invalid_names as $rdbms) { if (in_array($name, $GLOBALS['_MDB2_Schema_Reserved'][$rdbms])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'sequence name "'.$sequence_name.'" is a reserved word in: '.$rdbms); } } } if (empty($sequence['was'])) { $sequence['was'] = $sequence_name; } if (!empty($sequence['on']) && (empty($sequence['on']['table']) || empty($sequence['on']['field'])) ) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'sequence "'.$sequence_name.'" on a table was not properly defined'); } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ validateDatabase() /** * Checks whether a parsed database is valid. Modify its structure and * data when necessary. * * @param array &$database multi dimensional array that contains the * structure and optional data of the database. * * @return bool|error object * * @access public */ function validateDatabase(&$database) { if (!is_array($database)) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'something wrong went with database definition'); } /** * Valid name ? */ $result = $this->validateIdentifier($database['name'], 'database'); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } /* Create */ if (isset($database['create']) && !$this->isBoolean($database['create']) ) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'field "create" has to be a boolean value'); } /* Overwrite */ if (isset($database['overwrite']) && $database['overwrite'] !== '' && !$this->isBoolean($database['overwrite']) ) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'field "overwrite" has to be a boolean value'); } /* * This have to be done here otherwise we can't guarantee that all * tables were already defined in the moment we are parsing constraints */ if (isset($database['tables'])) { foreach ($database['tables'] as $table_name => $table) { if (!empty($table['constraints'])) { foreach ($table['constraints'] as $constraint_name => $constraint) { $referenced_table_name = $constraint['references']['table']; if (!isset($database['tables'][$referenced_table_name])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'referenced table "'.$referenced_table_name.'" of foreign key "'.$constraint_name.'" of table "'.$table_name.'" does not exist'); } if (empty($constraint['references']['fields'])) { $referenced_table = $database['tables'][$referenced_table_name]; $primary = false; if (!empty($referenced_table['indexes'])) { foreach ($referenced_table['indexes'] as $index_name => $index) { if (array_key_exists('primary', $index) && $index['primary'] ) { $primary = array(); foreach ($index['fields'] as $field_name => $field) { $primary[$field_name] = ''; } break; } } } if (!$primary) { foreach ($referenced_table['fields'] as $field_name => $field) { if (array_key_exists('autoincrement', $field) && $field['autoincrement'] ) { $primary = array( $field_name => '' ); break; } } } if (!$primary) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'referenced table "'.$referenced_table_name.'" has no primary key and no referenced field was specified for foreign key "'.$constraint_name.'" of table "'.$table_name.'"'); } $constraint['references']['fields'] = $primary; } /* the same number of referencing and referenced fields ? */ if (count($constraint['fields']) != count($constraint['references']['fields'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'The number of fields in the referenced key must match those of the foreign key "'.$constraint_name.'"'); } $database['tables'][$table_name]['constraints'][$constraint_name]['references']['fields'] = $constraint['references']['fields']; } } } } /* * This have to be done here otherwise we can't guarantee that all * tables were already defined in the moment we are parsing sequences */ if (isset($database['sequences'])) { foreach ($database['sequences'] as $seq_name => $seq) { if (!empty($seq['on']) && empty($database['tables'][$seq['on']['table']]['fields'][$seq['on']['field']]) ) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'sequence "'.$seq_name.'" was assigned on unexisting field/table'); } } } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ validateDataField() /* Data Manipulation */ /** * Checks whether a parsed DML-field is valid. Modify its structure when * necessary. This is called when validating INSERT and * UPDATE. * * @param array $table_fields multi dimensional array that contains the * definition for current table's fields. * @param array $instruction_fields multi dimensional array that contains the * parsed fields of the current DML instruction. * @param string &$field array that contains the parsed instruction field * * @return bool|error object * * @access public */ function validateDataField($table_fields, $instruction_fields, &$field) { /** * Valid name ? */ $result = $this->validateIdentifier($field['name'], 'field'); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } if (is_array($instruction_fields) && isset($instruction_fields[$field['name']])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'field "'.