/* * Copyright (c) 2015 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ /* globals Clipboard, Handlebars */ (function() { if (!OC.Share) { OC.Share = {}; } var PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER = '**********'; var PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER_MESSAGE = t('core', 'Choose a password for the public link'); var TEMPLATE = '{{#if shareAllowed}}' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '{{#if singleAction}}' + '' + '{{else}}' + '' + '{{{popoverMenu}}}' + '{{/if}}' + '
' + ' {{#if publicUpload}}' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + '' + '
' + ' {{#if hideFileList}}' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + '' + '
' + ' {{/if}}' + ' {{/if}}' + ' {{#if publicEditing}}' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + '' + '
' + ' {{/if}}' + ' {{#if showPasswordCheckBox}}' + '' + '' + ' {{/if}}' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '
' + '{{else}}' + // FIXME: this doesn't belong in this view '{{#if noSharingPlaceholder}}{{/if}}' + '{{/if}}' ; var TEMPLATE_POPOVER_MENU = ''; /** * @class OCA.Share.ShareDialogLinkShareView * @member {OC.Share.ShareItemModel} model * @member {jQuery} $el * @memberof OCA.Sharing * @classdesc * * Represents the GUI of the share dialogue * */ var ShareDialogLinkShareView = OC.Backbone.View.extend({ /** @type {string} **/ id: 'shareDialogLinkShare', /** @type {OC.Share.ShareConfigModel} **/ configModel: undefined, /** @type {Function} **/ _template: undefined, /** @type {Function} **/ _popoverMenuTemplate: undefined, /** @type {boolean} **/ showLink: true, events: { 'focusout input.linkPassText': 'onPasswordEntered', 'keyup input.linkPassText': 'onPasswordKeyUp', 'click .linkCheckbox': 'onLinkCheckBoxChange', 'click .linkText': 'onLinkTextClick', 'change .publicUploadCheckbox': 'onAllowPublicUploadChange', 'change .publicEditingCheckbox': 'onAllowPublicEditingChange', 'change .hideFileListCheckbox': 'onHideFileListChange', 'click .showPasswordCheckbox': 'onShowPasswordClick', 'click .icon-more': 'onToggleMenu', 'click .pop-up': 'onPopUpClick' }, initialize: function(options) { var view = this; this.model.on('change:permissions', function() { view.render(); }); this.model.on('change:itemType', function() { view.render(); }); this.model.on('change:allowPublicUploadStatus', function() { view.render(); }); this.model.on('change:hideFileListStatus', function() { view.render(); }); this.model.on('change:linkShare', function() { view.render(); }); if(!_.isUndefined(options.configModel)) { this.configModel = options.configModel; } else { throw 'missing OC.Share.ShareConfigModel'; } _.bindAll( this, 'onLinkCheckBoxChange', 'onPasswordEntered', 'onPasswordKeyUp', 'onLinkTextClick', 'onShowPasswordClick', 'onHideFileListChange', 'onAllowPublicUploadChange', 'onAllowPublicEditingChange' ); var clipboard = new Clipboard('.clipboardButton'); clipboard.on('success', function(e) { var $input = $(e.trigger); $input.tooltip('hide') .attr('data-original-title', t('core', 'Copied!')) .tooltip('fixTitle') .tooltip({placement: 'bottom', trigger: 'manual'}) .tooltip('show'); _.delay(function() { $input.tooltip('hide'); if (OC.Share.Social.Collection.size() == 0) { $input.attr('data-original-title', t('core', 'Copy')) .tooltip('fixTitle'); } else { $input.tooltip("destroy"); } }, 3000); }); clipboard.on('error', function (e) { var $input = $(e.trigger); var actionMsg = ''; if (/iPhone|iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { actionMsg = t('core', 'Not supported!'); } else if (/Mac/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { actionMsg = t('core', 'Press ⌘-C to copy.'); } else { actionMsg = t('core', 'Press Ctrl-C to copy.'); } $input.tooltip('hide') .attr('data-original-title', actionMsg) .tooltip('fixTitle') .tooltip({placement: 'bottom', trigger: 'manual'}) .tooltip('show'); _.delay(function () { $input.tooltip('hide'); if (OC.Share.Social.Collection.size() == 0) { $input.attr('data-original-title', t('core', 'Copy')) .tooltip('fixTitle'); } else { $input.tooltip("destroy"); } }, 3000); }); }, onLinkCheckBoxChange: function() { var $checkBox = this.