readBodies = $readBodies; $this->temporary = $temporary; if ($items) { foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item instanceof \Exception) { $this->addException($item); } else { $this->addResponse($item); } } } } public static function getSubscribedEvents() { // Use a number lower than the CachePlugin return array('request.before_send' => array('onRequestBeforeSend', -999)); } public static function getAllEvents() { return array('mock.request'); } /** * Get a mock response from a file * * @param string $path File to retrieve a mock response from * * @return Response * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the file is not found */ public static function getMockFile($path) { if (!file_exists($path)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unable to open mock file: ' . $path); } return Response::fromMessage(file_get_contents($path)); } /** * Set whether or not to consume the entity body of a request when a mock * response is used * * @param bool $readBodies Set to true to read and consume entity bodies * * @return self */ public function readBodies($readBodies) { $this->readBodies = $readBodies; return $this; } /** * Returns the number of remaining mock responses * * @return int */ public function count() { return count($this->queue); } /** * Add a response to the end of the queue * * @param string|Response $response Response object or path to response file * * @return MockPlugin * @throws InvalidArgumentException if a string or Response is not passed */ public function addResponse($response) { if (!($response instanceof Response)) { if (!is_string($response)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid response'); } $response = self::getMockFile($response); } $this->queue[] = $response; return $this; } /** * Add an exception to the end of the queue * * @param CurlException $e Exception to throw when the request is executed * * @return MockPlugin */ public function addException(CurlException $e) { $this->queue[] = $e; return $this; } /** * Clear the queue * * @return MockPlugin */ public function clearQueue() { $this->queue = array(); return $this; } /** * Returns an array of mock responses remaining in the queue * * @return array */ public function getQueue() { return $this->queue; } /** * Check if this is a temporary plugin * * @return bool */ public function isTemporary() { return $this->temporary; } /** * Get a response from the front of the list and add it to a request * * @param RequestInterface $request Request to mock * * @return self * @throws CurlException When request.send is called and an exception is queued */ public function dequeue(RequestInterface $request) { $this->dispatch('mock.request', array('plugin' => $this, 'request' => $request)); $item = array_shift($this->queue); if ($item instanceof Response) { if ($this->readBodies && $request instanceof EntityEnclosingRequestInterface) { $request->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('request.sent', $f = function (Event $event) use (&$f) { while ($data = $event['request']->getBody()->read(8096)); // Remove the listener after one-time use $event['request']->getEventDispatcher()->removeListener('request.sent', $f); }); } $request->setResponse($item); } elseif ($item instanceof CurlException) { // Emulates exceptions encountered while transferring requests $item->setRequest($request); $state = $request->setState(RequestInterface::STATE_ERROR, array('exception' => $item)); // Only throw if the exception wasn't handled if ($state == RequestInterface::STATE_ERROR) { throw $item; } } return $this; } /** * Clear the array of received requests */ public function flush() { $this->received = array(); } /** * Get an array of requests that were mocked by this plugin * * @return array */ public function getReceivedRequests() { return $this->received; } /** * Called when a request is about to be sent * * @param Event $event * @throws \OutOfBoundsException When queue is empty */ public function onRequestBeforeSend(Event $event) { if (!$this->queue) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Mock queue is empty'); } $request = $event['request']; $this->received[] = $request; // Detach the filter from the client so it's a one-time use if ($this->temporary && count($this->queue) == 1 && $request->getClient()) { $request->getClient()->getEventDispatcher()->removeSubscriber($this); } $this->dequeue($request); } }