* @author Arthur Schiwon * @author Bart Visscher * @author Jean-Louis Dupond * @author Jörn Friedrich Dreyer * @author Lukas Reschke * @author Morris Jobke * @author Nicolas Grekas * @author Robin Appelman * @author Robin McCorkell * @author Victor Dubiniuk * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc. * @license AGPL-3.0 * * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * along with this program. If not, see * */ namespace OCA\user_ldap\lib; use OC\ServerNotAvailableException; class Wizard extends LDAPUtility { static protected $l; protected $access; protected $cr; protected $configuration; protected $result; protected $resultCache = array(); const LRESULT_PROCESSED_OK = 2; const LRESULT_PROCESSED_INVALID = 3; const LRESULT_PROCESSED_SKIP = 4; const LFILTER_LOGIN = 2; const LFILTER_USER_LIST = 3; const LFILTER_GROUP_LIST = 4; const LFILTER_MODE_ASSISTED = 2; const LFILTER_MODE_RAW = 1; const LDAP_NW_TIMEOUT = 4; /** * Constructor * @param Configuration $configuration an instance of Configuration * @param ILDAPWrapper $ldap an instance of ILDAPWrapper */ public function __construct(Configuration $configuration, ILDAPWrapper $ldap, Access $access) { parent::__construct($ldap); $this->configuration = $configuration; if(is_null(Wizard::$l)) { Wizard::$l = \OC::$server->getL10N('user_ldap'); } $this->access = $access; $this->result = new WizardResult(); } public function __destruct() { if($this->result->hasChanges()) { $this->configuration->saveConfiguration(); } } /** * counts entries in the LDAP directory * * @param string $filter the LDAP search filter * @param string $type a string being either 'users' or 'groups'; * @return bool|int * @throws \Exception */ public function countEntries($filter, $type) { $reqs = array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase'); if($type === 'users') { $reqs[] = 'ldapUserFilter'; } if(!$this->checkRequirements($reqs)) { throw new \Exception('Requirements not met', 400); } $attr = array('dn'); // default $limit = 1001; if($type === 'groups') { $result = $this->access->countGroups($filter, $attr, $limit); } else if($type === 'users') { $result = $this->access->countUsers($filter, $attr, $limit); } else if ($type === 'objects') { $result = $this->access->countObjects($limit); } else { throw new \Exception('internal error: invalid object type', 500); } return $result; } /** * formats the return value of a count operation to the string to be * inserted. * * @param bool|int $count * @return int|string */ private function formatCountResult($count) { $formatted = ($count !== false) ? $count : 0; if($formatted > 1000) { $formatted = '> 1000'; } return $formatted; } public function countGroups() { $filter = $this->configuration->ldapGroupFilter; if(empty($filter)) { $output = self::$l->n('%s group found', '%s groups found', 0, array(0)); $this->result->addChange('ldap_group_count', $output); return $this->result; } try { $groupsTotal = $this->formatCountResult($this->countEntries($filter, 'groups')); } catch (\Exception $e) { //400 can be ignored, 500 is forwarded if($e->getCode() === 500) { throw $e; } return false; } $output = self::$l->n('%s group found', '%s groups found', $groupsTotal, array($groupsTotal)); $this->result->addChange('ldap_group_count', $output); return $this->result; } /** * @return WizardResult * @throws \Exception */ public function countUsers() { $filter = $this->access->getFilterForUserCount(); $usersTotal = $this->formatCountResult($this->countEntries($filter, 'users')); $output = self::$l->n('%s user found', '%s users found', $usersTotal, array($usersTotal)); $this->result->addChange('ldap_user_count', $output); return $this->result; } /** * counts any objects in the currently set base dn * * @return WizardResult * @throws \Exception */ public function countInBaseDN() { // we don't need to provide a filter in this case $total = $this->countEntries(null, 'objects'); if($total === false) { throw new \Exception('invalid results received'); } $this->result->addChange('ldap_test_base', $total); return $this->result; } /** * counts users with a specified attribute * @param string $attr * @param bool $existsCheck * @return int|bool */ public function countUsersWithAttribute($attr, $existsCheck = false) { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', 'ldapUserFilter', ))) { return false; } $filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd(array( $this->configuration->ldapUserFilter, $attr . '=*' )); $limit = ($existsCheck === false) ? null : 1; return $this->access->countUsers($filter, array('dn'), $limit); } /** * detects the display name attribute. If a setting is already present that * returns at least one hit, the detection will be canceled. * @return WizardResult|bool * @throws \Exception */ public function detectUserDisplayNameAttribute() { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', 'ldapUserFilter', ))) { return false; } $attr = $this->configuration->ldapUserDisplayName; if($attr !