* * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ use Behat\Behat\Context\Context; class UsersSettingsContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface { use ActorAware; /** * @return Locator */ public static function newUserForm() { return Locator::forThe()->id("new-user")-> describedAs("New user form in Users Settings"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function userNameFieldForNewUser() { return Locator::forThe()->field("newusername")-> describedAs("User name field for new user in Users Settings"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function passwordFieldForNewUser() { return Locator::forThe()->field("newuserpassword")-> describedAs("Password field for new user in Users Settings"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function newUserButton() { return Locator::forThe()->id("new-user-button")-> describedAs("New user button in Users Settings"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function createNewUserButton() { return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//form[@id = 'new-user']//input[@type = 'submit']")-> describedAs("Create user button in Users Settings"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function rowForUser($user) { return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//div[@id='app-content']/div/div[normalize-space() = '$user']/..")-> describedAs("Row for user $user in Users Settings"); } /** * Warning: you need to watch out for the proper classes order * * @return Locator */ public static function classCellForUser($class, $user) { return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//*[@class='$class']")-> descendantOf(self::rowForUser($user))-> describedAs("$class cell for user $user in Users Settings"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function inputForUserInCell($cell, $user) { return Locator::forThe()->css("input")-> descendantOf(self::classCellForUser($cell, $user))-> describedAs("$cell input for user $user in Users Settings"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function optionInInputForUser($cell, $user) { return Locator::forThe()->css(".multiselect__option--highlight")-> descendantOf(self::classCellForUser($cell, $user))-> describedAs("Selected $cell option in $cell input for user $user in Users Settings"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function actionsMenuOf($user) { return Locator::forThe()->css(".icon-more")-> descendantOf(self::rowForUser($user))-> describedAs("Actions menu for user $user in Users Settings"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function theAction($action, $user) { return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//button[normalize-space() = '$action']")-> descendantOf(self::rowForUser($user))-> describedAs("$action action for the user $user row in Users Settings"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function theColumn($column) { return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//div[@class='user-list-grid']//div[normalize-space() = '$column']")-> describedAs("The $column column in Users Settings"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function selectedSelectOption($cell, $user) { return Locator::forThe()->css(".multiselect__single")-> descendantOf(self::classCellForUser($cell, $user))-> describedAs("The selected option of the $cell select for the user $user in Users Settings"); } /** * @When I click the New user button */ public function iClickTheNewUserButton() { $this->actor->find(self::newUserButton())->click(); } /** * @When I click the :action action in the :user actions menu */ public function iClickTheAction($action, $user) { $this->actor->find(self::theAction($action, $user))->click(); } /** * @When I open the actions menu for the user :user */ public function iOpenTheActionsMenuOf($user) { $this->actor->find(self::actionsMenuOf($user))->click(); } /** * @When I create user :user with password :password */ public function iCreateUserWithPassword($user, $password) { $this->actor->find(self::userNameFieldForNewUser(), 10)->setValue($user); $this->actor->find(self::passwordFieldForNewUser())->setValue($password); $this->actor->find(self::createNewUserButton())->click(); } /** * @When I set the :field for :user to :value */ public function iSetTheFieldForUserTo($field, $user, $value) { $this->actor->find(self::inputForUserInCell($field, $user), 2)->setValue($value . "\r"); } /** * @When I assign the user :user to the group :group */ public function iAssignTheUserToTheGroup($user, $group) { $this->actor->find(self::inputForUserInCell('groups', $user))->setValue($group); $this->actor->find(self::optionInInputForUser('groups', $user))->click(); } /** * @When I set the user :user quota to :quota */ public function iSetTheUserQuotaTo($user, $quota) { $this->actor->find(self::inputForUserInCell('quota', $user))->setValue($quota); $this->actor->find(self::optionInInputForUser('quota', $user))->click(); } /** * @Then I see that the list of users contains the user :user */ public function iSeeThatTheListOfUsersContainsTheUser($user) { WaitFor::elementToBeEventuallyShown($this->actor, self::rowForUser($user)); } /** * @Then I see that the list of users does not contains the user :user */ public function iSeeThatTheListOfUsersDoesNotContainsTheUser($user) { WaitFor::elementToBeEventuallyNotShown($this->actor, self::rowForUser($user)); } /** * @Then I see that the new user form is shown */ public function iSeeThatTheNewUserFormIsShown() { PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue( $this->actor->find(self::newUserForm(), 10)->isVisible()); } /** * @Then I see that the :action action in the :user actions menu is shown */ public function iSeeTheAction($action, $user) { PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue( $this->actor->find(self::theAction($action, $user), 10)->isVisible()); } /** * @Then I see that the :column column is shown */ public function iSeeThatTheColumnIsShown($column) { PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue( $this->actor->find(self::theColumn($column), 10)->isVisible()); } /** * @Then I see that the :field of :user is :value */ public function iSeeThatTheFieldOfUserIs($field, $user, $value) { PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals( $this->actor->find(self::inputForUserInCell($field, $user), 10)->getValue(), $value); } /** * @Then I see that the :cell cell for user :user is done loading */ public function iSeeThatTheCellForUserIsDoneLoading($cell, $user) { WaitFor::elementToBeEventuallyShown($this->actor, self::classCellForUser($cell.' icon-loading-small', $user)); WaitFor::elementToBeEventuallyNotShown($this->actor, self::classCellForUser($cell.' icon-loading-small', $user)); } /** * @Then I see that the user quota of :user is :quota */ public function iSeeThatTheuserQuotaIs($user, $quota) { PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals( $this->actor->find(self::selectedSelectOption('quota', $user), 2)->getText(), $quota); } }