$field['name'].'" already initialized'); } if (is_array($table_fields) && !isset($table_fields[$field['name']])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, '"'.$field['name'].'" is not defined'); } if (!isset($field['group']['type'])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, '"'.$field['name'].'" has no initial value'); } if (isset($field['group']['data']) && $field['group']['type'] == 'value' && $field['group']['data'] !== '' && PEAR::isError($result = $this->validateDataFieldValue($table_fields[$field['name']], $field['group']['data'], $field['name'])) ) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, 'value of "'.$field['name'].'" is incorrect: '.$result->getUserinfo()); } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ validateDataFieldValue() /** * Checks whether a given value is compatible with a table field. This is * done when parsing a field for a INSERT or UPDATE instruction. * * @param array $field_def multi dimensional array that contains the * definition for current table's fields. * @param string &$field_value value to fill the parsed field * @param string $field_name name of the parsed field * * @return bool|error object * * @access public * @see MDB2_Schema_Validate::validateInsertField() */ function validateDataFieldValue($field_def, &$field_value, $field_name) { switch ($field_def['type']) { case 'text': case 'clob': if (!empty($field_def['length']) && strlen($field_value) > $field_def['length']) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, '"'.$field_value.'" is larger than "'.$field_def['length'].'"'); } break; case 'blob': $field_value = pack('H*', $field_value); if (!empty($field_def['length']) && strlen($field_value) > $field_def['length']) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, '"'.$field_value.'" is larger than "'.$field_def['type'].'"'); } break; case 'integer': if ($field_value != ((int)$field_value)) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, '"'.$field_value.'" is not of type "'.$field_def['type'].'"'); } //$field_value = (int)$field_value; if (!empty($field_def['unsigned']) && $field_def['unsigned'] && $field_value < 0) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, '"'.$field_value.'" signed instead of unsigned'); } break; case 'boolean': if (!$this->isBoolean($field_value)) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, '"'.$field_value.'" is not of type "'.$field_def['type'].'"'); } break; case 'date': if (!preg_match('/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})/', $field_value) && $field_value !== 'CURRENT_DATE' ) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, '"'.$field_value.'" is not of type "'.$field_def['type'].'"'); } break; case 'timestamp': if (!preg_match('/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/', $field_value) && strcasecmp($field_value, 'now()') != 0 && $field_value !== 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, '"'.$field_value.'" is not of type "'.$field_def['type'].'"'); } break; case 'time': if (!preg_match("/([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/", $field_value) && $field_value !== 'CURRENT_TIME' ) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, '"'.$field_value.'" is not of type "'.$field_def['type'].'"'); } break; case 'float': case 'double': if ($field_value != (double)$field_value) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, '"'.$field_value.'" is not of type "'.$field_def['type'].'"'); } //$field_value = (double)$field_value; break; } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ validateIdentifier() /** * Checks whether a given identifier is valid for current driver. * * @param string $id identifier to check * @param string $type whether identifier represents a table name, index, etc. * * @return bool|error object * * @access public */ function validateIdentifier($id, $type) { $max_length = $this->max_identifiers_length; $cur_length = strlen($id); /** * Have we got a name? */ if (!$id) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, "a $type has to have a name"); } /** * Supported length ? */ if ($max_length !== null && $cur_length > $max_length ) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, "$type name '$id' is too long for current driver"); } elseif ($cur_length > 30) { // FIXME: find a way to issue a warning in MDB2_Schema object /* $this->warnings[] = "$type name '$id' might not be portable to other drivers"; */ } /** * Reserved ? */ if (is_array($this->fail_on_invalid_names)) { $name = strtoupper($id); foreach ($this->fail_on_invalid_names as $rdbms) { if (in_array($name, $GLOBALS['_MDB2_Schema_Reserved'][$rdbms])) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE, "$type name '$id' is a reserved word in: $rdbms"); } } } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} }