== 'displayName' && !empty($attr)) { // most likely not the default value with upper case N, // verify it still produces a result $count = intval($this->countUsersWithAttribute($attr, true)); if($count > 0) { //no change, but we sent it back to make sure the user interface //is still correct, even if the ajax call was cancelled inbetween $this->result->addChange('ldap_display_name', $attr); return $this->result; } } // first attribute that has at least one result wins $displayNameAttrs = array('displayname', 'cn'); foreach ($displayNameAttrs as $attr) { $count = intval($this->countUsersWithAttribute($attr, true)); if($count > 0) { $this->applyFind('ldap_display_name', $attr); return $this->result; } }; throw new \Exception(self::$l->t('Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced ldap settings.')); } /** * detects the most often used email attribute for users applying to the * user list filter. If a setting is already present that returns at least * one hit, the detection will be canceled. * @return WizardResult|bool */ public function detectEmailAttribute() { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', 'ldapUserFilter', ))) { return false; } $attr = $this->configuration->ldapEmailAttribute; if(!empty($attr)) { $count = intval($this->countUsersWithAttribute($attr, true)); if($count > 0) { return false; } $writeLog = true; } else { $writeLog = false; } $emailAttributes = array('mail', 'mailPrimaryAddress'); $winner = ''; $maxUsers = 0; foreach($emailAttributes as $attr) { $count = $this->countUsersWithAttribute($attr); if($count > $maxUsers) { $maxUsers = $count; $winner = $attr; } } if($winner !== '') { $this->applyFind('ldap_email_attr', $winner); if($writeLog) { \OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'The mail attribute has ' . 'automatically been reset, because the original value ' . 'did not return any results.', \OCP\Util::INFO); } } return $this->result; } /** * @return WizardResult * @throws \Exception */ public function determineAttributes() { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', 'ldapUserFilter', ))) { return false; } $attributes = $this->getUserAttributes(); natcasesort($attributes); $attributes = array_values($attributes); $this->result->addOptions('ldap_loginfilter_attributes', $attributes); $selected = $this->configuration->ldapLoginFilterAttributes; if(is_array($selected) && !empty($selected)) { $this->result->addChange('ldap_loginfilter_attributes', $selected); } return $this->result; } /** * detects the available LDAP attributes * @return array|false The instance's WizardResult instance * @throws \Exception */ private function getUserAttributes() { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', 'ldapUserFilter', ))) { return false; } $cr = $this->getConnection(); if(!$cr) { throw new \Exception('Could not connect to LDAP'); } $base = $this->configuration->ldapBase[0]; $filter = $this->configuration->ldapUserFilter; $rr = $this->ldap->search($cr, $base, $filter, array(), 1, 1); if(!$this->ldap->isResource($rr)) { return false; } $er = $this->ldap->firstEntry($cr, $rr); $attributes = $this->ldap->getAttributes($cr, $er); $pureAttributes = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $attributes['count']; $i++) { $pureAttributes[] = $attributes[$i]; } return $pureAttributes; } /** * detects the available LDAP groups * @return WizardResult|false the instance's WizardResult instance */ public function determineGroupsForGroups() { return $this->determineGroups('ldap_groupfilter_groups', 'ldapGroupFilterGroups', false); } /** * detects the available LDAP groups * @return WizardResult|false the instance's WizardResult instance */ public function determineGroupsForUsers() { return $this->determineGroups('ldap_userfilter_groups', 'ldapUserFilterGroups'); } /** * detects the available LDAP groups * @param string $dbKey * @param string $confKey * @param bool $testMemberOf * @return WizardResult|false the instance's WizardResult instance * @throws \Exception */ private function determineGroups($dbKey, $confKey, $testMemberOf = true) { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', ))) { return false; } $cr = $this->getConnection(); if(!