var uploadingFiles = {}; Files={ cancelUpload:function(filename) { if(uploadingFiles[filename]) { uploadingFiles[filename].abort(); delete uploadingFiles[filename]; return true; } return false; }, cancelUploads:function() { $.each(uploadingFiles,function(index,file) { if(typeof file['abort'] === 'function') { file.abort(); var filename = $('tr').filterAttr('data-file',index); filename.hide(); filename.find('input[type="checkbox"]').removeAttr('checked'); filename.removeClass('selected'); } else { $.each(file,function(i,f) { f.abort(); delete file[i]; }); } delete uploadingFiles[index]; }); procesSelection(); }, updateMaxUploadFilesize:function(response) { if(response == undefined) { return; } if( !== undefined && !== undefined) { $('#max_upload').val(; $('#upload.button').attr('original-title',; $('#usedSpacePercent').val(; Files.displayStorageWarnings(); } if(response[0] == undefined) { return; } if(response[0].uploadMaxFilesize !== undefined) { $('#max_upload').val(response[0].uploadMaxFilesize); $('#upload.button').attr('original-title', response[0].maxHumanFilesize); $('#usedSpacePercent').val(response[0].usedSpacePercent); Files.displayStorageWarnings(); } }, isFileNameValid:function (name) { if (name === '.') {'files', '\'.\' is an invalid file name.')); return false; } if (name.length == 0) {'files', 'File name cannot be empty.')); return false; } // check for invalid characters var invalid_characters = ['\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '"', '|', '?', '*']; for (var i = 0; i < invalid_characters.length; i++) { if (name.indexOf(invalid_characters[i]) != -1) {'files', "Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed.")); return false; } } OC.Notification.hide(); return true; }, displayStorageWarnings: function() { if (!OC.Notification.isHidden()) { return; } var usedSpacePercent = $('#usedSpacePercent').val(); if (usedSpacePercent > 98) {'files', 'Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!')); return; } if (usedSpacePercent > 90) {'files', 'Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)', {usedSpacePercent: usedSpacePercent})); } }, displayEncryptionWarning: function() { if (!OC.Notification.isHidden()) { return; } var encryptedFiles = $('#encryptedFiles').val(); if (encryptedFiles === '1') {'files_encryption', 'Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files.')); return; } } }; $(document).ready(function() { Files.displayEncryptionWarning(); Files.bindKeyboardShortcuts(document, jQuery); $('#fileList tr').each(function(){ //little hack to set unescape filenames in attribute $(this).attr('data-file',decodeURIComponent($(this).attr('data-file'))); }); $('#file_action_panel').attr('activeAction', false); //drag/drop of files $('#fileList tr td.filename').each(function(i,e){ if ($(e).parent().data('permissions') & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE) { $(e).draggable(dragOptions); } }); $('#fileList tr[data-type="dir"] td.filename').each(function(i,e){ if ($(e).parent().data('permissions') & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE){ $(e).droppable(folderDropOptions); } }); $('div.crumb:not(.last)').droppable(crumbDropOptions); $('ul#apps>li:first-child').data('dir',''); if($('div.crumb').length){ $('ul#apps>li:first-child').droppable(crumbDropOptions); } // Triggers invisible file input $('#upload a').on('click', function() { $(this).parent().children('#file_upload_start').trigger('click'); return false; }); // Trigger cancelling of file upload $('#uploadprogresswrapper .stop').on('click', function() { Files.cancelUploads(); }); // Show trash bin $('#trash').on('click', function() { window.location=OC.filePath('files_trashbin', '', 'index.php'); }); var lastChecked; // Sets the file link behaviour : $('#fileList').on('click','td.filename a',function(event) { if (event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey) { event.preventDefault(); if (event.shiftKey) { var last = $(lastChecked).parent().parent().prevAll().length; var first = $(this).parent().parent().prevAll().length; var start = Math.min(first, last); var end = Math.max(first, last); var rows = $(this).parent().parent().parent().children('tr'); for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { $(rows).each(function(index) { if (index == i) { var checkbox = $(this).children().children('input:checkbox'); $(checkbox).attr('checked', 'checked'); $(checkbox).parent().parent().addClass('selected'); } }); } } var checkbox = $(this).parent().children('input:checkbox'); lastChecked = checkbox; if ($(checkbox).attr('checked')) { $(checkbox).removeAttr('checked'); $(checkbox).parent().parent().removeClass('selected'); $('#select_all').removeAttr('checked'); } else { $(checkbox).attr('checked', 'checked'); $(checkbox).parent().parent().toggleClass('selected'); var selectedCount=$('td.filename input:checkbox:checked').length; if (selectedCount == $('td.filename input:checkbox').length) { $('#select_all').attr('checked', 'checked'); } } procesSelection(); } else { var filename=$(this).parent().parent().attr('data-file'); var tr=$('tr').filterAttr('data-file',filename); var'renaming'); if(!renaming && !FileList.isLoading(filename)){ FileActions.currentFile = $(this).parent(); var mime=FileActions.getCurrentMimeType(); var type=FileActions.getCurrentType(); var permissions = FileActions.getCurrentPermissions(); var action=FileActions.getDefault(mime,type, permissions); if(action){ event.preventDefault(); action(filename); } } } }); // Sets the select_all checkbox behaviour : $('#select_all').click(function() { if($(this).attr('checked')){ // Check all $('td.filename input:checkbox').attr('checked', true); $('td.filename input:checkbox').parent().parent().addClass('selected'); }else{ // Uncheck all $('td.filename input:checkbox').attr('checked', false); $('td.filename input:checkbox').parent().parent().removeClass('selected'); } procesSelection(); }); $('#fileList').on('change', 'td.filename input:checkbox',function(event) { if (event.shiftKey) { var last = $(lastChecked).parent().parent().prevAll().length; var first = $(this).parent().parent().prevAll().length; var start = Math.min(first, last); var end = Math.max(first, last); var rows = $(this).parent().parent().parent().children('tr'); for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { $(rows).each(function(index) { if (index == i) { var checkbox = $(this).children().children('input:checkbox'); $(checkbox).attr('checked', 'checked'); $(checkbox).parent().parent().addClass('selected'); } }); } } var selectedCount=$('td.filename input:checkbox:checked').length; $(this).parent().parent().toggleClass('selected'); if(!$(this).attr('checked')){ $('#select_all').attr('checked',false); }else{ if(selectedCount==$('td.filename input:checkbox').length){ $('#select_all').attr('checked',true); } } procesSelection(); }); $('.download').click('click',function(event) { var files=getSelectedFiles('name'); var fileslist = JSON.stringify(files); var dir=$('#dir').val()||'/';'files','Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big.')); // use special download URL if provided, e.g. for public shared files if ( (downloadURL = document.getElementById("downloadURL")) ) { window.location=downloadURL.value+"&download&files="+encodeURIComponent(fileslist); } else { window.location=OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'download.php') + '?'+ $.param({ dir: dir, files: fileslist }); } return false; }); $('.delete-selected').click(function(event) { var files=getSelectedFiles('name'); event.preventDefault(); FileList.do_delete(files); return false; }); // drag&drop support using jquery.fileupload // TODO use OC.dialogs $(document).bind('drop dragover', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // prevent browser from doing anything, if file isn't dropped in dropZone }); //do a background scan if needed scanFiles(); var lastWidth = 0; var breadcrumbs = []; var breadcrumbsWidth = 0; if ( document.getElementById("navigation") ) { breadcrumbsWidth = $('#navigation').get(0).offsetWidth; } var hiddenBreadcrumbs = 0; $.each($('.crumb'), function(index, breadcrumb) { breadcrumbs[index] = breadcrumb; breadcrumbsWidth += $(breadcrumb).get(0).offsetWidth; }); $.each($('#controls .actions>div'), function(index, action) { breadcrumbsWidth += $(action).get(0).offsetWidth; }); function resizeBreadcrumbs(firstRun) { var