* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ class Test_Share_Helper extends \Test\TestCase { public function expireDateProvider() { return array( // no default expire date, we take the users expire date array(array('defaultExpireDateSet' => false), 2000000000, 2000010000, 2000010000), // no default expire date and no user defined expire date, return false array(array('defaultExpireDateSet' => false), 2000000000, null, false), // unenforced expire data and no user defined expire date, return false (because the default is not enforced) array(array('defaultExpireDateSet' => true, 'expireAfterDays' => 1, 'enforceExpireDate' => false), 2000000000, null, false), // enforced expire date and no user defined expire date, take default expire date array(array('defaultExpireDateSet' => true, 'expireAfterDays' => 1, 'enforceExpireDate' => true), 2000000000, null, 2000086400), // unenforced expire date and user defined date > default expire date, take users expire date array(array('defaultExpireDateSet' => true, 'expireAfterDays' => 1, 'enforceExpireDate' => false), 2000000000, 2000100000, 2000100000), // unenforced expire date and user expire date < default expire date, take users expire date array(array('defaultExpireDateSet' => true, 'expireAfterDays' => 1, 'enforceExpireDate' => false), 2000000000, 2000010000, 2000010000), // enforced expire date and user expire date < default expire date, take users expire date array(array('defaultExpireDateSet' => true, 'expireAfterDays' => 1, 'enforceExpireDate' => true), 2000000000, 2000010000, 2000010000), // enforced expire date and users expire date > default expire date, take default expire date array(array('defaultExpireDateSet' => true, 'expireAfterDays' => 1, 'enforceExpireDate' => true), 2000000000, 2000100000, 2000086400), ); } /** * @dataProvider expireDateProvider */ public function testCalculateExpireDate($defaultExpireSettings, $creationTime, $userExpireDate, $expected) { $result = \OC\Share\Helper::calculateExpireDate($defaultExpireSettings, $creationTime, $userExpireDate); $this->assertSame($expected, $result); } public function dataTestSplitUserRemote() { $userPrefix = ['user@name', 'username']; $protocols = ['', 'http://', 'https://']; $remotes = [ 'localhost', 'local.host', 'dev.local.host', 'dev.local.host/path', 'dev.local.host/at@inpath', '', '::1', '::', '::', ]; $testCases = []; foreach ($userPrefix as $user) { foreach ($remotes as $remote) { foreach ($protocols as $protocol) { $baseUrl = $user . '@' . $protocol . $remote; $testCases[] = [$baseUrl, $user, $protocol . $remote]; $testCases[] = [$baseUrl . '/', $user, $protocol . $remote]; $testCases[] = [$baseUrl . '/index.php', $user, $protocol . $remote]; $testCases[] = [$baseUrl . '/index.php/s/token', $user, $protocol . $remote]; } } } return $testCases; } /** * @dataProvider dataTestSplitUserRemote * * @param string $remote * @param string $expectedUser * @param string $expectedUrl */ public function testSplitUserRemote($remote, $expectedUser, $expectedUrl) { list($remoteUser, $remoteUrl) = \OC\Share\Helper::splitUserRemote($remote); $this->assertSame($expectedUser, $remoteUser); $this->assertSame($expectedUrl, $remoteUrl); } public function dataTestSplitUserRemoteError() { return array( // Invalid path array('user@'), // Invalid user array('@server'), array('us/er@server'), array('us:er@server'), // Invalid splitting array('user'), array(''), array('us/erserver'), array('us:erserver'), ); } /** * @dataProvider dataTestSplitUserRemoteError * * @param string $id * @expectedException \OC\HintException */ public function testSplitUserRemoteError($id) { \OC\Share\Helper::splitUserRemote($id); } }