$cr) { throw new \Exception('Could not connect to LDAP'); } $this->fetchGroups($dbKey, $confKey); if($testMemberOf) { $this->configuration->hasMemberOfFilterSupport = $this->testMemberOf(); $this->result->markChange(); if(!$this->configuration->hasMemberOfFilterSupport) { throw new \Exception('memberOf is not supported by the server'); } } return $this->result; } /** * fetches all groups from LDAP and adds them to the result object * * @param string $dbKey * @param string $confKey * @return array $groupEntries * @throws \Exception */ public function fetchGroups($dbKey, $confKey) { $obclasses = array('posixGroup', 'group', 'zimbraDistributionList', 'groupOfNames'); $filterParts = array(); foreach($obclasses as $obclass) { $filterParts[] = 'objectclass='.$obclass; } //we filter for everything //- that looks like a group and //- has the group display name set $filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithOr($filterParts); $filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd(array($filter, 'cn=*')); $groupNames = array(); $groupEntries = array(); $limit = 400; $offset = 0; do { // we need to request dn additionally here, otherwise memberOf // detection will fail later $result = $this->access->searchGroups($filter, array('cn', 'dn'), $limit, $offset); foreach($result as $item) { if(!isset($item['cn']) && !is_array($item['cn']) && !isset($item['cn'][0])) { // just in case - no issue known continue; } $groupNames[] = $item['cn'][0]; $groupEntries[] = $item; } $offset += $limit; } while ($this->access->hasMoreResults()); if(count($groupNames) > 0) { natsort($groupNames); $this->result->addOptions($dbKey, array_values($groupNames)); } else { throw new \Exception(self::$l->t('Could not find the desired feature')); } $setFeatures = $this->configuration->$confKey; if(is_array($setFeatures) && !empty($setFeatures)) { //something is already configured? pre-select it. $this->result->addChange($dbKey, $setFeatures); } return $groupEntries; } public function determineGroupMemberAssoc() { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapGroupFilter', ))) { return false; } $attribute = $this->detectGroupMemberAssoc(); if($attribute === false) { return false; } $this->configuration->setConfiguration(array('ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr' => $attribute)); $this->result->addChange('ldap_group_member_assoc_attribute', $attribute); return $this->result; } /** * Detects the available object classes * @return WizardResult|false the instance's WizardResult instance * @throws \Exception */ public function determineGroupObjectClasses() { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', ))) { return false; } $cr = $this->getConnection(); if(!$cr) { throw new \Exception('Could not connect to LDAP'); } $obclasses = array('groupOfNames', 'group', 'posixGroup', '*'); $this->determineFeature($obclasses, 'objectclass', 'ldap_groupfilter_objectclass', 'ldapGroupFilterObjectclass', false); return $this->result; } /** * detects the available object classes * @return WizardResult * @throws \Exception */ public function determineUserObjectClasses() { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', ))) { return false; } $cr = $this->getConnection(); if(!$cr) { throw new \Exception('Could not connect to LDAP'); } $obclasses = array('inetOrgPerson', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'user', 'posixAccount', '*'); $filter = $this->configuration->ldapUserFilter; //if filter is empty, it is probably the first time the wizard is called //then, apply suggestions. $this->determineFeature($obclasses, 'objectclass', 'ldap_userfilter_objectclass', 'ldapUserFilterObjectclass', empty($filter)); return $this->result; } /** * @return WizardResult|false * @throws \Exception */ public function getGroupFilter() { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', ))) { return false; } //make sure the use display name is set $displayName = $this->configuration->ldapGroupDisplayName; if(empty($displayName)) { $d = $this->configuration->getDefaults(); $this->applyFind('ldap_group_display_name', $d['ldap_group_display_name']); } $filter = $this->composeLdapFilter(self::LFILTER_GROUP_LIST); $this->applyFind('ldap_group_filter', $filter); return $this->result; } /** * @return WizardResult|false * @throws \Exception */ public function getUserListFilter() { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', ))) { return false; } //make sure the use display name is set $displayName = $this->configuration->ldapUserDisplayName; if(empty($displayName)) { $d = $this->configuration->getDefaults(); $this->applyFind('ldap_display_name', $d['ldap_display_name']); } $filter = $this->composeLdapFilter(self::LFILTER_USER_LIST); if(!$filter) { throw new \Exception('Cannot create filter'); } $this->applyFind('ldap_userlist_filter', $filter); return $this->result; } /** * @return bool|WizardResult * @throws \Exception */ public function getUserLoginFilter() { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', 'ldapUserFilter', ))) { return false; } $filter = $this->composeLdapFilter(self::LFILTER_LOGIN); if(!$filter) { throw new \Exception('Cannot create filter'); } $this->applyFind('ldap_login_filter', $filter); return $this->result; } /** * @return bool|WizardResult * @param string $loginName * @throws \Exception */ public function testLoginName($loginName) { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', 'ldapLoginFilter', ))) { return false; } $cr = $this->access->connection->getConnectionResource(); if(!$this->ldap->isResource($cr)) { throw new \Exception('connection error'); } if(mb_strpos($this->access->connection->ldapLoginFilter, '%uid', 0, 'UTF-8') === false) { throw new \Exception('missing placeholder'); } $users = $this->access->countUsersByLoginName($loginName); if($this->ldap->errno($cr) !== 0) { throw new \Exception($this->ldap->error($cr)); } $filter = str_replace('%uid', $loginName, $this->access->connection->ldapLoginFilter); $this->result->addChange('ldap_test_loginname', $users); $this->result->addChange('ldap_test_effective_filter', $filter); return $this->result; } /** * Tries to determine the port, requires given Host, User DN and Password * @return WizardResult|false WizardResult on success, false otherwise * @throws \Exception */ public function guessPortAndTLS() { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', ))) { return false; } $this->checkHost(); $portSettings = $this->getPortSettingsToTry(); if(!is_array($portSettings)) { throw new \Exception(print_r($portSettings, true)); } //proceed from the best configuration and return on first success foreach($portSettings as $setting) { $p = $setting['port']; $t = $setting['tls']; \OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Wiz: trying port '. $p . ', TLS '. $t, \OCP\Util::DEBUG); //connectAndBind may throw Exception, it needs to be catched by the //callee of this method try { $settingsFound = $this->connectAndBind($p, $t); } catch (\Exception $e) { // any reply other than -1 (= cannot connect) is already okay, // because then we found the server // unavailable startTLS returns -11 if($e->getCode() > 0) { $settingsFound = true; } else { throw $e; } } if ($settingsFound === true) { $config = array( 'ldapPort' => $p, 'ldapTLS' => intval($t) ); $this->configuration->setConfiguration($config); \OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Wiz: detected Port ' . $p, \OCP\Util::DEBUG); $this->result->addChange('ldap_port', $p); return $this->result; } } //custom port, undetected (we do not brute force) return false; } /** * tries to determine a base dn from User DN or LDAP Host * @return WizardResult|false WizardResult on success, false otherwise */ public function guessBaseDN() { if(!$this->checkRequirements(array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', ))) { return false; } //check whether a DN is given in the agent name (99.9% of all cases) $base = null; $i = stripos($this->configuration->ldapAgentName, 'dc='); if($i !== false) { $base = substr($this->configuration->ldapAgentName, $i); if($this->testBaseDN($base)) { $this->applyFind('ldap_base', $base); return $this->result; } } //this did not help :( //Let's see whether we can parse the Host URL and convert the domain to //a base DN $helper = new Helper(); $domain = $helper->getDomainFromURL($this->configuration->ldapHost); if(!