$el.find('.linkCheckbox'); var $loading = $checkBox.siblings('.icon-loading-small'); if(!$loading.hasClass('hidden')) { return false; } if($checkBox.is(':checked')) { if(this.configModel.get('enforcePasswordForPublicLink') === false) { $loading.removeClass('hidden'); // this will create it this.model.saveLinkShare(); } else { this.$el.find('.linkPass').slideToggle(OC.menuSpeed); this.$el.find('.linkPassText').focus(); } } else { if (this.model.get('linkShare').isLinkShare) { $loading.removeClass('hidden'); this.model.removeLinkShare(); } else { this.$el.find('.linkPass').slideToggle(OC.menuSpeed); } } }, onLinkTextClick: function() { var $el = this.$el.find('.linkText'); $el.focus(); $el.select(); }, onShowPasswordClick: function() { this.$el.find('.linkPass').slideToggle(OC.menuSpeed); if(!this.$el.find('.showPasswordCheckbox').is(':checked')) { this.model.saveLinkShare({ password: '' }); } else { this.$el.find('.linkPassText').focus(); } }, onPasswordKeyUp: function(event) { if(event.keyCode === 13) { this.onPasswordEntered(); } }, onPasswordEntered: function() { var $loading = this.$el.find('.linkPass .icon-loading-small'); if (!$loading.hasClass('hidden')) { // still in process return; } var $input = this.$el.find('.linkPassText'); $input.removeClass('error'); var password = $input.val(); // in IE9 the password might be the placeholder due to bugs in the placeholders polyfill if(password === '' || password === PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER || password === PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER_MESSAGE) { return; } $loading .removeClass('hidden') .addClass('inlineblock'); this.model.saveLinkShare({ password: password }, { error: function(model, msg) { // destroy old tooltips $input.tooltip('destroy'); $loading.removeClass('inlineblock').addClass('hidden'); $input.addClass('error'); $input.attr('title', msg); $input.tooltip({placement: 'bottom', trigger: 'manual'}); $input.tooltip('show'); } }); }, onAllowPublicUploadChange: function() { var $checkbox = this.$('.publicUploadCheckbox'); $checkbox.siblings('.icon-loading-small').removeClass('hidden').addClass('inlineblock'); var permissions = OC.PERMISSION_READ; if($checkbox.is(':checked')) { permissions = OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE | OC.PERMISSION_CREATE | OC.PERMISSION_READ | OC.PERMISSION_DELETE; } this.model.saveLinkShare({ permissions: permissions }); }, onAllowPublicEditingChange: function() { var $checkbox = this.$('.publicEditingCheckbox'); $checkbox.siblings('.icon-loading-small').removeClass('hidden').addClass('inlineblock'); var permissions = OC.PERMISSION_READ; if($checkbox.is(':checked')) { permissions = OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE | OC.PERMISSION_READ; } this.model.saveLinkShare({ permissions: permissions }); }, onHideFileListChange: function () { var $checkbox = this.$('.hideFileListCheckbox'); $checkbox.siblings('.icon-loading-small').removeClass('hidden').addClass('inlineblock'); var permissions = OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE | OC.PERMISSION_CREATE | OC.PERMISSION_READ | OC.PERMISSION_DELETE; if ($checkbox.is(':checked')) { permissions = OC.PERMISSION_CREATE; } this.model.saveLinkShare({ permissions: permissions }); }, render: function() { var linkShareTemplate = this.template(); var resharingAllowed = this.model.sharePermissionPossible(); if(!resharingAllowed || !this.showLink || !this.configModel.isShareWithLinkAllowed()) { var templateData = {shareAllowed: false}; if (!resharingAllowed) { // add message templateData.noSharingPlaceholder = t('core', 'Resharing is not allowed'); } this.