shareManager = $shareManager; $this->logger = $logger; } /** * @PublicPage * @NoCSRFRequired * * @param string $t * @param null $password * @param null $dir * @return JSONResponse * @throws ShareNotFound */ public function info($t, $password = null, $dir = null) { try { $share = $this->shareManager->getShareByToken($t); } catch (ShareNotFound $e) { return new JSONResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } if ($share->getPassword() && !$this->shareManager->checkPassword($share, $password)) { return new JSONResponse([], Http::STATUS_FORBIDDEN); } if (!($share->getPermissions() & Constants::PERMISSION_READ)) { return new JSONResponse([], Http::STATUS_FORBIDDEN); } // TODO FIX!!! $isWritable = $share->getPermissions() & (\OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE | \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE); if (!$isWritable) { // FIXME: should not add storage wrappers outside of preSetup, need to find a better way $previousLog = \OC\Files\Filesystem::logWarningWhenAddingStorageWrapper(false); \OC\Files\Filesystem::addStorageWrapper('readonly', function ($mountPoint, $storage) { return new \OC\Files\Storage\Wrapper\PermissionsMask(array('storage' => $storage, 'mask' => \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_READ + \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_SHARE)); }); \OC\Files\Filesystem::logWarningWhenAddingStorageWrapper($previousLog); } $node = $share->getNode(); if ($dir !== null && $node instanceof Folder) { try { $node = $node->get($dir); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { } } return new JSONResponse($this->parseNode($node)); } private function parseNode(Node $node) { if ($node instanceof File) { return $this->parseFile($node); } return $this->parseFolder($node); } private function parseFile(File $file) { return $this->format($file); } private function parseFolder(Folder $folder) { $data = $this->format($folder); $data['children'] = []; $nodes = $folder->getDirectoryListing(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $data['children'][] = $this->parseNode($node); } return $data; } private function format(Node $node) { $entry = []; $entry['id'] = $node->getId(); $entry['parentId'] = $node->getParent()->getId(); $entry['mtime'] = $node->getMTime(); $entry['name'] = $node->getName(); $entry['permissions'] = $node->getPermissions(); $entry['mimetype'] = $node->getMimetype(); $entry['size'] = $node->getSize(); $entry['type'] = $node->getType(); $entry['etag'] = $node->getEtag(); return $entry; } }