$domain) { return false; } $dparts = explode('.', $domain); while(count($dparts) > 0) { $base2 = 'dc=' . implode(',dc=', $dparts); if ($base !== $base2 && $this->testBaseDN($base2)) { $this->applyFind('ldap_base', $base2); return $this->result; } array_shift($dparts); } return false; } /** * sets the found value for the configuration key in the WizardResult * as well as in the Configuration instance * @param string $key the configuration key * @param string $value the (detected) value * */ private function applyFind($key, $value) { $this->result->addChange($key, $value); $this->configuration->setConfiguration(array($key => $value)); } /** * Checks, whether a port was entered in the Host configuration * field. In this case the port will be stripped off, but also stored as * setting. */ private function checkHost() { $host = $this->configuration->ldapHost; $hostInfo = parse_url($host); //removes Port from Host if(is_array($hostInfo) && isset($hostInfo['port'])) { $port = $hostInfo['port']; $host = str_replace(':'.$port, '', $host); $this->applyFind('ldap_host', $host); $this->applyFind('ldap_port', $port); } } /** * tries to detect the group member association attribute which is * one of 'uniqueMember', 'memberUid', 'member' * @return string|false, string with the attribute name, false on error * @throws \Exception */ private function detectGroupMemberAssoc() { $possibleAttrs = array('uniqueMember', 'memberUid', 'member'); $filter = $this->configuration->ldapGroupFilter; if(empty($filter)) { return false; } $cr = $this->getConnection(); if(!$cr) { throw new \Exception('Could not connect to LDAP'); } $base = $this->configuration->ldapBase[0]; $rr = $this->ldap->search($cr, $base, $filter, $possibleAttrs, 0, 1000); if(!$this->ldap->isResource($rr)) { return false; } $er = $this->ldap->firstEntry($cr, $rr); while(is_resource($er)) { $this->ldap->getDN($cr, $er); $attrs = $this->ldap->getAttributes($cr, $er); $result = array(); $possibleAttrsCount = count($possibleAttrs); for($i = 0; $i < $possibleAttrsCount; $i++) { if(isset($attrs[$possibleAttrs[$i]])) { $result[$possibleAttrs[$i]] = $attrs[$possibleAttrs[$i]]['count']; } } if(!empty($result)) { natsort($result); return key($result); } $er = $this->ldap->nextEntry($cr, $er); } return false; } /** * Checks whether for a given BaseDN results will be returned * @param string $base the BaseDN to test * @return bool true on success, false otherwise * @throws \Exception */ private function testBaseDN($base) { $cr = $this->getConnection(); if(!$cr) { throw new \Exception('Could not connect to LDAP'); } //base is there, let's validate it. If we search for anything, we should //get a result set > 0 on a proper base $rr = $this->ldap->search($cr, $base, 'objectClass=*', array('dn'), 0, 1); if(!$this->ldap->isResource($rr)) { $errorNo = $this->ldap->errno($cr); $errorMsg = $this->ldap->error($cr); \OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Wiz: Could not search base '.$base. ' Error '.$errorNo.': '.$errorMsg, \OCP\Util::INFO); return false; } $entries = $this->ldap->countEntries($cr, $rr); return ($entries !== false) && ($entries > 0); } /** * Checks whether the server supports memberOf in LDAP Filter. * Note: at least in OpenLDAP, availability of memberOf is dependent on * a configured objectClass. I.e. not necessarily for all available groups * memberOf does work. * * @return bool true if it does, false otherwise * @throws \Exception */ private function testMemberOf() { $cr = $this->getConnection(); if(!$cr) { throw new \Exception('Could not connect to LDAP'); } $result = $this->access->countUsers('memberOf=*', array('memberOf'), 1); if(is_int($result) && $result > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * creates an LDAP Filter from given configuration * @param integer $filterType int, for which use case the filter shall be created * can be any of self::LFILTER_USER_LIST, self::LFILTER_LOGIN or * self::LFILTER_GROUP_LIST * @return string|false string with the filter on success, false otherwise * @throws \Exception */ private function composeLdapFilter($filterType) { $filter = ''; $parts = 0; switch ($filterType) { case self::LFILTER_USER_LIST: $objcs = $this->configuration->ldapUserFilterObjectclass; //glue objectclasses if(is_array($objcs) && count($objcs) > 0) { $filter .= '(|'; foreach($objcs as $objc) { $filter .