width = $(this).width(); if (width != lastWidth) { if ((width < lastWidth || firstRun) && width < breadcrumbsWidth) { if (hiddenBreadcrumbs == 0) { breadcrumbsWidth -= $(breadcrumbs[1]).get(0).offsetWidth; $(breadcrumbs[1]).find('a').hide(); $(breadcrumbs[1]).append('...'); breadcrumbsWidth += $(breadcrumbs[1]).get(0).offsetWidth; hiddenBreadcrumbs = 2; } var i = hiddenBreadcrumbs; while (width < breadcrumbsWidth && i > 1 && i < breadcrumbs.length - 1) { breadcrumbsWidth -= $(breadcrumbs[i]).get(0).offsetWidth; $(breadcrumbs[i]).hide(); hiddenBreadcrumbs = i; i++ } } else if (width > lastWidth && hiddenBreadcrumbs > 0) { var i = hiddenBreadcrumbs; while (width > breadcrumbsWidth && i > 0) { if (hiddenBreadcrumbs == 1) { breadcrumbsWidth -= $(breadcrumbs[1]).get(0).offsetWidth; $(breadcrumbs[1]).find('span').remove(); $(breadcrumbs[1]).find('a').show(); breadcrumbsWidth += $(breadcrumbs[1]).get(0).offsetWidth; } else { $(breadcrumbs[i]).show(); breadcrumbsWidth += $(breadcrumbs[i]).get(0).offsetWidth; if (breadcrumbsWidth > width) { breadcrumbsWidth -= $(breadcrumbs[i]).get(0).offsetWidth; $(breadcrumbs[i]).hide(); break; } } i--; hiddenBreadcrumbs = i; } } lastWidth = width; } } $(window).resize(function() { resizeBreadcrumbs(false); }); resizeBreadcrumbs(true); // display storage warnings setTimeout ( "Files.displayStorageWarnings()", 100 ); OC.Notification.setDefault(Files.displayStorageWarnings); // file space size sync function update_storage_statistics() { $.getJSON(OC.filePath('files','ajax','getstoragestats.php'),function(response) { Files.updateMaxUploadFilesize(response); }); } // start on load - we ask the server every 5 minutes var update_storage_statistics_interval = 5*60*1000; var update_storage_statistics_interval_id = setInterval(update_storage_statistics, update_storage_statistics_interval); // Use jquery-visibility to de-/re-activate file stats sync if ($.support.pageVisibility) { $(document).on({ 'show.visibility': function() { if (!update_storage_statistics_interval_id) { update_storage_statistics_interval_id = setInterval(update_storage_statistics, update_storage_statistics_interval); } }, 'hide.visibility': function() { clearInterval(update_storage_statistics_interval_id); update_storage_statistics_interval_id = 0; } }); } }); function scanFiles(force, dir, users){ if (!OC.currentUser) { return; } if(!dir){ dir = ''; } force = !!force; //cast to bool scanFiles.scanning = true; var scannerEventSource; if (users) { var usersString; if (users === 'all') { usersString = users; } else { usersString = JSON.stringify(users); } scannerEventSource = new OC.EventSource(OC.filePath('files','ajax','scan.php'),{force: force,dir: dir, users: usersString}); } else { scannerEventSource = new OC.EventSource(OC.filePath('files','ajax','scan.php'),{force: force,dir: dir}); } scanFiles.cancel = scannerEventSource.close.bind(scannerEventSource); scannerEventSource.listen('count',function(count){ console.log(count + ' files scanned') }); scannerEventSource.listen('folder',function(path){ console.log('now scanning ' + path) }); scannerEventSource.listen('done',function(count){ scanFiles.scanning=false; console.log('done after ' + count + ' files'); }); scannerEventSource.listen('user',function(user){ console.log('scanning files for ' + user); }); } scanFiles.scanning=false; function boolOperationFinished(data, callback) { result = jQuery.parseJSON(data.responseText); Files.updateMaxUploadFilesize(result); if(result.status == 'success'){; } else { alert(; } } function updateBreadcrumb(breadcrumbHtml) { $('p.nav').empty().html(breadcrumbHtml); } var createDragShadow = function(event){ //select dragged file var isDragSelected = $('tr').find('td input:first').prop('checked'); if (!isDragSelected) { //select dragged file $('tr').find('td input:first').prop('checked',true); } var selectedFiles = getSelectedFiles(); if (!isDragSelected && selectedFiles.length == 1) { //revert the selection $('tr').find('td input:first').prop('checked',false); } //also update class when we dragged more than one file if (selectedFiles.length > 1) { $('tr').addClass('selected'); } // build dragshadow var dragshadow = $('