/* * Copyright (c) 2016 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ (function(OC, OCA) { var NS_OWNCLOUD = 'http://owncloud.org/ns'; /** * @class OCA.Comments.CommentModel * @classdesc * * Comment * */ var CommentModel = OC.Backbone.Model.extend( /** @lends OCA.Comments.CommentModel.prototype */ { sync: OC.Backbone.davSync, defaults: { actorType: 'users', objectType: 'files' }, davProperties: { 'id': '{' + NS_OWNCLOUD + '}id', 'message': '{' + NS_OWNCLOUD + '}message', 'actorType': '{' + NS_OWNCLOUD + '}actorType', 'actorId': '{' + NS_OWNCLOUD + '}actorId', 'actorDisplayName': '{' + NS_OWNCLOUD + '}actorDisplayName', 'creationDateTime': '{' + NS_OWNCLOUD + '}creationDateTime', 'objectType': '{' + NS_OWNCLOUD + '}objectType', 'objectId': '{' + NS_OWNCLOUD + '}objectId', 'isUnread': '{' + NS_OWNCLOUD + '}isUnread' }, parse: function(data) { return { id: data.id, message: data.message, actorType: data.actorType, actorId: data.actorId, actorDisplayName: data.actorDisplayName, creationDateTime: data.creationDateTime, objectType: data.objectType, objectId: data.objectId, isUnread: (data.isUnread === 'true') }; } }); OCA.Comments.CommentModel = CommentModel; })(OC, OCA);