= '(objectclass=' . $objc . ')'; } $filter .= ')'; $parts++; } //glue group memberships if($this->configuration->hasMemberOfFilterSupport) { $cns = $this->configuration->ldapUserFilterGroups; if(is_array($cns) && count($cns) > 0) { $filter .= '(|'; $cr = $this->getConnection(); if(!$cr) { throw new \Exception('Could not connect to LDAP'); } $base = $this->configuration->ldapBase[0]; foreach($cns as $cn) { $rr = $this->ldap->search($cr, $base, 'cn=' . $cn, array('dn', 'primaryGroupToken')); if(!$this->ldap->isResource($rr)) { continue; } $er = $this->ldap->firstEntry($cr, $rr); $attrs = $this->ldap->getAttributes($cr, $er); $dn = $this->ldap->getDN($cr, $er); if(empty($dn)) { continue; } $filterPart = '(memberof=' . $dn . ')'; if(isset($attrs['primaryGroupToken'])) { $pgt = $attrs['primaryGroupToken'][0]; $primaryFilterPart = '(primaryGroupID=' . $pgt .')'; $filterPart = '(|' . $filterPart . $primaryFilterPart . ')'; } $filter .= $filterPart; } $filter .= ')'; } $parts++; } //wrap parts in AND condition if($parts > 1) { $filter = '(&' . $filter . ')'; } if(empty($filter)) { $filter = '(objectclass=*)'; } break; case self::LFILTER_GROUP_LIST: $objcs = $this->configuration->ldapGroupFilterObjectclass; //glue objectclasses if(is_array($objcs) && count($objcs) > 0) { $filter .= '(|'; foreach($objcs as $objc) { $filter .= '(objectclass=' . $objc . ')'; } $filter .= ')'; $parts++; } //glue group memberships $cns = $this->configuration->ldapGroupFilterGroups; if(is_array($cns) && count($cns) > 0) { $filter .= '(|'; $base = $this->configuration->ldapBase[0]; foreach($cns as $cn) { $filter .= '(cn=' . $cn . ')'; } $filter .= ')'; } $parts++; //wrap parts in AND condition if($parts > 1) { $filter = '(&' . $filter . ')'; } break; case self::LFILTER_LOGIN: $ulf = $this->configuration->ldapUserFilter; $loginpart = '=%uid'; $filterUsername = ''; $userAttributes = $this->getUserAttributes(); $userAttributes = array_change_key_case(array_flip($userAttributes)); $parts = 0; if($this->configuration->ldapLoginFilterUsername === '1') { $attr = ''; if(isset($userAttributes['uid'])) { $attr = 'uid'; } else if(isset($userAttributes['samaccountname'])) { $attr = 'samaccountname'; } else if(isset($userAttributes['cn'])) { //fallback $attr = 'cn'; } if(!empty($attr)) { $filterUsername = '(' . $attr . $loginpart . ')'; $parts++; } } $filterEmail = ''; if($this->configuration->ldapLoginFilterEmail === '1') { $filterEmail = '(|(mailPrimaryAddress=%uid)(mail=%uid))'; $parts++; } $filterAttributes = ''; $attrsToFilter = $this->configuration->ldapLoginFilterAttributes; if(is_array($attrsToFilter) && count($attrsToFilter) > 0) { $filterAttributes = '(|'; foreach($attrsToFilter as $attribute) { $filterAttributes .= '(' . $attribute . $loginpart . ')'; } $filterAttributes .= ')'; $parts++; } $filterLogin = ''; if($parts > 1) { $filterLogin = '(|'; } $filterLogin .= $filterUsername; $filterLogin .= $filterEmail; $filterLogin .= $filterAttributes; if($parts > 1) { $filterLogin .= ')'; } $filter = '(&'.$ulf.$filterLogin.')'; break; } \OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Wiz: Final filter '.$filter, \OCP\Util::DEBUG); return $filter; } /** * Connects and Binds to an LDAP Server * @param int $port the port to connect with * @param bool $tls whether startTLS is to be used * @param bool $ncc * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ private function connectAndBind($port = 389, $tls = false, $ncc = false) { if($ncc) { //No certificate check //FIXME: undo afterwards putenv('LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never'); } //connect, does not really trigger any server communication \OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Wiz: Checking Host Info ', \OCP\Util::DEBUG); $host = $this->configuration->ldapHost; $hostInfo = parse_url($host); if(!$hostInfo) { throw new \Exception($this->l->t('Invalid Host')); } \OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Wiz: Attempting to connect ', \OCP\Util::DEBUG); $cr = $this->ldap->connect($host, $port); if(!is_resource($cr)) { throw new \Exception($this->l->t('Invalid Host')); } \OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Wiz: Setting LDAP Options ', \OCP\Util::DEBUG); //set LDAP options $this->ldap->setOption($cr, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); $this->ldap->setOption($cr, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); $this->ldap->setOption($cr, LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, self::LDAP_NW_TIMEOUT); try { if($tls) { $isTlsWorking = @$this->ldap->startTls($cr); if(!