$el.html(linkShareTemplate(templateData)); return this; } var publicUpload = this.model.isFolder() && this.model.createPermissionPossible() && this.configModel.isPublicUploadEnabled(); var publicUploadChecked = ''; if(this.model.isPublicUploadAllowed()) { publicUploadChecked = 'checked="checked"'; } var publicEditingChecked = ''; if(this.model.isPublicEditingAllowed()) { publicEditingChecked = 'checked="checked"'; } var hideFileList = publicUploadChecked; var hideFileListChecked = ''; if(this.model.isHideFileListSet()) { hideFileListChecked = 'checked="checked"'; } var isLinkShare = this.model.get('linkShare').isLinkShare; var isPasswordSet = !!this.model.get('linkShare').password; var showPasswordCheckBox = isLinkShare && ( !this.configModel.get('enforcePasswordForPublicLink') || !this.model.get('linkShare').password); var publicEditable = !this.model.isFolder() && isLinkShare && this.model.updatePermissionPossible(); var link = this.model.get('linkShare').link; var social = []; OC.Share.Social.Collection.each(function(model) { var url = model.get('url'); url = url.replace('{{reference}}', link); social.push({ url: url, label: t('core', 'Share to {name}', {name: model.get('name')}), name: model.get('name'), iconClass: model.get('iconClass') }); }); var popover = this.popoverMenuTemplate({ cid: this.cid, copyLabel: t('core', 'Copy'), social: social }); this.$el.html(linkShareTemplate({ cid: this.cid, shareAllowed: true, hideFileList: hideFileList, isLinkShare: isLinkShare, shareLinkURL: this.model.get('linkShare').link, linkShareLabel: t('core', 'Share link'), urlLabel: t('core', 'Link'), enablePasswordLabel: t('core', 'Password protect'), passwordLabel: t('core', 'Password'), passwordPlaceholder: isPasswordSet ? PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER : PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER_MESSAGE, isPasswordSet: isPasswordSet, showPasswordCheckBox: showPasswordCheckBox, publicUpload: publicUpload && isLinkShare, publicUploadChecked: publicUploadChecked, hideFileListChecked: hideFileListChecked, publicUploadLabel: t('core', 'Allow upload and editing'), publicEditing: publicEditable, publicEditingChecked: publicEditingChecked, publicEditingLabel: t('core', 'Allow editing'), hideFileListLabel: t('core', 'File drop (upload only)'), mailPrivatePlaceholder: t('core', 'Email link to person'), mailButtonText: t('core', 'Send'), singleAction: OC.Share.Social.Collection.size() == 0, popoverMenu: popover })); if (OC.Share.Social.Collection.size() == 0) { this.$el.find('.clipboardButton').tooltip({ placement: 'bottom', title: t('core', 'Copy'), trigger: 'hover' }); } this.delegateEvents(); return this; }, onToggleMenu: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var $element = $(event.target); var $li = $element.closest('.oneline'); var $menu = $li.find('.popovermenu'); OC.showMenu(null, $menu); this._menuOpen = $li.data('share-id'); }, /** * @returns {Function} from Handlebars * @private */ template: function () { if (!this._template) { this._template = Handlebars.compile(TEMPLATE); } return this._template; }, /** * renders the popover template and returns the resulting HTML * * @param {Object} data * @returns {string} */ popoverMenuTemplate: function(data) { if(!this._popoverMenuTemplate) { this._popoverMenuTemplate = Handlebars.compile(TEMPLATE_POPOVER_MENU); } return this._popoverMenuTemplate(data); }, onPopUpClick: function(event) { var url = $(event.target).data('url'); $(event.target).tooltip('hide'); if (url) { var width = 600; var height = 400; var left = (screen.width/2)-(width/2); var top = (screen.height/2)-(height/2); window.open(url, 'name', 'width=' + width + ', height=' + height + ', top=' + top + ', left=' + left); } } }); OC.Share.ShareDialogLinkShareView = ShareDialogLinkShareView; })();