$isTlsWorking) { return false; } } \OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Wiz: Attemping to Bind ', \OCP\Util::DEBUG); //interesting part: do the bind! $login = $this->ldap->bind($cr, $this->configuration->ldapAgentName, $this->configuration->ldapAgentPassword ); $errNo = $this->ldap->errno($cr); $error = ldap_error($cr); $this->ldap->unbind($cr); } catch(ServerNotAvailableException $e) { return false; } if($login === true) { $this->ldap->unbind($cr); if($ncc) { throw new \Exception('Certificate cannot be validated.'); } \OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Wiz: Bind successful to Port '. $port . ' TLS ' . intval($tls), \OCP\Util::DEBUG); return true; } if($errNo === -1 || ($errNo === 2 && $ncc)) { //host, port or TLS wrong return false; } else if ($errNo === 2) { return $this->connectAndBind($port, $tls, true); } throw new \Exception($error, $errNo); } /** * checks whether a valid combination of agent and password has been * provided (either two values or nothing for anonymous connect) * @return bool, true if everything is fine, false otherwise */ private function checkAgentRequirements() { $agent = $this->configuration->ldapAgentName; $pwd = $this->configuration->ldapAgentPassword; return ( (!empty($agent) && !empty($pwd)) || (empty($agent) && empty($pwd))); } /** * @param array $reqs * @return bool */ private function checkRequirements($reqs) { $this->checkAgentRequirements(); foreach($reqs as $option) { $value = $this->configuration->$option; if(empty($value)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * does a cumulativeSearch on LDAP to get different values of a * specified attribute * @param string[] $filters array, the filters that shall be used in the search * @param string $attr the attribute of which a list of values shall be returned * @param int $dnReadLimit the amount of how many DNs should be analyzed. * The lower, the faster * @param string $maxF string. if not null, this variable will have the filter that * yields most result entries * @return array|false an array with the values on success, false otherwise */ public function cumulativeSearchOnAttribute($filters, $attr, $dnReadLimit = 3, &$maxF = null) { $dnRead = array(); $foundItems = array(); $maxEntries = 0; if(!is_array($this->configuration->ldapBase) || !isset($this->configuration->ldapBase[0])) { return false; } $base = $this->configuration->ldapBase[0]; $cr = $this->getConnection(); if(!$this->ldap->isResource($cr)) { return false; } $lastFilter = null; if(isset($filters[count($filters)-1])) { $lastFilter = $filters[count($filters)-1]; } foreach($filters as $filter) { if($lastFilter === $filter && count($foundItems) > 0) { //skip when the filter is a wildcard and results were found continue; } // 20k limit for performance and reason $rr = $this->ldap->search($cr, $base, $filter, array($attr), 0, 20000); if(!$this->ldap->isResource($rr)) { continue; } $entries = $this->ldap->countEntries($cr, $rr); $getEntryFunc = 'firstEntry'; if(($entries !== false) && ($entries > 0)) { if(!is_null($maxF) && $entries > $maxEntries) { $maxEntries = $entries; $maxF = $filter; } $dnReadCount = 0; do { $entry = $this->ldap->$getEntryFunc($cr, $rr); $getEntryFunc = 'nextEntry'; if(!$this->ldap->isResource($entry)) { continue 2; } $rr = $entry; //will be expected by nextEntry next round $attributes = $this->ldap->getAttributes($cr, $entry); $dn = $this->ldap->getDN($cr, $entry); if($dn === false || in_array($dn, $dnRead)) { continue; } $newItems = array(); $state = $this->getAttributeValuesFromEntry($attributes, $attr, $newItems); $dnReadCount++; $foundItems = array_merge($foundItems, $newItems); $this->resultCache[$dn][$attr] = $newItems; $dnRead[] = $dn; } while(($state === self::LRESULT_PROCESSED_SKIP || $this->ldap->isResource($entry)) && ($dnReadLimit === 0 || $dnReadCount < $dnReadLimit)); } } return array_unique($foundItems); } /** * determines if and which $attr are available on the LDAP server * @param string[] $objectclasses the objectclasses to use as search filter * @param string $attr the attribute to look for * @param string $dbkey the dbkey of the setting the feature is connected to * @param string $confkey the confkey counterpart for the $dbkey as used in the * Configuration class * @param bool $po whether the objectClass with most result entries * shall be pre-selected via the result * @return array|false list of found items. * @throws \Exception */ private function determineFeature($objectclasses, $attr, $dbkey, $confkey, $po = false) { $cr = $this->getConnection(); if(!$cr) { throw new \Exception('Could not connect to LDAP'); } $p = 'objectclass='; foreach($objectclasses as $key => $value) { $objectclasses[$key] = $p.$value; } $maxEntryObjC = ''; //how deep to dig? //When looking for objectclasses, testing few entries is sufficient, $dig = 3; $availableFeatures = $this->cumulativeSearchOnAttribute($objectclasses, $attr, $dig, $maxEntryObjC); if(is_array($availableFeatures) && count($availableFeatures) > 0) { natcasesort($availableFeatures); //natcasesort keeps indices, but we must get rid of them for proper //sorting in the web UI. Therefore: array_values $this->result->addOptions($dbkey, array_values($availableFeatures)); } else { throw new \Exception(self::$l->t('Could not find the desired feature')); } $setFeatures = $this->configuration->$confkey; if(is_array($setFeatures) && !empty($setFeatures)) { //something is already configured? pre-select it. $this->result->addChange($dbkey, $setFeatures); } else if($po && !empty($maxEntryObjC)) { //pre-select objectclass with most result entries $maxEntryObjC = str_replace($p, '', $maxEntryObjC); $this->applyFind($dbkey, $maxEntryObjC); $this->result->addChange($dbkey, $maxEntryObjC); } return $availableFeatures; } /** * appends a list of values fr * @param resource $result the return value from ldap_get_attributes * @param string $attribute the attribute values to look for * @param array &$known new values will be appended here * @return int, state on of the class constants LRESULT_PROCESSED_OK, * LRESULT_PROCESSED_INVALID or LRESULT_PROCESSED_SKIP */ private function getAttributeValuesFromEntry($result, $attribute, &$known) { if(!is_array($result) || !isset($result['count']) || !$result['count'] > 0) { return self::LRESULT_PROCESSED_INVALID; } // strtolower on all keys for proper comparison $result = \OCP\Util::mb_array_change_key_case($result); $attribute = strtolower($attribute); if(isset($result[$attribute])) { foreach($result[$attribute] as $key => $val) { if($key === 'count') { continue; } if(!in_array($val, $known)) { $known[] = $val; } } return self::LRESULT_PROCESSED_OK; } else { return self::LRESULT_PROCESSED_SKIP; } } /** * @return bool|mixed */ private function getConnection() { if(!is_null($this->cr)) { return $this->cr; } $cr = $this->ldap->connect( $this->configuration->ldapHost, $this->configuration->ldapPort ); $this->ldap->setOption($cr, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); $this->ldap->setOption($cr, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); $this->ldap->setOption($cr, LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, self::LDAP_NW_TIMEOUT); if($this->configuration->ldapTLS === 1) { $this->ldap->startTls($cr); } $lo = @$this->ldap->bind($cr, $this->configuration->ldapAgentName, $this->configuration->ldapAgentPassword); if($lo === true) { $this->$cr = $cr; return $cr; } return false; } /** * @return array */ private function getDefaultLdapPortSettings() { static $settings = array( array('port' => 7636, 'tls' => false), array('port' => 636, 'tls' => false), array('port' => 7389, 'tls' => true), array('port' => 389, 'tls' => true), array('port' => 7389, 'tls' => false), array('port' => 389, 'tls' => false), ); return $settings; } /** * @return array */ private function getPortSettingsToTry() { //389 ← LDAP / Unencrypted or StartTLS //636 ← LDAPS / SSL //7xxx ← UCS. need to be checked first, because both ports may be open $host = $this->configuration->ldapHost; $port = intval($this->configuration->ldapPort); $portSettings = array(); //In case the port is already provided, we will check this first if($port > 0) { $hostInfo = parse_url($host); if(!(is_array($hostInfo) && isset($hostInfo['scheme']) && stripos($hostInfo['scheme'], 'ldaps') !== false)) { $portSettings[] = array('port' => $port, 'tls' => true); } $portSettings[] =array('port' => $port, 'tls' => false); } //default ports $portSettings = array_merge($portSettings, $this->getDefaultLdapPortSettings()); return $portSettings; } }